Just done 48hrs on my local syndicate. It was very windy when I arrived on Tuesday so no chance of spotting a fish at all, only one other angler on and he was in the favoured swim that most go for if they get the chance. He'd not caught or seen anything and despite fishing bowstring tight lines to the reeds he'd not had any liners. The fish were either past him still, in the deeper water or on their way to the other end on the wind. I spent an hour or so looking past him as the far end was calmer due to being sheltered more from the wind, I saw a couple of tench but that's expected as they like to spawn down this end of the lake. No carp at all.
The mid section where I would normally go wasn't looking good, nothing had been out of there for a week so that seemed to say that the fish had moved out of that area and were either sat on the mid lake plateau or heading for the top end and the shallows for sexy time.
I finally opted for a swim about a third of the way down which gave me plenty of water to fish, it's approx. 120yards across at this point, I could see onto the plateau from the climbing tree and was also able to see the shallows if they were getting in there to spawn.
Got the marker rod out and found a lovely clear spot 7ft deep with a weedbed behind and to the right of it, around 40 yards out and to my left. Spodded all my particles onto it, around 7kg of partimix, maples, tigers, maize and a new thing for me, frozen shrimps. I'd mixed this lot up the night before and added 500ml krill liquid and a litre of Nam Plas fish sauce. I decided not to put any pellet out as it attracts the rudd too much but they aren't so fussed about particles for some reason. I then added 500g of 16mm and 750g of 18mm boilies. Rod 2 was a 3 bait stringer to the far side at the bottom of the marginal drop off in 6ft. Rod 3 was a zig that I recast every hour or so, a new zig bug , a sedge or blue nymph for night.
18mm boilies were on to deter the small tench, they go to 12lb in here so if I got one it would need to be a bigger one with a larger bait.
No action till 0300 and I had a 15lb common, went ballistic in the margins but I had all my rods backleaded and it wasn't a problem. That was on rod 1, the one on the particle. No more action apart from liners. I saw the odd fish move through, especially yesterday when the wind dropped and it warmed/brightened up. I started to get a procession of 2lb rudd on the zig though, I couldn't avoid them and wherever I cast and at whatever depth I would get one! The rudd in here go well over 3lb, the EA take them for breeding every year, they are really nice and in great nick. If you like that sort of thing the you'd be well happy with them.
Wednesday night and at the exact same time I had a flyer, the rod was bouncing in the alarm as I reached to strike, not a real need as the fish was running and striking wasn't really necessary. It took me through 2 weedbeds but I managed to guide it out, just as I was getting it under control it kited left into the reeds and became really well stuck. I could feel it thumping so popped the waders on to go in for it, there's around 2ft of water so not dangerous even at night. As I picked the rod up and wound down, I'd left it on a slack line in case it decided to swim out on its own, it flatrodded me as it charged out and the hook pulled! This was one of the big girls, there's 4 or 5 that will do 30lb plus at this time of year and I haven't had one yet. There's also 2 cats in the lake, a low double and a mid 50, it may have been that one.
Back to bed and awoken by a tench at 0800, not a bad one at 8 1/2lb. Slept through sunrise again!
I think have a plan now for next time, clear spots in the weed, lots of particles, big boilies and get any fish under control before it can get to the reeds. I'm on a course next week and a run of days the week after so it'll be a couple of weeks till I can get back, they should have finished spawning by then, weights will be down but they will be hungry and eminently more catchable.