As a postscript to my salmon fishing exploits on the Spey, I had a second salmon on the Wednesday but couldn’t post pictures as I had “exceeded my quota” of allowed photos. However, after some cyber-detective work in the bowels of FM, I have learned how to delete stored images to free up some space.
The river was running at 4ft 5in due to some torrential rain in the hills overnight and all chances of wading were out due to the massive push of water and logs coming down, etc.
We could only fish from the bank and Skagit lines, heavy sinking tips and tube flies were the order of the day. I fished along the front of the fishing hut and, at almost the walkable limit of the pool, got a good hard take. As I was only 30 yards above the fast rapids at the tail of the pool, after enduring some nerve wracking head-shaking, I managed to back up and lead the fish to around 80 yards above the pool, where the main fight played out. Decent fish, strong current saw a run that took me down to the backing. Helpful words from ghillie with net “Dinnae let him bully you man” and “If he gets in the fast watter yer fooked” spurred me on to eventually bring another bar of silver to the net.
It weighed 11lb, another hen fish and only the fifth salmon I have ever caught. I lost another in a rocky pool called The Battery on the Saturday, when one of our party had a fish to round off the week.
Brilliant week and, once again, the worst caster in the party had the most fish! :w