How did you get on?


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Were you whip fishing John?

Funny you should ask Mike, why?

After using the whip for the majority of my recent trips I decided to use rod and reel today. Don’t think it would have mattered what kit I used, the lake just wasn’t having it. Plumes of bright green algae were emerging from the depths, I wonder if that had anything to do with it?

A change of venue for next time, going from a 5ft deep water to a 75ft depth of water!


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
I had a match today, so after being woken up at 4.30 am by a dawn chorus that comprised of blackbirds having a battle
in the garden, pigeons going for it hell for leather at each other and young sparrows wanting to be fed by their parents on the lawn,
I decided to get up then instead of 6 am.
The match was at Sycamore Fishery in Golborne near Wigan, The carp were cruising just under the surface, one or two getting ready
to spawn .The "All In" went at 10 am and after a few missed bites I managed my first fish, a carp of around a pound.
The next one I hooked into, I swear if it had had legs it would have climbed over the island, Double number 6 elastic was no match for it, If the pool was not blocked off at the end it would have carried on to Wigan, So after a new hooklength going on it was back out
with single maggot on a size 18 B911 F1 hook, Fished on a freefall drop on the far side at 13 metres, A couple of more carp of around 2lb followed, Then it was on with a topkit with 15h Preston elastic, a few more zoo creatures took the bread bait and escaped. Then finally one decided to stay on the hook and after a while it was time to net it, as I was going to net it I noticed its mate swimming along side, I thought to myself "Hey Up I've a BOGOF " but it was not to be, I tried to position the net for the freebie, but is veered away at the last second so I had to be content with the one on the hook. and that was it for the rest of the match, 4 fish for 11lb 8oz and 3rd place, 25lb won it and 14lb was second from the other side of the island, A couple of the lads packed up and went early because couldn't buy a bite. It was like that on the other pool behind us as well. at least the sun was out.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Another evening session for three tench. Tactics as last night but with groundbait added. All three came in a mad half hour, not a hint of fish either side of that half hour. Best fish was 5lb 5oz, smallest 4lb 4oz.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Some slider float needed there John!

Won’t be needed Mike, assuming the Rudd are showing I’ll be fishing between 1 and 4ft below the surface, if not it’s about 15ft one rod length out, easy to fish the bottom with a 6m whip.


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Went fishing yesterday knowing that it was going to be hot and sunny,which in clear water like the one I went to fishing was going to be hard graft,well,I fished in around 12ft of water feeding hard pellet,using expanders on the hook,after about an hour I had a skimmer around 12ozs,a while after I had a roach just over the pound,but couldn't suss what was going on,must have missed ten sail away bites,then all hell broke loose and after some while I landed an 18lb catfish on 4lb line,cant say I had any real problem with it,apart from sheer size,anyway I carried on and caught another roach around 8ozs,plus two bream to 6-14 on corn,so it could certainly have been harder.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
You're back Alan! Did you fathom out why you were unable to post on this thread or was it the case that miraculously the gremlins disappeared! :) I do not fancy catching a catfish and doubt I ever will!


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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I haven't got a clue Mike,it makes no sense,as for catfish I wanted to catch one several years ago and after two sessions I caught one 23lbs 14ozs then after having the t-shirt didn't bother with it again,i've caught 3 in the last 12 months whilst fishing for roach/bream on the slider and lost one,I find them ok and they fight harder than a carp the same size,with one exception,they don't try to weed you in rushes,unlike carp,so as long as you are happy with the balance of your tackle with luck you'll land em...that said I wonder if I hook a biggun,there are fish over 65lbs in there...gulp,it'd be a long
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts

The Aylesbury arm of the GUC today in rural Bucks. 15 turned up for a club fixture which promised to be hard work..
There's a good head of bream, roach and carp in this pound but the bright sun simply put them under the far bank cover. The only place I could get a bite was under the overhanging bush opposite, about 2' deep and snaggy. I had all manner of baits but punch was what they wanted.


Once the sun got up the shade of the bush diminished and I tried down the track with squatt. This produced one bite, a small skimmer.


Winner had 2 decent skimmers for 5lb+, second 2lb+. I and another drew 3rd with 13oz:8dr each...


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
Lovely looking peg, I would have been potting chopped worms and chopped casters along the far side, and hope
the bream or a solitary carp made an appearance, I always chop some casters up along with the worms,
I seem to find it attracts the fish quicker. But on hot sunny days you need to find some cover to fish to.
a lot of people are under the impression that because fish are on the top in bright weather they will feed,
Fish have no eyelids so they mainly feed just below the surface on bright days, or as in this case under the far side cover.
Good catch on a hard day :)

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire.
Making hay while the sun shines. Another evening session for five tench
4lb 4oz, 5lb 4oz, 5lb 2oz, 4lb 5oz and 4lb 4oz. Tactics as before but I've used a 13' Normark Avenger and a Shimano Twinpower Ci4 reel. Here's the biggest of them.

The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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Isle of Skye
Just back from a weekend's glamping with two old mates at Woodlands Waters near Grantham.
I didn't fish Friday as got there about 6 and mates had had a reasonable day on the smaller of the two main lakes there with one carp in double figures and an assortment of decent skimmers and some reasonable roach. Adjourned quite early to the onsite bar which sells the very nice Batemans XB.
Fished the same lake but at the other end on Saturday. Difficult conditions, bright and sunny and willow pollen a real pain with the surface covered in it. I had a couple of quick 1-8 skimmers on the tip before it died. not much doing in the hottest part of the day at all until eventually started to get some nice roach fishing a foot deep at 11m but water a bit too clear for them to settle on this and it was a bit stop start as couldn't get much fishing deeper (apart from hooking a carp which wasn't too impressed by a 4 elastic to .08.) Ended up I suppose with about 13-14 lb. Ken had about 17lb, a few more skimmers than me on tip and the rest roach at half depth about 30m out on waggler. John had sat it out for carp on bigger baits with only a few skimmers to show for his efforts.
Decided today to fish the bigger lake despite various warnings that it could be rock hard. Got three swims in a line on what can be a good bream area although apart from a slight ripple it was hard to imagine less breamy conditions ( carp angler bivvied up a couple of swims further along had had two bream around 9 lb each in the early hours though)
All started on tip about 40 to 45 yards out and oddly for about 14 ft of water on a groundbait feeder started picking up a few little perch followed after half an hour or so by something that pulled back . Thought it was a big bream for a while but when it got close in it started doing that telltale backwards swimming manoeuvre- sure enough, eel about 3lb. No more bites so came in on pole and the perch were a bit bigger, mostly 4 to 6oz, other two both blanking at this point although Ken had somehow missed a bite on double worm that had his handle spinning, and after a couple of hours he decided to set a waggler up. And that's when things changed...Long story short, he ended up with around 35 lb, nearly all roach apart from a couple of skimmers about 1-8 , and only about 30 fish, beautiful catch. John saw what was happening and quickly went down to only one rod in his pod and a hurriedly set up waggler rod in hand and he ended up with a nice bag of proper roach as well. I was 25 yards along but nearly all perch where I was apart from three roach which went around 4 lb between them, Probably had about 17 lb all told, only thing we could see different about the swims was that mine kept sloping away while theirs bottomed out at around 11 ft 6 deep and stayed there.
Strangest thing, given the blazing hot conditions and the depth, none of us could get a bite either on the drop or anywhere up in the water, those fish stayed nailed to the bottom all day.
Nice place, good company, great weekend.

Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
Reaction score
Will give that a go in the summer, i have some of those lures and also some red isome worms.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Mike had got it spot on when forecasting my change of venue after several visits to the estate. Today was my first trip of many hopefully to the colossal Stonar, a stark contrast from the genteel and manicured estate, deep, expansive, holding many myths, legends and rumour. The target as last year, the abundance of quality Rudd. Arrived at 7-30 am and was pleasantly surprised to find the swim next to the "golden" peg bivvie free.


I set up two whips, one rigged to fish the bottom at 18ft and the other, the Rudd catcher, set to vary anything from 6 inches 6 feet.

It was a mill pond when I arrived and I could dot down a black float to a couple of millimetres but for the next hour that's where the float remained. Switched to fishing the depths and was quickly into the Bream, one after another, much less slimy than their estate counterparts, giving a good account of themselves proving stubborn to bring up to the surface with the low tc of a whip.


I alternated every thirty minutes or so between deep and shallow waiting for a shoal of Rudd to arrive, but they never did, final score Bream 28, Rudd 0.

I did at one point hook what I thought was a carp, staying deep, patience was the name of the game and after was seemed an eternity but in reality no more than five minutes I managed to get the quarry close to the surface and was excited to see an olive flank and a quick glimpse of a teddy bear eye, a very big tench, it dived again and the line went ping, on retrieval everything was still intact, the barbless size 18 had managed to part company from what I'm sure would have been a pb.:eek:mg:

The weather was topsy turvy all day, total calm, then wind, sun then rain, fleece on and off constantly.

Looking back at my records it was the end of May and beginning of June that I started catching the Rudd, I'll be back.
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