How did you get on?


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Has anyone ever hooked a rat? I so nearly did today :eek:mg: was retrieving after a long trot as the vermin swam right across my line with my float fast approaching just a couple of feet away.

Apart from a couple of dace and a small chub that thought it was a salmon giving me an aerial display that was the extent of the excitement for a couple of hours on the Stour today.

Must ensure the RATchet is engaged for future sessions.:).

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Has anyone ever hooked a rat? I so nearly did today :eek:mg: was retrieving after a long trot as the vermin swam right across my line with my float fast approaching just a couple of feet away.

Apart from a couple of dace and a small chub that thought it was a salmon giving me an aerial display that was the extent of the excitement for a couple of hours on the Stour today.

Must ensure the RATchet is engaged for future sessions.:).

Funnily enough I've actually had several blimmin rats that have been caught, it was a time a few years back when I used to take me boy carp fishing at our local promonard pond,

I used to fish crust on the surface during the summer evenings and these pesky blimmin rats would swim under water and under the lily pad leaves pop their little heads up out of the water and Nick me hook bait :eek:mg:

I surely wasn't amused to say the least :eek:hno:

Me mate said wind em in and then cast em back out as live bait for the pike :D......lols
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john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks very much Simon.
I'll have to sort some hosting for my pics and stop being a b pest!

Have a go at photobucket as per Binka instructions. If I can do it anyone can.
If you do a search, the instructions are there somewhere.

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
Reaction score
John everytime I used PB I would get bogus virus warnings and it also kept diverting me to new unwanted apps. At one time even when I looked at others pics.

Deleted my PB account. No probs since. Its been totally hacked.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Awoke this morning to a settled looking day and had a good feeling about it, contrary to what I'd been led to believe the weather looked good, settled and rain free.

That was it. Instant decision made. I was going to my local commercial to test drive a recent acquisition. Last year I treated myself to a Preston Response M70 pole and recently, being impressed with it, added the Response Carp to my arsenal.

A brief shed visit to cube some 8mm luncheon meat and I was done and on the way.

I arrived to find few anglers present and plenty of space free so I plonked myself on the main match lake in a swim which has good form and a lovely set of reeds on the far side courtesy of an island, easily reachable with 13m of pole.

I started off with a rig I recently tied myself, 8lb main line carrying a Preston Tyson float down to a 14 on 6.9lb trace. That might sound a tad heavy but late last year I found myself attached to a real munter, circa mid twenties, which I lost when my mainline broke. I was gutted and did not care for a repetition.

After thinking about yesterday, I opted to start with a banded (indeed Bandem) Sonubaits 6mm white chocolate pellet. Pellets really "blew" on this fishery a few years back, expanders excepted on occasions but I had a good few fish on them last year so thinking they may no longer be quite as persona non grata as they were, I started with a bit of confidence.

With some Giles Robson blues on the ipod, I didn't have long to wait. The first Milky Bar kid was a common circa 1lb 8oz. Gotta start somewhere. A couple more followed, 1lb or so and one around 2lbs. After catching see through roach on the Yeo, these really did feel like giants.

I was well impressed with the pole, it handled well and I felt confident with it.

After a couple of tiny carp, circa 4oz each, I struck into a bream around 1lb 8oz. It turned out to be a lone specimen as the carp moved back in with six fish in quick succession, including the biggest around 4lbs 8oz.

A couple of small roach also piped up, one around 7oz, the other 3 or 4.

The carp came back, fish between 1lb or so and 3lbs and another skimmer around the 12oz mark, unusual in that looking at it, one eye seemed higher up the head than the other. Anyway, Iziah (one Iziah than the other...) went back unfazed.

Things quietened down on the pellet and I switched to a cube of finest Plumrose. The carp came back, peppered with the odd skimmer and a single early season tench, a giant of maybe 12oz.

I also had a perch around the same size on the meat and that fish looked newly minted. Nice.

A couple more carp finished the day, the last fish of the day, as often happens here, was the biggest, maybe scraping 6lbs.

As I had a fair bit to do, I really couldn't stay as long as I'd like but ho hum, I'd made the effort and the new pole had had a good debut.

Back on the river for season's end next week, I reckon. Best of luck to all for the end of another. As Binka mentioned, here's to lighter nights and the odd sneaked evening session. Cheers. :)


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
And now for something completely different – one of the perks of living in the middle of nowhere is that the nearest maggots are some 16 miles away in a country store. The one that sells all the horsey stuff along with some very good maggots and a reasonable t/s section that even sells Drennan FF. Anyway, my bait ‘fridge has run out of maggots and I can’t be bothered to drive down there this morning (yes, it was still morning:)) so they can wait until Thursday.

The stream over the back fields has calmed down a touch so it’s down to some bread and lobworms to find me some chub. The next issue, I never thought to collect any lob worms from the grass last night. No problem – a little trick my dad taught me in the 50’s, get a bank stick (we used a bamboo garden cane back then) stick it in the ground and quickly move it up and down in the earth to create a sort of vibration noise (luckily our garden is not overlooked) and the lobs come to the surface believing that moles are about. Fifteen minutes and seven worms later I took a stroll over the fields knowing I could do the same by the bank if I ran out.


After 2 hours of stalking I ended up with 4 small chub free lining the worms, and one long distance release. Apologies for the auto focus being out of focus on the fish – only took one pic for the post as they weren't any size. Fished from 11am – 1pm – back out on Thursday for a long 4 hour session with some reds...........

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
After reading Rob's ( the artist) accounts about fishing the river Gade I pm'd him and we arranged to meet at the park in Watford to give it a go.
Light stickfloats set up we both fished red maggots in some very shallow swims.
Plenty of minnows as usual, and a few gudgeon for me at the first swim. Then I noticed Rob had snagged his float ( again ;) ) when a dace had pinged off.

Moving downstream Rob had a few runs through on a fast but narrow glide, the dace seemed to be right at the end of the short trot.

Again we walked on downstream into a wooded area and tried another spot where I caught a nice roach followed by a chublet, both at least 3oz which was an improvement..

We ended up on a small weir and with only room for one where Rob showed me how to catch dace from the sill in the white water.

All in all an extremely enjoyable 4hours with a new, and likeminded friend.

Happy days...


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Returned to the river today and wasn't disappointed that Roland was knowhere to be seen. Decided against trotting and took the lazy option of ledgering some cheese and it was a good choice, roved four swims and had four chub, nothing big, up to 3lb, though every one of the four were promising to be good fish such was the impressive fight they offered.

On his way to the net.


Easy on the eye today.


Just a week left.:(


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Not much to add to Simon's excellent write up on our trip to the Gade other than he does sneak up on you with his camera like a stealth ninja :D The fish weren't really having it but it was more about the banter although I did show him how to hook a tree, get in a tangle with new line and break a flask with expert precision :eek:mg: Think we both felt the heat a bit, thick socks, winter jacket and that wooly hat really wasn't a good idea.

Was a excellent few hours in the sun, cheers Simon
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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Not much to add to Simon's excellent write up on our trip to the Gade other than he does sneak up on you with his camera like a stealth ninja :D The fish weren't really having it but it was more about the banter although I did show him how to hook a tree, get in a tangle with new line and break a flask with expert precision :eek:mg: Think we both felt the heat a bit, thick socks, winter jacket and that wooly hat really wasn't a good idea.

Was a excellent few hours in the sun, cheers Simon

Bout time that apron was discarded ;) :D

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Jerry. I used to catch worms like that. Till the next door neighbour saw me from a rear view!:eek:

Anyway. Lazylike I now use the watering can filled up anf a squirt of fairy liquid added first.
Over the grass and the worms pop up.

Put on the tin with some moss if bothered about tainting. The fish arn't.

Good luck for rest lf season.
Jul 30, 2014
Reaction score
Well that's that part of the Avon busy till close of season. ....

Well done grayham.

#sarcastic slow clap face!


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Well that's that part of the Avon busy till close of season. ....

Well done grayham.

#sarcastic slow clap face!

If the stretch gets busy with anglers because of Grahams fish then surely they already knew the stretch anyway or else how would they recognise it?

It could have been on a different river to the Avon with that background, I have even seen stretches of the Wye with similar background so why bother to make your 5th post in 3 and a half years so sarcastic? there really is no need.

By the way why do you lurk on here? hoping to pick information up?

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
John everytime I used PB I would get bogus virus warnings and it also kept diverting me to new unwanted apps. At one time even when I looked at others pics.

Deleted my PB account. No probs since. Its been totally hacked.

Absolutely Graham, I honestly couldn't agree more and is the very reason why I don't use photo bucket :rolleyes:

Although I can't load up anything onto the open forum board I've got around it that If anyone wants to view any of me pics I've uploaded various fisheries etc that I fish onto me profile album which is viewable to all :thumbs:

At a later date I will add fish captures etc and when I put any reports up I will clearly just state that pics and the pic no: can be viewed on me profile album :D

At present this is the only way that I can upload pics

thames mudlarker

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2016
Reaction score
Not much to add to Simon's excellent write up on our trip to the Gade other than he does sneak up on you with his camera like a stealth ninja :D The fish weren't really having it but it was more about the banter although I did show him how to hook a tree, get in a tangle with new line and break a flask with expert precision :eek:mg: Think we both felt the heat a bit, thick socks, winter jacket and that wooly hat really wasn't a good idea.

Was a excellent few hours in the sun, cheers Simon

Nice little session you had there on the Gade Rob, as you say it was good just to meet up with Simon and have a bit of banter for a few hrs out on the river, well done mate :thumbs:

Nothing wrong with the hat Rob and that bait apron must be Ledgendary now :D
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Come on you lot, this thread is supposed to be about how your days fishing went.
Not barbel wars...

Start your own thread if you want a barney....