I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my first day in a week on the bank than with a dedicated perching session and for once with these pesky perch, things seemed to eventually work out in my favour.
I fished a deep lake although I wasn’t aware of just how deep until I plumbed up at the end of some overhanging branches around a rod length and a half out, when it got to thirteen feet and the float still wasn’t showing I tackled down and whipped on a quick sliding stop knot, slid on a bead and swapped the relatively light waggler for the longest I had which was a 3SSG straight peacock attached to a larger eyed swivel and quick link instead of the float adaptor and I eventually found around fifteen feet!
Now I don’t mind fishing the slider but this usually takes some pre-meditation as opposed to being taken by surprise so I was a little bit uneasy about things as well as scratting around for some mole hill soil to add to my feed to get it down before it got mullered en route.
Anyway, I bulked the majority of the shot at two thirds depth and used three no.6 droppers over the remainder and although everything sat well things looked pretty bleak for a good hour despite the banker looking swim and I was starting to wonder if I’d sat myself right on top of a ruddy great pike.
An hour and a bit in and I had my first bite which I hit before getting a couple of good blasts on the drag as the fish ran and it felt pretty unmistakable with that angry head shaking of a good perch… And then the hook pulled!
Back in again and around five minutes later the float sailed away without warning as something snaffled my worm and shortly afterwards a nice perch of around a pound and a bit was soon in the net.
Pressure off!
Over the course of the next few hours I then continued to take fourteen more with nothing smaller than a pound and the best two going 2lb 2oz and a level 2lb respectively…
It should be noted that I owe a debt of gratitude to Messrs John Step after a frustrating period where I bumped off five good fish in a row, I remembered his post about hair rigging worms and after a forage around in my waistcoat pockets I found (amongst other things!) a few loose quick stops which enabled me to try it and I didn’t lose a single fish after changing to the hair.
On another positive I did try out a feed mix I had been meaning to try for some time but never had all the ingredients and
if this had something to do with it then I reckon I’m defilnitely onto something but it will need several more successful sessions before I’m convinced.
Either way it certainly didn't do any harm and will go down as a bit of a red letter day for the mohicans.
Cheers John :guinness: