thames mudlarker
Well-known member
I wasn't sure that I was going to get out this week end as I had been allowed a lads day out yesterday; our HQ is in Carnforth & a few of my colleagues are based in the lakes & support Barrow AFC so their drawing the 'mighty' Tranmere Rovers in the FA trophy seemed a pretty decent excuse for a few pints, a spot of lunch, footy followed by a few more pints :w. Ordinarily I wouldn't dare suggest that I follow such a day of decadence with a fishing excursion, but when my beloved suggested that a trip out was OK as long as I was back by 17:00 to give her a chance to get her bouldering 'fix' who was I to argue?? The only snag was not having had a chance to sort bait; last weeks maggots were now casters, but rather too far along given the milder weather over the last week. On the plus side, perhaps this would be the kick up the a**e required to get me to give worm / bread a proper go.
I opted for Blackbrook Basin optimistically hoping for tench & crucian but realistically thinking I'd be happy with a few nice roach. The great thing about this venue is that despite its suburban locale, it is completely surrounded by woodland & is a total haven for all manner of birds, so even if they aren't biting...
I set up at the far (shallow) end with double caster on the feeder (sleeper) rod in a small bay surrounded by reeds. A wobble on the tip whilst I was still setting up my waggler rod resulted in a roach of around 6'' - this seemed promising, but just like Barrow AFC drawing first blood yesterday (FT TRFC 5 - 1 Barrow AFC) this proved to be a false dawn... that was it on the feeder - not a further sniff on caster, worm or bread
The waggler fared little better; nothing on worm, nothing on bread. In 'desperation' I scaled back using a few straggler maggots from amongst the casters & eventually managed a few small roach but on balance it was not my finest 5 hours
The birdlife however was excellent; all manner of tits, chaffinch, bullfinch a nuthatch plus what a thought was a waxwing but it flew off before I could get a positive ID plus a majestic Buzzard doing that lazy, circling gliding that just looks so effortless...
I really feel that I should try to get another river session in before it's too late but the next couple of week ends are looking pretty crazy
Tight lines y'all...
Well done for getting out and giving it a go, at least you had a few roach :thumbs:
I'm now eager to get out and fish meself but am hoping to go next week sometime if all goes to plan
I did notice that you stated that you set up at the shallow end of the lake,
Me personally at this time of year I'd look for some deeper swims, if you can find water in the region around 7ft or so this the ideal depth for wintering lake roach.
Be lucky