Spent the afternoon on the River Glane. Well, to be fair I spent the first hour driving round looking for new places to fish on that river. I followed it up the valley trying to find tracks and lanes leading to new areas. Any signpost that indicated Moulin (mill), Pont (bridge) or Lavaud (washing place) was explored. I found a cracking swim adjacent to a meadow that needed a good going over, but not today. Less sunshine and more water would make it better.
Ended up parking at the Site de Corot and walking further upstream than I've previously fished, well into virgin territory and I picked a swim upstream of a fallen tree in a shady spot.
Using the little River Don Special 5' 6" quiver rod, Daiwa 1500 reel, 4lb line to a 1:14 hook length and a red worm on a 16 I cast the 1/4 oz sliding link ledger across and downstream to the tree near to the far bank. Barely had time to settle the rod and the tip whipped round...........
Four fish in the first four casts, two roach, a perch and a ruffe. All on the same worm
Had virtually a fish a chuck for two hours. Even the littlest roach were giving a 12" twitch and I barely had to wait 10 seconds for a bite. At one point after catching a few roach of this size....
...... I catapulted a teaspoon worth of hemp seeds in along with a few micro pellets and fished hemp on the hook. Not a bite. Same with banded pellets so it was back to worm and a bite a chuck - almost.
Had about 20 - 25 roach, a couple of ruffe and about 7 perch. Bites tailed off around 5pm which is a feature of this river. It seems to fish better in daylight rather than dusk and 4pm - 5pm seems to be the time they go to bed.
Apologies for the quality of the photos. I bought a cheapo camera especially to leave in my fishing bag and it isn't as good as I'd hoped for.