What an enjoyable afternoons trotting I had today

I caught so many gudgeon I really wouldn't like to even hazard a guess at the ammount. I had loads of chub ranging in size from micro's to about a pound, so only small, loads of dace with some being real soggers!
I even had a good few minows.
After catching the above I decided to go and pay a sneaking visit to my newly found little paradise further up stream that I have never even seen until last week let alone fished !
I call it a paradise as it's hidden from pretty much every angle and is hard work to get to, I had to fight my way through impenetrable jungle to reach it lol.
As I parted the long grass the place looked lovely and I know there are barbel there as I saw one jump out infront of my eyes the other day when I first discovered the spot. I proceeded to catty out a few pouches of maggots and then I waded across about a third of the way. The waters surface was pretty smooth but the water was flowing at a good steady pace and was about 18/20 inches deep, if it was edible it would have beeen mouth watering to look at!
Anyhow first couple of trots through produced nowt but third trott the float dipped and a dace was the catch. I wasn't really interested in dace as i'd just filled my boots with em further downstream but I suppose I shouldn't complain

mg:. As I continued to fish I kept thinking I would hear someone shout, "hey, it's private here", I knew what my reply would have been,....best not say here lol.
Not long after I caught the dace I hooked something heavy and powerful which bolted across stream and got into and under what I imagine was blanket weed because I could feel the line grating against it as I played tug of war with the fish. It went a bit solid so I let the line go slack for a moment before putting pressure back on and as I did that the float came to the surface and I wound in a hook covered in blanked weed...blast it! Maybe it had been foul hooked or possibly it was a large chub that had done the trick of leaving the hook embedded in an object as they frack off.
I cattied out a few more pouches above a overhanging tree on the oposite bank so they'd sink to the bottom as they got under the tree. It was awkward casting under low overhanging branches like that. After several trotts through the float buried and once again I had a powerful fish on the other end but this time I kept it away from the spot where the other fish had snagged me up. This fish put up an epic fight and all the time I was playing it I kept looking around incase the Lord of the manner had spotted me lol. Eventuually I landed the fish, a barbel, and I though it deserved weighing. After deducting the net it was an ounce or three over 11lb, so i'll call it 11lb that'll do me

. I did take a pic on my phone but pointless really as I can't post em. After releasing that fish I decided to leave it at that so as not to spoil it for myself, i'll be back for another slice of excitment in the near future

I walked back down stream fishing several runs of fast water i'd often seen before but never fished because they're usually unfishable. I had some very large dace in those runs and then caught some more gudgeon, dace and small chub lower down before marching back to my motor.
The whole trip had been very enjoyable and I am still beaming as I think of my little paradise
