Make that ThreeBlanks

More fool me for going back to the same place. The water had a bit of colour in it so I thought I'd give it a go. There must be some fish in there . There are, Carp and fair sized ones at that. I'd seen a mirror by the peg but that was probably in the 6/7lb bracket. Yesterday what must have been 15lb+ lept out of the water with an almighty crash 3 times in succession - time to step up my hook length!
Again not even a nibble and now it's starting to rain heavily. I was just retrieving my 6mm bread punch when something took it. Sadly I never got to find out what. Never having caught a big Carp I don't really know how they play but this was much like my past experience of Pike, powerful and pedantic and
much bigger than Pike I've had on before. Played it for a few minutes with the match waggler rod doubled over until it snapped me off. Nothing after that and with the gear and outers wet through I called it a day at around 4:00.
There's going to have to be a lot more colour in the water before I go back there. You live and learn, just not very quickly in my case
Bizzarely, I still enjoyed the day and look forward to when there is some colour in the water.
Onward and forward. Might give the Dam a go tomorrow if I get up at a reasonable time - snooker tonight:w