Mike had got it spot on when forecasting my change of venue after several visits to the estate. Today was my first trip of many hopefully to the colossal Stonar, a stark contrast from the genteel and manicured estate, deep, expansive, holding many myths, legends and rumour. The target as last year, the abundance of quality Rudd. Arrived at 7-30 am and was pleasantly surprised to find the swim next to the "golden" peg bivvie free.
I set up two whips, one rigged to fish the bottom at 18ft and the other, the Rudd catcher, set to vary anything from 6 inches 6 feet.
It was a mill pond when I arrived and I could dot down a black float to a couple of millimetres but for the next hour that's where the float remained. Switched to fishing the depths and was quickly into the Bream, one after another, much less slimy than their estate counterparts, giving a good account of themselves proving stubborn to bring up to the surface with the low tc of a whip.
I alternated every thirty minutes or so between deep and shallow waiting for a shoal of Rudd to arrive, but they never did, final score Bream 28, Rudd 0.
I did at one point hook what I thought was a carp, staying deep, patience was the name of the game and after was seemed an eternity but in reality no more than five minutes I managed to get the quarry close to the surface and was excited to see an olive flank and a quick glimpse of a teddy bear eye, a very big tench, it dived again and the line went ping, on retrieval everything was still intact, the barbless size 18 had managed to part company from what I'm sure would have been a pb.

The weather was topsy turvy all day, total calm, then wind, sun then rain, fleece on and off constantly.
Looking back at my records it was the end of May and beginning of June that I started catching the Rudd, I'll be back.