How did you get on?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well i ventured out again to day same spot on the cut as yesterday hummm .

one bite a perch all of 4 inches that was that nothing nada nowt zilch plus i almost froze me bits off so back home by 13:00 .

PG ...


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I have had to give fishing a miss this week but suspect I haven't missed much except , maybe a blank!;)

Hope to do better next week!

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Club match on the GUC Aylesbury arm today, our scheduled venue was gin clear so we went into Aylesbury to the town stretch.

A bit more coloured here and very muddy on the towpath...
To cut a long story short it was dire, 5 hours 15 minutes without a bite before this little perch saved my blank. Very few fish caught and a couple of blanks, top weight was 2:10 .....
8 fished...


Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Well you never stop learning.

I went today to try a find a couple of winter swims on a new stretch of the Wye.

I learnt not to bother trying a new bit when the river is up 5 feet and the water is coloured and freezing.:(


For my two penneth worth I had a session yesterday which resulted in a solitary small perch around the size that saved Simon from a blank too.

I had no plan and it was only when I got in the car early yesterday morning that I finally pointed it in the direction of a local country park lake, the river would have been cock on but I just wasn’t up for the round trip.

Fished maggot under a light waggler to a size 22, fed lightly and regularly with three maggots at a time and some fine Sensas Roach on two different lines but they really weren’t having it at all, other than the small perch I only had two other ‘flicker’ type bites which I couldn’t connect with.

It was a lovely day to be out though, that knocked on to this morning where I was very close to going out again but instead had a much needed day in the front garden which is looking all the better for it, especially in the daylight which was still evident well after five o’clock.

Clocks forward next month, bring it on… :w


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
It was good to see daylight until 5.00 pm today ; spring is in the air and hopefully the fishing will improve like me!:rolleyes:

When do you open your garden to visitors Steve???


When do you open your garden to visitors Steve???

Whenever one turns up with a spade Mike ;) :)

I've found the prefect spot for composting and I'm going to build a low retainer with a view to an easy supply of worms, can't believe I didn't think of it before really :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
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Fished the river Tees today for Grayling started at 1pm and set off home at 4 pm
22 grayling and one out of season brown trout all taken on maggot and caster. Most fish caught on the stick with 3 caught on the link.
Best one would have been about 3/4 of a pound. Water was up about a foot, warm day little wind. Few random Pics.



Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Back on the reservoir pike bothering again on Saturday morning with a ground frost greeting me but high cloud and the promise of sunshine.
Yomped along the grass track on the western bank and found a swim where I could sit lower down and get out of the cold breeze.Sorted out three deadbait rods and sat back with a coffee to greet two mates who sat further along and in horror saw a group of eight cormorants flying in from over the dam to join up with the three which were already there.
Luckily other members turning up to brush up on their own waiting skills proved too much for most of them and just four were left.
Around 10.30 whilst checking the eyelids in the sunshine the middle rod alarm burst into life and a quick strike saw me playing a pike.Eventually netted by Ady, it weighed 10lb exactly and was in good condition.
That was it though no more bleeps,liners . . nothing but a beautiful day to be out and about.

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Into uncharted waters today - a third river outing on the trot [see what I did there?], however today I was on the feeder(s) on the Ribble at Elston - a new stretch to me, but it looked spot on. The sun was shining brightly as I arrived but disappeared behind the clouds before too long. I fished double red about 1/4 across & 40 yards downstream and 14mm pellet wrapped in garlic paste about 2/3 straight across. My two previous outings both yielded diddly squat, surely today would be 3rd time lucky?? 4 hours later & it wasn't looking good :( but I had enjoyed the company of a vociferous little wren to my right & watching 3 magnificent buzzards circling on thermals above Red Scar woods. Then just as I was contemplating another blank was that a wobble on the tip of the maggot rod? Just a flicker but worth a look; there was a slight resistance reeling in but I thought I'd missed it but as the feeder broke the surface it was clear that it wasn't alone :). A dace around 7'' had saved me from 3 on the bounce!! I think that next week I'll be heading back to my still water comfort zone - onwards & upwards...


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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Had a couple of hours on the river this evening with a handful of dead maggots, a match rod, and a starlight attached to a waggler.
Wasn't expecting much, but got a fish a chuck.
Mostly tiny dace, interspersed with the odd roach and a couple of skimmers.
Great fun!


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
I doubt you passed many other anglers on your river last evening, skov!! Temps very low in my neck of the woods so yours not much higher I imagine - takes a brave man to venture out........

Good stuff!


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
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It was a balmy 4 degrees, so not too bad at all! (Last time I night fished there it was -2, that was a bit uncomfortable...)
Funnily enough I didn't see another angler :) though to be honest I rarely do on the river!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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.... Then just as I was contemplating another blank was that a wobble on the tip of the maggot rod? Just a flicker but worth a look; there was a slight resistance reeling in but I thought I'd missed it but as the feeder broke the surface it was clear that it wasn't alone :)......

Ay la', you been fishin' our woolyback waters?
One of the snags that I found last year at Elston was with fiddly little bites - which when allowed to develop into something worth striking at - turned out to be eels! :eek:
I think Clarky has been around leaving them there just in case Skippy tries to escape them down south!
Tight Lines!


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I think Clarky has been around leaving them there just in case Skippy tries to escape them down south!
Tight Lines!

Very likely. He is the Capo Di Tutti Capi of an illicit Eel smuggling cartel. The reason the species is in decline is that they are all in his secret holding tanks being trained to home in on my bait !

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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The car dashboard informed me that it was -1.5C when I parked to go a-wandering on the Wreake this morning and that was at 10.30 with freezing fog billowing down the valley from Melton.
Greeted by a kingfisher streaking past downstream,the river up a little and a lovely green/grey colour ;set up a quivertip rod,cage feeder and bread flake,then crust ,then worm,sweetcorn and luncheon meat - not the slightest hint of a bite,even from a signal crayfish.
Sun broke through revealing some strange rainbow coloured crescent shapes in the very high wispy clouds - ice crystals ?
Moved downstream and on the third move something pinched half a worm whilst I was watching two robins go head to head on the far bank.Switched to bread and eventually had a bite - a chub of around 1lb.Good - no dry net this time.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Had a few hours on the river deadbaiting. Nothing large, just 3 mid single pike.
Any fish is welcome. Not one to sneer at sub doubles!

Point of this post is to report on the Canelle Tress trace material I have just received on line. Certainly different. It looks and feels like sinking braid.
It is flexible and less wiry than conventional wire.
I tied it by hand-no crimps or twisting needed.
No misgivings about it being teeth proof. It looks better than wire trace after 3 pike.
I am hoping it will be better for those wary fish being less detectable- hopefully.

The only drawback is price but if a trace lasts longer then that may be mitigated.
I paid £10 inc. postage from France( It was in a half price sale).
It comes in two and a half meters spools which makes it £4 a meter at that rate and after allowing for knotted loops I got 4 from a spool. Thats £4 a trace but if it lasts longer and catches more it will be worth it.
I have seen it on fleebay from the UK at £20 ish.

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Ay la', you been fishin' our woolyback waters?
One of the snags that I found last year at Elston was with fiddly little bites - which when allowed to develop into something worth striking at - turned out to be eels! :eek:
I think Clarky has been around leaving them there just in case Skippy tries to escape them down south!
Tight Lines!

I am now a fully paid up 'wool' - the St Helens card seems pretty good VFM. I did wonder about eels as I've seen a few come out a little higher up towards Ribchester, in truth I'd probably have been grateful for the 'action' :wh


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Yesterday I felt the need for a Grayling trip and knowing how quickly the last weeks of the season can pass I was soon heading up the motorway to a little urban river I found a few seasons back, after scraping the ice off the car of course, no Grayling trip would be complete without that.

The river greeted me much lower than last time and whilst the water was gin clear and looked drinkable the obvious signs of the urban environment suggested this wouldn't be a good idea. It seemed dirtier than two seasons ago and with a certain brand of beer can left on the bank I feared the fishing was going to be hard, thankfully however I was soon into the fish and the first 'lady' was in the net.

Although every bit the lady in appearance the Grayling were more like Whirling Dervishes as they boiled on the surface hitting my feed, so much so that nothing much was caught when running through full depth. Fishing dead shallow was hard due to the speed of the bites so the best compromise was trotting three quarter depth holding back hard, this coupled with a really light float 'wafted' the bait and the tight line resulted in many a fish, with not many lost too which is always good.

Working my way downstream catching fish in every spot I needed a sit down so just plopped down in swim that was comfortable but dead shallow, I would have walked past it were it not for my aching knee but I figured I'd whittle out a few more here in comfort then have lunch. First handful of maggots were smashed by a shoal of Grayling that seemingly came out of nowhere, they were all around a pound and a half so all thoughts of lunch were put on hold - just a couple more casts!

These fish were joined by a good sized Trout and were feeding with reckless abandon given that I was right on top of them and in full view, I couldn't imagine a shoal of chub or dace being this carefree and so it was that one after the other found it's way to the net. Soon Mr Trout was on which was inevitable but what wasn't was it wrapping me around a tree on the opposite bank after I almost had it beat, a dead weight drifting across the fast water with ease. Whilst trout wasn't the quarry no one likes loosing a good fish so I did think how jammy I am at times when it came free and graced the net. I don't mind catching good Trout now and then, (ssshhh don't tell anyone) especially urban survivors over 5lb, a stunning long brown fish that was returned to fight again.

I wanted to get a few more Grayling before stumps but had a nasty kink by the reel so it was now time for a bit of Tenkara style fishing with the line tied to the bottom ring and the reel packed away. I used to do this as a kid when I knew there was no big fish about and is great fun. The Grayling in the fast water were something else however, hitting my freelined maggot almost on the surface, especially when I managed to time the bait hitting the water at the same time as the feed. With no reel the fight each time was awesome and direct, the rod was like a wand and the fishing - well it was just magic!