How did you get on?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Markcw, wetthrough, Colin who has nothing to do with FM and yours truly met up today at Lloyds Meadow Fishery on the edge of Delamere Forest in deepest Cheshire! This is probably the most picture perfect Fishery I have ever seen! Binka would have been proud of the mown and striped grass verges around the lakes!

We swapped tales and I fished the feeder, Gordon ( wetthrough) the float and Mark and Colin the pole! We all caught and had a thoroughly enjoyable day in the sun! Thanks to Mark for organising the event and booking the pegs! I spent an hour at the end chatting to the Fishery manager who comes from where I live and remains a member of one of my clubs! The carp were cruising but not feeding ! However the bream were very obliging!!!

I used The satnav to get home; I didn't know Cheshire had so many single track roads!:wh:wh

Thanks again Mark and Gordon for an enjoyable days fishing! Gordon had the best rod rest and but rest stand I have ever seen and testimony to his engineering background and love of 3D printing! He can say more if he wishes!

A pic of the venue!

View attachment 4775

Another pic.

View attachment 4776
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Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I love an engineered rod rest, pics please!

Lake looks stunning Mike.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
It's almost as pretty as your estate lake John! I will let Gordon decide if he wishes to divulge more or to tell me to shut up! However I can say that if it was commercially available I would buy one like a shot ! Thanks Gordon!!:)


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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6old codgers turned up at the GUC near Tring today. A north wind and bright sunshine didn't deter the roach and skimmers, everyone caught a few.



My peg was opposite a marina and I started on the waggler across to the boats, a skimmer and some gudgeon was all I could find, the wind caused me problems despite sinking my line so I changed to a lighter waggler and fished just over the near shelf. I had instant success spraying squat with white pinkie on my 22 hook. Roach, skimmers and some small perch.


At the scales I weighed in 5lb:8oz, just an ounce short of the winner's 5:9 which included a fine roach? of 1:3 caught on a tare...


My net....


Just wondering what rod you favour for your canal waggler fishing?

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Kev, normally I favour my Garbolino super G 13' which it's in for a new butt section ring. Yesterday I used my 13' ultralight for better control in the wind, under calmer conditions I find the 11' version perfect for the job...


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Kev, normally I favour my Garbolino super G 13' which it's in for a new butt section ring. Yesterday I used my 13' ultralight for better control in the wind, under calmer conditions I find the 11' version perfect for the job...

Thanks. I'll have a look at those two.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2018
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I love an engineered rod rest, pics please!

Lake looks stunning Mike.

Now you've done it Mike:eek: It isn't really commercially viable. It does have it's own web page but I tried putting a link to it in my introduction but the site wouldn't allow it for some reason. Anyway, here's a pic: (the click for full size doesn't work here)


The web page which gives a bit more info and will come up first in a Google search for "boarded peg rod rest"

It's changed a bit since that picture was taken. The front rest now has two telescopic sections so it extends a bit more.

Great meeting up with Mike, Mark and friend Colin and a lovely place.


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Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
Yes it was an enjoyable day in good company, I have fished Lloyds Meadow a few times, on the main match lake, Badger.
it was closed due to fish starting to spawn, unlike some commercials that leave it until the fish are actually all over the place egg laying, We went on Heron, which had more silver fish than carp in it ( or so it seemed judging by our catches)
I decided to go for quantity instead of quality, I fished 2 pole lines, 1 at 7 metres on maggot the other at 11 metres on corn, the depth was the same at around three and half feet, also fished a margin swim which was rather to shallow at less than a foot so came away slightly off the edge and found between 18" and 2' of water.
the maggot swim produced roach and skimmers, the corn swim produced roach and skimmers and so did the margin.!!
so I decided to stay on a light rig and fish maggot, Gordon was casting to an island dropping his float near to the edge of it each time, and caught steadily , you guessed it...... roach and skimmers, Collin had a few fish before retiring early to to eye strain and headache, As for Mike, he fished the feeder and again caught roach and skimmers, also missing a wrap around bite that Stevie Wonder would have noticed, I happened to mention large swirls coming from near where he was fishing. As he was sitting out for bites now and then, Gordon happened to mention to me something about a latte Mike keeps promising to make for us, Needless to say once again we were Latteless,
Thanks a great day both of you, and look forward to our next day out. also thanks for the landing net pole Mike, I have found a rod if its a 12' one you are after, I think Kev should come down and join us then I can put his Diaflash pole through its paces and show him what its capable of .:wh


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
Markcw, wetthrough, Colin who has nothing to do with FM and yours truly met up today at Lloyds Meadow Fishery on the edge of Delamere Forest in deepest Cheshire! This is probably the most picture perfect Fishery I have ever seen! Binka would have been proud of the mown and striped grass verges around the lakes!

We swapped tales and I fished the feeder, Gordon ( wetthrough) the float and Mark and Colin the pole! We all caught and had a thoroughly enjoyable day in the sun! Thanks to Mark for organising the event and booking the pegs! I spent an hour at the end chatting to the Fishery manager who comes from where I live and remains a member of one of my clubs! The carp were cruising but not feeding ! However the bream were very obliging!!!

I used The satnav to get home; I didn't know Cheshire had so many single track roads!:wh:wh

Thanks again Mark and Gordon for an enjoyable days fishing! Gordon had the best rod rest and but rest stand I have ever seen and testimony to his engineering background and love of 3D printing! He can say more if he wishes!

A pic of the venue!

View attachment 4775

Another pic.

View attachment 4776

What Mike failed to mention was that the angler in his photograph had that much tackle with him , I thought he was a mobile tackle shop, seatbox, with two trays attached and an assortment of other gadgets that it looked liked it wouldn't be out of place at Jodrell Bank. He was fishing the pole, ( not catching much) .then out came the feeder rod, splish splsh splosh trying to get to the island, (didn't catch) then out with the pellet waggler, when a normal waggler would have been better ( (caught a couple of small skimmers)
Then back on the pole ( not much caught),then back on the feeder.... you get the drift. I think I noticed three holdalls on his PI space shuttle. I think if he had stayed on one method he would have caught better. When he packed up and loaded his shuttle up, I said" Have you only come for the day ?" ( love sarcasm) He replied he wasn't sure what he would use so brought the lot.I have seen war films were refugees have handcarts loaded up with less on them. :wh

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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What Mike failed to mention was that the angler in his photograph had that much tackle with him , I thought he was a mobile tackle shop, seatbox, with two trays attached and an assortment of other gadgets that it looked liked it wouldn't be out of place at Jodrell Bank. He was fishing the pole, ( not catching much) .then out came the feeder rod, splish splsh splosh trying to get to the island, (didn't catch) then out with the pellet waggler, when a normal waggler would have been better ( (caught a couple of small skimmers)
Then back on the pole ( not much caught),then back on the feeder.... you get the drift. I think I noticed three holdalls on his PI space shuttle. I think if he had stayed on one method he would have caught better. When he packed up and loaded his shuttle up, I said" Have you only come for the day ?" ( love sarcasm) He replied he wasn't sure what he would use so brought the lot.I have seen war films were refugees have handcarts loaded up with less on them. :wh

I've seen this so many times over the years it really makes me wander at times, to me it clearly shows of having all the gear but no idea, yes one could have a float rod, a bomb rod, a feeder rod, a pole and a whip but really, if one really knows there fishing and more importantly knows the fishery then half of the kit can be scraped :wh

Understanding water craft and location is far more important than carting around a Mobil tackle shop, in my eyes it clearly shows a lack of overall knowledge, experience and confidence and will often sit on the bank confused and not really knowing what to do :eek:mg:

When I fish I just simply take one rod and job done :rockon:

Only takes seconds to change from float, light ledger and to what I often do but is often over looked and ignored is to free line, very simple tactics which often score and out fish other methods,

One day maybe some may just realise that a massive haul of tackle is not always the answer, learn water craft, location, fish habitat and weather patterns and you're 3/4's of the way to success :yo:

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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One day maybe some may just realise that a massive haul of tackle is not always the answer, learn water craft, location, fish habitat and weather patterns and you're 3/4's of the way to success :yo:

Perhaps he hasn't learned those thing yet, or he was just fishing a big unknown water and wasn't sure how he wanted to fish it until he was on the water so covered himself with all eventualities. Maybe as he wasn't catching he thought why not try something different as he had all the gear with him hoping to hit the right place and method at some point.
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thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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Perhaps he hasn't learned those thing yet, or he was just fishing a big unknown water and wasn't sure how he wanted to fish it until he was on the water so covered himself with all eventualities. Maybe as he wasn't catching he thought why not try something different as he had all the gear with him hoping to hit the right place and method at some point.

Can see exactly what yer saying Mark but I suppose that the trouble is that with loads of gear / made up rods n poles etc it's difficult to fully concentrate on a particular tactic, one is forever gonna be wanting to try the next tactic and not really giving a certain method a fair chance to prove itself if yer get me jist, certain tactics obviously take time to master on some waters and by chopping and changing say every 10 mins or so nothing is gonna be learnt, hence why the fella didn't really do to well, simply just didn't give certain tactics time to develop

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Can see exactly what yer saying Mark but I suppose that the trouble is that with loads of gear / made up rods n poles etc it's difficult to fully concentrate on a particular tactic, one is forever gonna be wanting to try the next tactic and not really giving a certain method a fair chance to prove itself if yer get me jist, certain tactics obviously take time to master on some waters and by chopping and changing say every 10 mins or so nothing is gonna be learnt, hence why the fella didn't really do to well, simply just didn't give certain tactics time to develop

Its different than going down the river for a few hours, a lot more hours/time and money is invested when you go to a commercial for a day, people tend to pack a lot of gear, baits, flasks and grub. Then if they are not catching they will keep trying different things, granted it can be over done like this bloke but its just the way some people like to fish. We can have a laugh at him and I understand fishing next to the bloke would be irritating, it would be to me but your being too critical in my opinion. It took me a long time to be more minimalist, concentrate on a species and maybe just one or two methods but I did what he did many times and so do lot of others. He will go home and reflect why he did not catch and learn from it.
Are you still Bass fishing?
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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2016
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Makes a good thread though. Someone takes a pic of a random anonymous angler - and we all decide what he's doing wrong.

Look at all the gear this bloke's got. Obviously hasn't got a clue.



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I am prone to taking too much gear " just in case" and really life is simpler if you decide to adopt one tactic and stick to it but being prepared to improvise!

Talking of improvisation I decided a full day's fishing yesterday wasn't enough and so I set off to a club pool last visited 3 weeks or so ago . My how the grass had grown and the water level dropped!

View attachment 4778

I arrived early when it was pleasantly cool and left at 12.30 when it was unbearably hot and the fish, like me, had lost interest! In the interim I had 10 carp to Six pound? Anyway back to the improvisation.

About 11.00 am a guy arrived travelling light with a made up rod, reel and dangling method feeder! He also had a rucksack stool and a couple of rests! He took awhile to cast in and from my peg it was hard to tell what bait he was using. He caught two large carp and missed one at the net. I wandered over! He explained he had forgotten all His bait but did have his sausage sandwiches for his lunch.He put a piece of sausage on the hook and wrapped the feeder in bread! He couldn't remember if there was HP sauce involved:)

I offered him some bait but he declined as it was too hot and he was going home!!!

Mm banger butty pellets!

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
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Its different than going down the river for a few hours, a lot more hours/time and money is invested when you go to a commercial for a day, people tend to pack a lot of gear, baits, flasks and grub. Then if they are not catching they will keep trying different things, granted it can be over done like this bloke but its just the way some people like to fish. We can have a laugh at him and I understand fishing next to the bloke would be irritating, it would be to me but your being too critical in my opinion. It took me a long time to be more minimalist, concentrate on a species and maybe just one or two methods but I did what he did many times and so do lot of others. He will go home and reflect why he did not catch and learn from it.
Are you still Bass fishing?

Still Bass fish Mark but not as much to be honest, more so interested in big Roach, Chub and Perch on the rivers, just now waiting for the rivers to open back up :yo: