I won't bore you by repeating once again what I have said in my last few posts as today's session ran to form and I again ended up with 40/50 roach....
The only addition I would like record is around the use of tares which I haven't used much as other baits have been so successful.
Today, I actually struggled for the first couple of hours and although I caught, it was really hard work to get the fish to feed continuously. I carried out all the usual changes to tackle and bait as bites slowed but.....
I had a break for some hot tea (it was only 7 degrees at 5am, and bloody chilly in light clothing) at around 9am and looking through the bait bag I found a bag of tares which had done any number of trips between freezer and bank. I changed the hook to a 16 and mounted a tare up the shank of the hook. Nothing for a while then I had a small roach, followed by another. During the following 20 mins or so I missed any number of bites and lost two fish on the strike.
What I found, when checking the hook, was that the over soft tare wasn't holding on the shank but slipping down to the bend and just hanging. The fish were (I think) snatching at the bait without taking in the hook and despite mounting a harder tare and casting gently no improvement in fish landed, at all....
Okay, so please don't ask me why I did what I did next, because I don't know. I didn't change hook but what I did do was to add a second tare, the second one almost holding the first up the shank! It looked totally wrong and seemingly did not enough effective hook to do its job, but I cast out anyway and supped my tea. Within minutes the float slid away and i was into what turned out to be a lovely looking roach of exactly a lb.
Cut an already long story short, I repeated this another three times with exactly the same result. Four 1lb roach in the space of dozen casts followed by another five at around 10/12ozs. It was great fishing on a lake where a 1lb roach is not a regular happening!
Needless to say fish size reduced but I still caught others around the 8" mark.
I have tried to recall if I have ever fished double tare before, and I don't think I have as a single has usually done the job. Similarly, I have tried to fathom why I used two in the first place and TBH I really don't know. Nevertheless, I was absolutely chuffed, not so much for the fish size, but more that caught them on such a bait..............
Doubtless, others have probably used them thus, but perhaps rarely. Someone will let me know, I'm sure..........................
Out again on Sunday, but for now it's another beer and an early night! I'm cream crackered!!!
ps Bites were a dip of the float before sailing away. Easy as you like to actually hook the fish!