Back on our usual fishery yesterday, got there about seven thirty, and decided to fish the bottom pond which can be hard, but the fish are bigger usually.
Sleeper rod in right hand margin, with a method feeder on, and plumbed the right hand margin, for the pole, plus another swim out at six metres for another top kit, fed with two mm pellets, and used either six or eight mm expanders for bait.
Been using the Sonu baits expanders, the new expert ones which you just soak overnight in cold water, they are easy to prepare, and stay on the hook well, I like these and so do the fish.
First fish on the pole was this two and a half pound roach bream hybrid, fought well two.
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After that a succession of bream and skimmers, up to about three pounds, a few small roach, but no tench or crucians, then I hooked a carp,which gave me the runaround for a bit till the hook pulled, it was a loverly sunny day to start with very pleasant and warm, supposed to cloud over by eleven, and then rain from four o clock.
Well it clouded over as said and then proceeded to rain as well, so back under the brolly again, rained for a couple of hours, and then cleared and was sunny again, by now I was catching bream on the method feeder meant for the carp, had a good few as well.
Then saw the reeds move in the margin, as a carp moved on to the feed, so out with the margin rig on the pole, and it took within a minute, gave me a real scrap, till it shot into the irises and shed the hook, by now it was three o clock and the sky looked black and then heard thunder, so we packed up quickly and just got the car loaded before it rained hard again.
So no carp landed but plenty of bream, not a bad day though apart from the rain,enjoyed it.