Finally managed to get a few hours on the bank yesterday in reasonable conditions......However, being on the bank is a whole lot of difference to actually fishing!
I arrived at 07.30 in heavy gloom, but at least it was mild and the still water didn't look too bad. I marched at pace along the bank (just about managing to stop myself falling flat on my face as I tripped over a tree root!) and it was then with gear dropped (and with the light a little better) that I noticed something was amiss with the water surface. A much closer look told me I was looking at subsurface frozen water, but it was well below the surface and only a poke with a bank stick confirmed my suspicions. Usually it is quite obvious but on this occasion I was totally fooled! Why 'frozen water' had failed to cross my mind as a possibility in the comfort of my home is another matter.................
Initially, a quick walk along the bank told me fishing would be impossible, but I hadn't driven 20 odd miles to turn and go home again so I weigh the options and decided to give ice breaking a go with a rake head from the car fixed to a longish ali landing net handle (that I keep in the bag for having my brollie up higher in the air!) and with gentle pressure the ice started to break up. Eventually, and with not a little disturbance I managed to clear an area big enough for a float to be dropped vertically into the water and then set up the gear but always with this nagging thought in my head that going back home straightaway.........
If for one minute you think this tale will turn into one of 'fortune favours the brave' you are sadly mistaken with the only action of the day (and one that bought a smile to my face) being the antics of ducks and moorhens trying to lift themselves onto the ice. Of course, I tried all I knew and I fished hard at all depths etc. etc. with nice fresh maggots aided by a very slow trickle of singles from time to time, but in the end I had to be content with sitting in the warmish sunshine and telling myself how good it was to be on the bank. Don't get me wrong, it was a lovely day and very good to be out!
So that's it I'm afraid. Like Binka, I've made every effort to make this report as interesting as possible, but at the end of the day it came down to another blank with no discernable movement of the float for close to 5 hours.......
Still, once home lunch was good and the afternoons rugby reasonable....
I shall try again on Monday (weather permitting) but I doubt the result will be much different, although a few worms might do the trick with a perch.
'If at first you don't succeed...etc etc will be the order of the day, I fear..