And the continued supply of butties Pete.
Had the landing net not worked I was prepared to take a swim despite the freezing fog. After all I regularly take a swim by accident fully clothed. At least I would have had dry clothes to put on.:wh
And the continued supply of butties Pete.
I had a day on a moving canal today. I christened my new pole, a Christmas present from my sandwich maker.
I had nothing of any size but stopped counting at 40 small roach/perch and a solitary skimmer and a solitary rudd of all things. Small worm and pinkies.
So nothing memorable catch wise but there is an image I shall never forget and will probably have nightmares about.
The bank is very steep behind. This necessitated breaking the pole down into shorter pieces than usual to swing in the fish.
I went to bait the hook again and to my horror I saw a section of expensive carbon slink its way into the muddy water and disappear. The thought of what to say on my return home challenged me to say the least. ( Order a spare and lie through my teeth?)
I was preparing to strip off and go for a dip when I reasoned that the first option should be a fish about with my landing net.
Luckily after several attempts I snagged it and was able to continue fishing with a great sense of relief.
Talking of involuntary swimming trips, I once managed to kick a trudex centerpin into the grand union at tring. It was about 4 ft in the margins, but this happened in January-no way was i going in there.