How did you get on?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Just got back from a really cold session on a local river where I had the place to myself well sort of!

Started in a spot which is usually good but failed to get a bite, which was the outcome in the next two swims although the robins were feeding well even if the fish weren't. Finally managed a nice roach and a chub in a nice glide under some trees so it was time for lunch knowing I was on to some fish at last. Trouble was after lunch I couldn't buy a bite as the flow increased and with it came some dirty looking water.

I then wandered downstream trying various spots with no joy before returning to the one spot on the whole stretch where I had the bites in the hope of winkling out a couple more.

This time though I was getting a fish a chuck with quality roach and half decent chub suddenly on the feed like a switch had been turned on. All the commotion bought a visitor on the far bank in the shape of a heron, and as the river is only a rod length wide I got a nice photo of it looking at me without needing any zoom. Trouble was It wasn't me he was interested in!

Carrying on with the fishing the next chub saw all mannner of commotion with the heron trying to take it off the surface as I played it, this happened the next three times and heaven knows how I kept getting bites with the heron flapping about. The crafty sod knew when a fish was on as soon as I struck and would run up the bank before taking off and this would have all been rather perturbing were it not so bizarre. Getting the camera out again I thought I'll get a good shot of it close up in the air right in front of me thinking it will back off when I stand up, boy was I wrong as the heron took my roach which you can just make out in the photo.

The worse thing was despite disappearing into the woods with a good fish, the heron was back within ten minutes and with him stalking the far bank again I decided to call it a day.


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Jul 12, 2009
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I've done a fair bit of falconry, but i've never had a trained Heron....I want one :).

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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That is quite Amazing Artist.

Wouldn't have believed it. Just wonder if its a habit of this particular bird. Usually a clap of the hands makes them fly off. Fantastic fascinating stuff.

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Just got back from a really cold session on a local river where I had the place to myself well sort of!

Started in a spot which is usually good but failed to get a bite, which was the outcome in the next two swims although the robins were feeding well even if the fish weren't. Finally managed a nice roach and a chub in a nice glide under some trees so it was time for lunch knowing I was on to some fish at last. Trouble was after lunch I couldn't buy a bite as the flow increased and with it came some dirty looking water.

I then wandered downstream trying various spots with no joy before returning to the one spot on the whole stretch where I had the bites in the hope of winkling out a couple more.

This time though I was getting a fish a chuck with quality roach and half decent chub suddenly on the feed like a switch had been turned on. All the commotion bought a visitor on the far bank in the shape of a heron, and as the river is only a rod length wide I got a nice photo of it looking at me without needing any zoom. Trouble was It wasn't me he was interested in!

Carrying on with the fishing the next chub saw all mannner of commotion with the heron trying to take it off the surface as I played it, this happened the next three times and heaven knows how I kept getting bites with the heron flapping about. The crafty sod knew when a fish was on as soon as I struck and would run up the bank before taking off and this would have all been rather perturbing were it not so bizarre. Getting the camera out again I thought I'll get a good shot of it close up in the air right in front of me thinking it will back off when I stand up, boy was I wrong as the heron took my roach which you can just make out in the photo.

The worse thing was despite disappearing into the woods with a good fish, the heron was back within ten minutes and with him stalking the far bank again I decided to call it a day.

Wowzers! I've seen plenty of herons over the years but they are invariably just standing motionless in shallow water. Never seen one 'dive bomb' before! Sounds like a worthwhile trip out, all things considered.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Strange afternoon on the river. In many repects, other than the temperature, it was like summer fishing. The river was stupidly low and clear with barely any flow. I gave up on the first spot I tried in fairly short order. It's an extra water swim that can produce a few when it's low. However, you usually know if there's anything about in fairly short order.

Moved upstream about half a mile to another fairly reliable swim. No sign of a bite for about an hour. The anticipated blank was eventually saved by a rather unseasonal minnow. From there on I had to wade through another seventeen of the blighters to nick two grayling. Far too much like hard work for my liking.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
On another planet
That is quite Amazing Artist.

Wouldn't have believed it. Just wonder if its a habit of this particular bird. Usually a clap of the hands makes them fly off. Fantastic fascinating stuff.

It seemed to know the difference between me bringing a fish up from downstream to just bringing the float back and despite me keeping the fish low the heron was unstoppable once it saw a flash of fish. The noise I was making wasn't putting it off only when I jumped up once all 'net in the air' etc making a din did it go but it was soon back. What surprised me most was it returning after taking a fish off me, that roach although not looking big in the photo was around 8-10oz and seeing it fly off into the woods is something i'll remember for a long time

One thing for sure is they are a bloody big bird close up when they are flapping about like that and also very oily each time leaving a slick on the surface.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
On another planet
Crossed my mind too Skip, very worrying if this is another species victim of the cormorant invasion?

I'm not to sure as I've seen scrawnier looking herons, no doubt it was hungry and times are hard with this endless frozen spell but this thing was huge, could be a case of the wildlife getting too used to man and adapting.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I'm not to sure as I've seen scrawnier looking herons, no doubt it was hungry and times are hard with this endless frozen spell but this thing was huge, could be a case of the wildlife getting too used to man and adapting.

All Herons are scrawny [ they are all feather & leg !] and winter is always a difficult time for them and other fish kingfishers. I'd be surprised if its behaviour wasn't just because it was hungry. I'm rarely without an attendant heron or two at Bury Hill when I'm zandering and they get all my deadbait scraps. You should see a heron trying to eat a frozen half mackerel :D

Not sure you could pin this on cormorants but what the hell...why not ?
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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..... winter is always a difficult time for them and other fish kingfishers....

Mentioning Kingfishers - how about this one! Looks like he didn't just eat all the pies .....! :D


I think that's a gudgeon he's started on there - what do you reckon?

[Thanks & Acknowledgement to Dave Croasdale - a regular photographer at Yarrow Valley CP]


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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Thanks lads!
Specsavers it is for me then! - if I can find my way there! :D