How did you get on?

Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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I’ve been trying same method as you have, only difference being, I’m not getting the takes, so at least you’ve located fish!
I’ve read you should pause for a second or two before striking when fishing weedless, failing that, go to a bigger 4/0?

I'd like to discuss this with you in a bit more detail so i reckon i'll start a new thread later today, rather than derail this one.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Well, my intended river trip faded into a quick change of mind and it ended with me going for the afternoon with my lure gear.
I was out of the car at one pm just as it started to rain so it was on with my old army goretex topcoat before waltzing off to find a pike or two.
Three hours later without a minutes break my back feels like it's been in a road accident, my trouser legs have caught the water dripppng off my coat tails and but for some joggy bottoms beneath I would be suffering from the cold but other than that I was ok, better even if the fish would play ball.
A little later I headed back to fish near the car as the light levels faded into dark hoping that things would get better.
Sadly om this occasion it didnt, nothing except a lone carp angler out looking for some sign of
We chatted for ten minutes or so before we parted agreeing that we were either barmy or the other regulars were lightweights ------ you decide ???:stupid:

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Flight....Barmy I am afraid. Just as I am. Like you I spent a day yesterday chasing the pike. I did marginally better with one jack about 4lb. It was freezing and rained most of the day. The wind was strong. Yes I think I would go for Barmy.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
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I managed to get out of work early yesterday so I dropped in at medley on the Thames, the river is till up a bit and pushing but it had a surprising nice colour to it so it gave me hope. I only had bread so a size 8 and a crumble feeder was the attack more in hope of a chub or decent bream. I chose a swim at the bottom end just before it splits for the channel where there are a few trees and boats. straight away I got indications from roach but unfortunately nothing materialised. after a while I started missing decent bites and as the light faded some very big roach started rolling, I took the water temp and it was a barmy 6 degree! I called it a night but I will be back there this evening armed with some maggots....hopefully a big roach or two tonight:eek:


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Good news and bad news! The good news was I managed to get out for the first time in weeks! The second dose of antibiotics appear to be working and I am less chesty! The sun shone most of the time but there was a cold wind. I picked up a large stone chip on my windscreen yesterday on the M55 but à tried and trusted independent repairer said he could do it this morning and at the fishing venue! Whilst I fished( I use the term loosely ) he made a great job of the repair which is now barely visible!

The bad news was I only managed 3 roach all around 8 oz on the maggot feeder! I enjoyed being out though and few caught so I do not feel too desperate! I plan to go to a deep Mere tomorrow (weather permitting) for a spot of slider float fishing! One never knows!!!:humble::yo:


Good news and bad news! The good news was I managed to get out for the first time in weeks! The second dose of antibiotics appear to be working and I am less chesty! The sun shone most of the time but there was a cold wind. I picked up a large stone chip on my windscreen yesterday on the M55 but à tried and trusted independent repairer said he could do it this morning and at the fishing venue! Whilst I fished( I use the term loosely ) he made a great job of the repair which is now barely visible!

The bad news was I only managed 3 roach all around 8 oz on the maggot feeder! I enjoyed being out though and few caught so I do not feel too desperate! I plan to go to a deep Mere tomorrow (weather permitting) for a spot of slider float fishing! One never knows!!!:humble::yo:

A stroke of genius none the less Mike, getting your repair done whilst you're fishing.

I'm pleased you used your 'window' of opportunity to full effect...

I'll get me coat :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
It worked out well Steve and he had all day to come and fix it and I was free to go fishing! Perfick!!:)


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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After a month off the bank, while a) I wondered why I seemed to have acquired a permanent stomach ache and b) I digested, ho ho, after a bit of experimenting with food groups, the implications of excluding gluten from my diet (who'd have guessed you have to forego beer as well as bread) I dusted the kit off today and had a couple of hours on the Old Lake. The promised 9c felt more like 5, and the wind was thin. With just the bailiff on the lake, I chose a peg with my back to it.


Neither of us - that's me and the lake - was fishing very well, and nothing showed an interest in the various amounts of hemp, caster and corn fed into my two lines. After an hour of making small and mostly ineffective adjustments, a few roach turned up


And at 3pm, two hours in, this little tench was welcome. Just after, there was a near miss with a bigger tench; not many come off the hook, so that felt a bit unlucky.


I was expecting a run of fish for the last hour, but the bites faded away and the fish drifted off. Still. it certainly beats sitting inside reading food labels, and I was happy to catch a few, rusty as I was.


I was just packing up when the bailiff walked round and suggested I might catch better roach on wheat. He's witty like that.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
After a month off the bank, while a) I wondered why I seemed to have acquired a permanent stomach ache and b) I digested, ho ho, after a bit of experimenting with food groups, the implications of excluding gluten from my diet (who'd have guessed you have to forego beer as well as bread) I dusted the kit off today and had a couple of hours on the Old Lake. The promised 9c felt more like 5, and the wind was thin. With just the bailiff on the lake, I chose a peg with my back to it.

View attachment 3807

Neither of us - that's me and the lake - was fishing very well, and nothing showed an interest in the various amounts of hemp, caster and corn fed into my two lines. After an hour of making small and mostly ineffective adjustments, a few roach turned up

View attachment 3808

And at 3pm, two hours in, this little tench was welcome. Just after, there was a near miss with a bigger tench; not many come off the hook, so that felt a bit unlucky.

View attachment 3809

I was expecting a run of fish for the last hour, but the bites faded away and the fish drifted off. Still. it certainly beats sitting inside reading food labels, and I was happy to catch a few, rusty as I was.

View attachment 3810

I was just packing up when the bailiff walked round and suggested I might catch better roach on wheat. He's witty like that.

I trust that you paid your dues for previous visits when the very helpful bailiff came round :biggrin-new:

Hugh Bailey

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2005
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Good news and bad news! The good news was I managed to get out for the first time in weeks! The second dose of antibiotics appear to be working and I am less chesty!

Be careful Mike - had the same earlier this year and it really did me in - wrote
off the whole of January and a bit of Feb.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Be careful Mike - had the same earlier this year and it really did me in - wrote
off the whole of January and a bit of Feb.

I have mild pneumonia as it is!!! I have had more relapses since the 5th Jan than I care to remember!! I just had to get out though today whether I caught or not!

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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River fishing today on the upper Soar,level up a little but a nice colour and pace.First cast with legered crust was a 2lb 12oz chub,another half an hour or so passed with the only action being a robin eating the liquidised crumb I had scattered nearby so on to the float with no result at all.Back to the leger with worm,prawns,flake,crust and cheese paste - not a I moved upstream and had three more chub, 2lb 10oz,3lb and another at 2lb 10z then that swim went dead so another move.
Settling on a wide bend which is usually packed with brown trout but not a glimmer of a bite - time to go home.
Plenty of birds to watch,buzzards,kestrel,kingfisher,long tailed tits,great tits and numerous birds singing in the wooded area on the old railway embankment which I could not identify.

Alan Tyler

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May 2, 2003
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Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
Finally (I hope) shook off (some of ) the gloom and lethargy of deep winter and dragged myself out for a morning's piking. Half a morning; the car's battery was feeling much the same as I was and needed a couple of hours on charge.
This turned out to be a good thing; it saved me freezing my bits off fruitlessly for two hours, and I was able to find a bit of the lake that both looked pikey and didn't have a solid top. Main excitement of the first hour-and-a-half was when a long, pike-like shape surfaced and rolled a yard from my float, spotted me (any closer and it could have bumped into the rod top) and turned into a cormorant, dropping its sleek aquatic appearance for that of a bumbling scarecrow trying to invade the wrong element.
Putting the Auk in awkward.
Still, I was mighty glad it hadn't gone after my smelt!

I moved to the scene of previous triumphs, casting one float to the ice margin and another to the near-side tree-line, which were about eight feet apart, so no great challenge.

Tried the next-door pitch, a shallow bay in full sunlight, thinking if anywhere was going to warm up , it was here, but no joy.

A red kite provided a nicer bit of avian interest; too cold to waste any energy flapping, it must have found a thermal over the lakes and was circling upwards like a buzzard, but one with long, thin wings and a notched tail, looking like something the Red Baron might have flown before the Kaiser saved up and got him a proper plane.
A completely enjoyable blank; there's something therapeutic about concentrating on a float (or two, if nothing's likely to happen) and fartling about, twitching the baits back, changing the depth, unpicking Wallis tangles...

QUESTION: is a blazing bright morning after a hard frost always a poor prospect? All thoughts much appreciated!


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
QUESTION: is a blazing bright morning after a hard frost always a poor prospect? All thoughts much appreciated!

In my experience almost certainly. This time of year it means high pressure and that combined with freezin temps and bright sun means a blank is almost nailed on. You might get the odd mugfish but it will be rock hard.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
there's something therapeutic about concentrating on a float (or two, if nothing's likely to happen) and fartling about, twitching the baits back, changing the depth, unpicking Wallis tangles...

It's called mindfulness in the jargon and it is good for you! I know exactly what you mean! Yesterday I used a quick Drennan change bead with the maggot feeder trying to keep it simple! I did, I forgot to thread the bulbous bit on the line after the feeder but before tying the internal bit to the line; doh!
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