How did you get on?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
After some healthy rain last night I was expecting improved conditions on the Stour today. So it came as a bit of a disappointment to find a heavily coloured river racing through at a much higher level than anticipated. The graph tells the story, a nice little spike from the rain followed by.....the opening of sluice gates:eek:mg:.

Found a quiet bit of slack and had a couple of hefty tugs on the tip but no connection. Stopped at Tesco on the way home and picked up a nice wedge of Cheddar with chive and garlic reduced to 37p, will try again tomorrow.


Hi which Stour was that ..

was thinking of trying the Stour at Stourton on Wednesday if my favorite swim has not floated off that is ..

PG ...


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
With limited time, due to a new job, I had an hour to spare this weekend.
I planned to fish the local pit for pike and armed myself with five 6"+ lures and the heavy set up.

Arrived at the lake to find it still frozen, so decided to make my way to Simon's swim on the canal (feeling just a tad over gunned tackle wise) :p
I managed a jack on the way to the spot and searched the water as thoroughly as I could with a rubber shad with added stinger.

A forcefull bite close in and literally 20 seconds later saw a new modest pb in the net :w


Pete Shears

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Mar 5, 2004
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Having received a text message from my mate stating 'you won't catch monster pike sitting at home' I joined him at the reservoir - 4C - where's global warming when you want it ?
Light drizzle in the fresh southerly made putting up the brolly and nailing it down the first job.
Cast three deadbaits out and only had to wait forty minutes and one was taken - a fin perfect pike of 10lb 2oz then Clive had a slightly smaller one - then nothing and still more nothing until around 2pm when I packed up and headed home - getting pretty good at this waiting & doing nothing game.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I left the gear at home yesterday and walked along the river looking for likely chub haunts, found a couple of good anglers too who were only to happy to share some of their knowledge.

Found a swim that looked promising and tossed in a few handfuls of pellets and some cheese samples with the plan to return 24 hours later.

As a relative novice and I'm a bit shy about picking snaggy swims and tend to fish open water, which has produced some nice fish for me, however after a few dace only trips it was time to seek a chub out. Changed my 3lb line for 6lb and fished the tip instead of the float which I've enjoyed so much recently.

Horrible gloomy weather today, damp but temperature well up on yesterday and I was pleased to find I was the only one fishing along the Canterbury stretch and headed straight for the pre baited swim.


A careful underarm cast and my lump of cheese landed nicely below the branches that still remind you of their peril with line hanging from them. Within minutes the tip wrapped round, but nothing, same thing twice again within the next ten minutes, no resistance on the strike at all. Decided to remove the hair rig and fished cheese directly on the hook. Five minutes later another good bite but this time that satisfying bend in the rod. A few moments of bullying away from the tree roots and netted a nice 3lb 8oz chub.

Moved to another swim about a quarter of a mile away and had a momentous tug on the tip immediately, thought I was into a pb fish such was the fight, a few seconds later my heart sank as an eel came to the surface, foul hooked too which fell out in the net fortunately. Two hectic hours and didn't for one minute realise I'd been standing in the rain which I don't normally do, I'm gettin

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2015
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Decided to venture out this afternoon, the rain had stopped so I grabbed my lure kit and drove down to my local club.
I've had a few straight blanks these last few weeks trying to teach myself jigging.
Anyhow when I arrived I was as usual the only person down there. Here's a couple of views from the same swim

Spent a happy hour moving from swim to swim trying different lures and retrieval rates.
Finally I hooked up with a nice Perch nothing on the massive side but made all the fruitless hours worth it. Went on to catch again a few minutes later, spent the last 1/2 hour stalking the bigger Perch I could see hitting into a shoal under the trees.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I cancelled a day bankside last week in order to walk a small notts stream in order to check out a few areas worth fishing towards the seasons end if and when conditions and circumstances called for it.
It was a good job I did as last week it was low and clear which was good for looking, not so for catching but how its changed since the rain and rising temperatures.
I still wasnt going to fish it today as I was all tooled up with steak n mince for a chub or two on the trents middle reaches but an unforseen delay made it hard to justify the travel at so late a time so a quick strip down of the less needed items to a more minimal kit and I was making my way to a couple of swims I,d taken a fancy to last week.
The steak n mince was left at home in favour of a few lobs and a few slices of bread for flake and some that I had hastily liquidised for using with a small cage feeder.
The stream was spot on with colour, extra pace and a little deeper by some three or four inches , good signs for chub this time of year which always gives me hope. The swim was a narrow one lined with rushes where it widened out considerably just past the vegetation that usually indicates a small rise on the riverbed just upstream of the widening.
All set up with two tiny balls of liquidised bread just over the rushes and feeder filled, flake on hook and cast downstream along the vegetation ready for a bite.
It came , a small twitch followed some one minute later by a very positive wrapround---- a lovely winter chub in the pink of winter best came to my net--- a good start--- a recast and another twitch had my hand hovering over the rod but nothing developed--- well, it did actually-- in the shape of two wappy black labs that appeared out of nowhere , in my bait, in my rucky, under my rod knocking it over, bluuuuuuuuuuudy hell!!!
The owner never even said sorry and then came down the steep bank and walked after one of the dogs inches from the rushes , what a prawn, I told him he had all but ruined my chances by spooking the fish but I reckon a brick wall would have taken more notice. I like dogs by the way but not idiots !!!
That was it, I went further along the bank to another swim I had seen the week previously but it was a fruitless wait.
I was pleased with the fish , a nice reward but another would have made a good winter brace-- pity!.


All set up with two tiny balls of liquidised bread just over the rushes and feeder filled, flake on hook and cast downstream along the vegetation ready for a bite.
It came , a small twitch followed some one minute later by a very positive wrapround---- a lovely winter chub in the pink of winter best came to my net

Well done Mick :)

Here are a couple of pics from Flight's day including his chub...

It certainly looks nice from the picture, wish I could get out meself!


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I've read much of steak and mince being used for chub, I can understand a piece of steak on the hook (or do you hair rig), why the mince as well?

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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I've read much of steak and mince being used for chub, I can understand a piece of steak on the hook (or do you hair rig), why the mince as well?

Its mixed with crumb or groundbait to a consistency that holds together in an open end feeder to attract the chub(and often barbel) to the hookbait.
Very effective.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Its mixed with crumb or groundbait to a consistency that holds together in an open end feeder to attract the chub(and often barbel) to the hookbait.
Very effective.

Cheers John, so steak is the hook bait?

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Cheers John, so steak is the hook bait?

Yes I dont know what others use but I buy the cheapest stewing steak and mince I can find in Tesco.
When I said holding together in a feeder I obviously meant until it filters out and drifts downstream:eek:mg:


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I've read much of steak and mince being used for chub, I can understand a piece of steak on the hook (or do you hair rig), why the mince as well?[/QUOTE
S63 , I tend not to bother hair rigging steak , the hooks well exposed enough to make contact when I get a bite.
The mince is pretty much the same as say maggots or pellets inserted into the feeder to induce a more positive feeding response from the fish.:)]


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
My shockingly poor season continues !

Day off yesterday and with the conditions looking cock on for a zander off to Bury Hill round a worryingly benign M25. This after spending most of the morning getting my gear ready and retrieving it from sheds etc. I would have been ready sooner had I not had a call from that internationally renowned Hertfordshire Eel Trainer but by the time me and Ray had finished putting the tackle trade to rights it had stopped raining. I was very confident of a fish or two.

I arrived to find a car park rammed full of cars..... whats going on ffs ? A 40 peg match is going on that's what so I was faced with a forest of poles and brim angling gnomes taking up all the best areas. This time of year, in these conditions I know where the zander will be and it wasnt within half a mile of where I was forced to fish..... an area I've never done any good from before and still haven't.

Between half 4 and about 6 I had 4-5 of those frustrating little 2 inch beep beep beeps that never develop culminating finally in a proper run which I duly converted into an airshot. And that was it. Not another touch.... not even from the mugfish. And it rained and it was bloody cold because I took neither umbrella nor coat foolishly believing the Met Office forecast that it would stay dry. As a consequence tonight I have a bootload of wet gear to dry off cos I couldn't face it last night. I could have moved but by the time the gnomes had packed the light was going so I could have easily missed what should have been the main feeding spell. I decided to stay put and who's to know if it would have been any better if I had shifted camp ? Frankly...I didn't fancy another Himalayan trek in the rain trusting that it would eventually happen where I was. It didn't.

So that's 3 trips for one scraggy little zander. My luck has to turn eventually doesn't it ?
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john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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I have suggested this before.MOVE:D.Everytime I go down south and contemplate your favourite car park the M25 I thank God I moved away to a less congested place with good fishing. :wh


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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.... Two hectic hours and didn't for one minute realise I'd been standing in the rain which I don't normally do, I'm gettin ard!

... Either that - or you've got some Northern blood! :eek:

Reconnaisance, preparation, execution, tactical manouevering - success!:thumbs: Don't ya just love it - when a plan comes together! :D


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Couldn't go fishing today for a variety of boring and frustrating reasons but judging by the wind intensity outside, I am not likely to be missing much. I reckon, wind assisted I could hurl a heavy feeder almost to the M25:rolleyes:

I have a cheap Anemometer which is showing wind speeds of 52mph. It's accuracy however is probably as dodgy as my ability to estimate the weight of 1lb ish roach!!!!!
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