A much improved picture on the river again today with regards to flow and colour, so much so that parts of the bank which were dry during the long walk through the dark to my swim this morning were actually underwater for the walk back at dusk.
Nicely set up just before dawn and enjoying a cup of tea whilst staring into the bucket of mashed bread which I’d prepared yesterday, a couple of soggy handfuls went in to what was a classic flood swim with a distinct crease that held deep, slack water to the inside of a fast main flow and as soon as it was light enough to bait up I unwrapped the small farmhouse loaf which was going to provide the day’s bait.
As simple as it gets with the rig, the Ultralite bomb rod which was rigged to the upper limits of it’s rating with a 6+main line through to the ‘pin and a 5+ bottom, 3SSG link leger and a size 4 Drennan Super Specialist which held a large pinch of flake.
A very gentle underarm swing sent the whole lot into the swim with a plop and I followed it down to the deck with the rod tip and settled back to wait, occasionally topping up with more mashed bread.
It wasn’t long before the first plucks and trembles began and then the soft tip pulled round quite steadily as the strike was met with a small but lively chub…
That was pretty much the opening whistle for a steady stream of fish throughout the morning, noticeably smaller than the stamp which the afternoon eventually brought but all of a nice size and general condition…
Despite it being a nice day it was cold, a couple of rounds of creature comforts fended that off for the main part and provided a welcoming sight…
Towards the end of the afternoon I was starting to pick up a better stamp of fish along with two barbel to around 8lb but it didn’t all go my way…
Oh dear!

All in all a really good day and the one I’ve pretty much been waiting for once the river got on what I think will be an irreversible turn, for the next few months at least.
Plenty more pictures from the day but some were just a bit too dark as the light levels dropped during the afternoon, with freshly frozen bait from last week’s session and the river set to hold its colour I reckon it could be the first zander outing of the campaign next week.
I’m happy with that… :w