Another tough mornings fishing on Friday but one that finished in a way that came as something of a surprise....
For the first 2 hours I was biteless ,so out of exasperation I plumbed again and tried fishing well overdepth in 8' of water with a liberal sprinkling of groundbait/ maggot balls ( made up to a recipe given me by an FM member ) and within 10 minutes the float slowly sank and a 6" roach was swung in unceremoniously, to be followed by another of similar size. The next roach was a little bigger at 10 " but then the action ended as abruptly as it had started.
An hour later I had a bite where the float seemed travel sideways before sliding away and my strike met with real solid resistance that could only mean perch ! The Ultralight bent something terrible but after a short fight I was able to land a very nice fish which scaled 2lbs 1oz. Very pleasing..
I then sat for another hour or so without a touch so I cast to my left into about 4' of water with the doubler red maggot just touching bottom ( more or less ). I missed two sailaway bites in quick succession before connecting again with another perch and this one weighed in a 2lbs exactly.
To be honest I was now in some state of mild shock as one perch of 2lbs on this water is unusual, but to catch two in one session - well, it was new to me and my fishing pal, also rather pale, could only utter 'cor blimey' several times.
I sat back and reorganised my gear and in so doing picked up mu scales which I held up, only to notice they were not zeroed but approx. 1oz short of the line so BOTH fish were, in effect, 2lbs 1oz !!
You can see where I'm going with this...............Had I caught the same fish, TWICE ??
Fortunately, I had photographed both fish before returning them so I knew I could do a rough check on the markings - WRONG !
When I downloaded them I found one that in one photo the fish was facing to the left, and in the other, to the right. I tried heavens hard to find some distinguishing feature which might show two different fish, but even enlarged I could not be sure....
So, a great mornings fishing with me catching the same perch, twice......too much of a coincidence to be anything else IMHO - and not something I've ever done before..
Whatever, I was more than pleased about catching such a fish using a different tactic !