How did you get on?



Nice one mate, is nice to see a barbel come out on opening day, well done :thumbs:

Cheers Stuart.

It was one of those moments of opening day magic, having had nothing for some time by running the float through I'd been laying on just off the rod tip for a fair while whilst still feeding the trotting line and I had decided on one last run through before packing up and it was literally the last put in of the day :cool:

I take heart from David Gane's post in that the going was very difficult yesterday, unusually so in fact and very few people that I spoke to had come into contact with a fish of any sort.

Not entirely unexpected to be honest, it's usually a slow starter and that's why I booked my fortnight off work to begin at the start of July as opposed to now although I may have to shift that pending circumstances at work.


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Went yesterday hoping for some river tench,on arrival(5am) there were no cars parked so I excitedly trapped along the bank only to find a carp angler bivvied up since Thursday in my swim of choice,downhearted I dropped into another swim and caught 4 roach between 6-8ozs and a 12oz skimmer,anyway at around 9am I got peed off and went to a lake that was on the way home and ended up with 28 roach between 6ozs and 1-10,two other fish weighed over a pound,slider and pellet.
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Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Reckon the carp angler blanked.:)

Don't know,he never stirred the time I was there,his bivvie took almost the entire peg,I tried to creep up and ask him now it was going before I left,but couldn't get anywhere near,probably anti-social anyway,hey-ho...:wh


Reckon the carp angler blanked.:)

And his missues got a good seeing to for two nights on the trot, no wonder Carp fishing is so popular especially amongst those that don't!

Not so cool anymore :cool:

You can't say this post was off topic, I did mention the word, at the point of the new river season, 'trot' :)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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Down on a new stretch today, armed with a float rod and a few mags.
First swim looked nice.....


...and produced a couple of reasonable Chub, with a couple more that self released...

Carried on down, catching a few Chublets, some decent Dace and a few small Spotties, and then this showed up...


...which was a surprise as I've never caught one from this river before, or heard of them in there.

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Been meaning to try a bit of river coarse fly fishing for all of a couple of years and seeing the rod I bought for it was sent all the way from China aka eBay but never been used and with the rivers appearing not to be fishing too well; I thought yesterday maybe the day. I fished what I hoped were three wet flies of varied hues and with the strong wind, my inept casting, 20 ft of nettles in some places (I have never seen so many nettles, its a year for them) and the fact I did not know what the flies were for on my line, I wasn't hopeful. So once I sorted my casting out and found a spot on the river out of the wind and nettles I was grateful for this little chap, my only fish; (who will go in the fond memory bank). However, I did see a Ruffe and one Dace show an interest and hook what looked like a tiny Rudd that got off but this brave chap was the hero of the day by a long way.....
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
Bigger lures yesterday evening after a nice Perch.
Lost one at the net; pleased enough with this nice jack though (8lb 11oz)
Then proceeded to lose a much bigger Pike.



Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I shall dedicate this post to John Step, all will become clear in a moment.

Had a few hours on the Canterbury stretch this morning with a definite game plan. Two rods, one for a spot of lure fishing and a stalker rod should I find any carp lurking.

I find it hard enough scrambling into swims with one rod let alone two so the stalker rod was left in the car whilst I contemplated what lure I should start with. Within minutes I was looking at the first swim, what should I see? a very large carp! Wasn’t in this stretch last year so must have got flushed in over the weir during the flood.

I dashed back to the car to swap rods and needles to say when I returned just a few minutes later the carp had vanished, I must have spooked it. There were still some chub in the area so pinched a piece of bread flake onto a size ten hook and free lined it giving me a super take within seconds, a few moments later I had banked my first chub caught off the surface on a piece of bread, most satisfying.
Biggest chub of the new season so far too at 4lb 2ozs.


Nearly all the river through town is full of snags including the obligatory trolley and a pushbike I notice has gone in over the weekend, it’s the weed though that’s so prolific and difficult to cope with.
This is the swim where I caught that chub.


It was John’s ingenious idea of using garden twine to disguise the mono on the surface that prompted me to use a reel today loaded with green power pro braid. Two reasons, 1, to bank a fish pronto with no room to play , and 2,to hopefully have a similar effect as garden twine looking like weed.

It worked, they aren’t caught off the top often, and to prove the point had another slightly smaller half hour later.

Just before packing up for the day I spotted the carp again and once again I must have spooked it:eek:mg: someone mentioned in a recent post how prolific the nettles are this summer, Canterbury is no exception, creeping up to the river at knee height just isn’t on without a face full of nettle rash. I’ll have to get some cameo gear.:)

Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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First river session of the season, an hour's freelining. First stop, the meadow swim.


Stepped straight in a dog dirt so a quiet paddle to get that off my shoe and then i gave it my first cast on crust. The line wasn't paying out properly, then i noticed that some time between tackling and casting the hook had slipped back through the tip ring, meaning that eye was out of play. Just as i was fiddling with it the line went tight and


All a bit Laurel and Hardy but a lovely fish and very welcome. I moved up to the next swim, a secluded parrotcage i've showed y'all before.


As there were no fish taking crust, decided to try something with a prawn i thought of yesterday.




Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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NB that chub is almost completely submerged, pic makes it look like a millimetre of water.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
How does the garden twine idea work?:)

I had plans to visit the Dane for an hour or so this afternoon but as it was windy and I had little time I went on auto pilot to my nearest lake. I used meat on the float fished lift method style and caught 4 roach all like this!

View attachment 4992

This weighed 1lb 4 oz so my biggest to date! I had a bream of 5.5lb and a 9lb mirror! No tench but I know they exist in this lake and over 10lb alledgedly! An enjoyable 2 hours and now for the footie!!

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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A day on a club lake. Seven carp three of which were low doubles and the other four not very short of that. Also a solitary F1.
Its only the second time I have used a method feeder. That JW barbel rod is a very versatile tool.

The vegetation is stunning there this time of year. Lots of wild flowers including these which I think may be Marsh Orchids.

View attachment 4993

Any botanists out there to confirm or deny??

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Mike, the green twine looks like a frond of weed which camouflages the hooklength. Especially when it is fished by weed on debris on top.

PS stunning roach.
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Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Out on the Wreake again this morning.Lots of small knocks on legered crust and eventually had a chublet 4oz or so.
Switched to worm and had nine perch up to around 6oz-ish and two more chublets.I think the bigger fish were a lot more cagey due to very low water levels and it being very clear,no rain forecast either for next ten days or so.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Is that a joke??

I went Sunday in what turned out to be dreadful conditions. No rain in the forecast that I could see, yet it managed to do so from 5am until 9am in the form of a soaking drizzle, so without weather gear I spent more time trying to keep the gear dry, than fishing!
Along with the rain I had a squally wind that seemed to come from every direction..
All of this considered I caught some fish, but I fished badly and never managed to settle around float or tactics. I went home in a bad mood thinking I wasted my time.

Yesterday should've have been better and it was in some ways, except I spent some time moving three times to find a part of the water least effected by wind or sun. The first choice was shaded and expected to stay that way with a lot of heavy dark cloud, but 30 mins into the session a very hot sun burst through directly into my eyes - and the bites ceased immediately!!
Moved to swim 2 which was in shade but sub surface drift made fishing difficult. I gave it my best and caught a dozen or so decent enough roach on large hemp fishing no more than 3' below the surface. I think I could have caught more but that surface drift........

Eventually, and because I lost two better fish on the strike (surface drift/line not tight enough to the float, of not very good choice!) I moved to swim 3, which looked to be fine in the now heavy grey cloud, but it's sods law that within an hour the damned sun poked out again, and if I dislike anything it is sitting in hot sun!!
No matter, I changed my float, plumbed the bottom and with a 16 hook fished on the drop, proceeded to fish with large hemp or double tares with hemp feed. The hemp produced fish in the 8" bracket with the odd better one and I was enjoying the lightening fast bites jsut off the tip. I supposed I only had 18" between float and sunken tip so rather than an upward strike ( which produced mighty tangles first off) I struck, or pulled into the fish sideways, to great effect.

Once again, the change to double tare made all the difference. Not so many fish, but definitely better quality almost at once, to the degree that was marked. Of the 7/8 fish I caught on them, none were below 10" and most somewhat bigger. I didn't bother to weigh them. All gave a very positive sail away bite, the type that tells you it will be fish on!

If I'm honest I would've liked to have fished longer, but by this time the sun was really hot (yes, I caught those good roach in bright, bright sunlight!) so I cleaned up and headed off home, pleased with my day and for sticking with it.

Two days off now for physio and walking but out again come Thursday providing the ambient is not hovering at 28 degrees!!

Too hot man, just too damned hot...................
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