How did you get on?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
A change to my Trent trib yesterday pm. I settled into a nice swim below a tight bend and fed a couple of small balls of liquidised bread then followed thro with flake on a ten hook with more likky in a small feeder.
An hour later I had what appeared to be a tiny tap on the quiver that wasnt the same as a few others that I put down to weed, but with no further response I rebaited and settled down to wait once more.
Maybe ten minutes later another small tap followed by a definate pull round saw me connecting to what felt like a nice chub but , as chub do it was into the marginal died back rushes in a flash and seconds later the rig came back all in one piece but no fish .
Honest, I swear the buggers clamp their lips tight to anything in the margins and sit tight!.
Back in it was quite, then maybe an hour later I had three casts that all produced another short sharp tap that didnt develop further .Thinking it was maybe a single fish that was moving onto the likky cloud as it left the feeder by swimming into it but ignoring my hookbait I left it out on the next cast and only had flake on the hook with an empty feeder.
Casting in the tip flew round within seconds--- success! They may be wily old fish but they can still trip up with a sucker punch. I had another chub that tho it headed for the rushes didnt have
the success its mate did.
It was maybe a mid three lbs in weight but what looked like a slash on its side from a
comorant I just slipped it back.
I fished into dark but nothing else traspired so left satisfied with my efforts.
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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It's called mindfulness in the jargon and it is good for you!.......

Bob on Mike!... BUT this is Mr Tyler we are talking about and his Mind will be full of bits of Cane sticks and their unlikely strength/flex characteristics - in his dreams! :) His mind will be on finding a Wallis Wizard for 5 Bob in his local Oxfam shop in the closing down sale (There's a prediction for you!) - so he misses the only bite of the session! :eek:mg:

As for fishing in the conditions described - one things for certain - you are more likely to catch a PB than if you sit at home bemoaning that there's no point in going 'cos the conditions aren't ideal! :confused::confused::eek:mg:


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
No slider fishing today; er indoors has other ideas! Make the most of your home alone time Mick (Flight) :wh


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
No slider fishing today; er indoors has other ideas! Make the most of your home alone time Mick (Flight) :wh
Ha ha ha, I've just done the weekend shop. It reminds me of the Fosters lager ad where the two Aussie guys put "one for the Sheila's " on the back of the truck !!!


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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Tried a new stretch of river today, I've recently got permission to fish it and been dying to give it a go, but it's been too high for a while.
Still a bit high today but starting to clear....

Anyhow, the first spot produced this fellow to quiver and bread...


About 2lb,
Something had had a go at him,by the look of it.

Tried some trotting with maggots in a few likely looking swims, but this produced nothing. The ledgered bread found 3 more Chub, all around a pound or so.
Looking forward to trying it again when its a bit lower, so that will probably be after the close season!


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2012
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What a difference a day makes! I have managed two trips this week. Chris (Laguna) very kindly sent me some cheese paste and pellets for winning the January caption contest and I felt obliged to get out there now that I am "between jobs". Monday proved fruitless and I suspect that this was very much down to the temperature, it being very bright but cold. When I saw today's forecast and temperatures, I thought it would be good once the sun went and so it proved. It was much milder and the bites started to come at last. I managed to bank one Chub a shade under 5lb and lost another large one which frustratingly shed the hook:mad: I also watched a pair of Barn Owls hunting, which was wonderful to see. It really felt like spring. I know that we all tend to make our own cheese paste, but I can recommend Chris's version to anyone who fancies giving it a go. Hope to get some more sessions in before the season draws to a close. Good luck to all those out this weekend.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Normal Saturday chores completed i went to the local canal for a while with some maggots just as the fish were starting to take an interest phone went that was it called out to open a door ( someone trapped INSIDE one of the more unusual ones ) .

So will try the Club Pool tomorrow for the first time this year maggots Bread and paste hopefully will work .. only time will tell ...

PG ...

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Well 4 hours piking on the Wye. Uneventful apart from two very strange occurances.

1. The last swim. The pike float with the sardine sunk with no warning. It went off at breakneck speed. I struck. It continued same pace. Tightened clutch up harder. Rod fully bent. Conti nued same pace. Tightened to max a 12lb line could take.

Another 5 yards taken then hard into the bank into bushes. Two more vicious pulls and gone.

Retrieved half sardine bitten clean through.

I don't believe it was a pike. I have had a number of 20's and a thirty. This was something else from the bite onwards.

Not aware of any cats in the Wye? My best guess? Monster salmon or carp?

2. I spent the last 2 hours of the day being sworn at by my regular pal, Tuffty. I could swear he was saying....where's the "F" maggots today then!!!!!



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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Club Pool today

Bit slow for the first hour i was looking a blank full in the face but then the Perch woke up
half a dozen nice fish to around 2.5lbs and a small Roach then it started cooloing down and that was it i was packed and gorne

Not bad considering the place has not been fished since my last visit on Christmas day once the weather warms a bit more they will all start crawling out oif the wood work again .

PG ...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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Got a couple of hours in on the River again today, on a different stretch,seeing as it wasn't pi**ing down as forcast yesterday., Didn't bother with the float, so just ledgered bread.
Similar result, best fish a bit bigger than yesterday...


...and 3 other small fish, which is unusual for this stretch at this time of year as if it produces anything they're usually a decent size.


I managed a few hours out on the river today, all to no avail.

I took a look at a couple of stillwaters beforehand but they were gin clear and so I took my chance at the other end of the spectrum and it was a mucky colour, I can’t say that I ever really felt that a bite was coming.

The swim was good enough with seven feet of water and a sheer drop off the bank with collapsed winter vegetation overhanging, the 15’ rod got there nicely but the worm had little to worry about…


Managed to catch up with a couple of barbel lads who I regularly see and they can catch fish but they've not seen one since the end of December so I've missed nothing there.

Starting to feel like it’s been a while since my bobber bobbed but Spring is coming and revenge will be mine you pesky stripeys…


Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Back to reservoir piking yesterday,bit of frost on the grass but didn't seem that cold just as it was getting light with quite a few fish of different sizes rolling on the top.Set up 3 deadbait rods,sat back with a coffee to await dawn,when it did get light it got colder and a SW breeze kicked in.About 8.30 a stuttering take on the mackerel tail resulted in a pike of 7lb 3oz covered with loads of leeches,I think the hungry leeches dragged the pike to the bait and that was all the action I had leaving around 2pm.Good to hear the skylarks singing high above the field alongside the water again,spring might really be on its way.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Well 4 hours piking on the Wye. Uneventful apart from two very strange occurances.

1. The last swim. The pike float with the sardine sunk with no warning. It went off at breakneck speed. I struck. It continued same pace. Tightened clutch up harder. Rod fully bent. Conti nued same pace. Tightened to max a 12lb line could take.

Another 5 yards taken then hard into the bank into bushes. Two more vicious pulls and gone.

Retrieved half sardine bitten clean through.

I don't believe it was a pike. I have had a number of 20's and a thirty. This was something else from the bite onwards.

Not aware of any cats in the Wye? My best guess? Monster salmon or carp?

2. I spent the last 2 hours of the day being sworn at by my regular pal, Tuffty. I could swear he was saying....where's the "F" maggots today then!!!!!

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Graham. I have found that when piking and having no maggots with me to feed a robin they will appreciate a tiny sliver of fish deadbait or two.

Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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Took my 2 young daughters to the river today, 4m whip and a few maggots plus some mashed bread for feed. Hard going, but we managed one quite nice dace each and the 9 year old bumped off something much larger, probably a trout. I told her about the phrase 'the one that got away' :D