How did you get on?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Was Mick using the pole floats( for a pole presumably) rather than the waggler floats ? I would want them for river and Stillwater fishing mainly!

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Was Mick using the pole floats( for a pole presumably) rather than the waggler floats ? I would want them for river and Stillwater fishing mainly!

They aren't pole floats. They are running water floats for Bolo/stick work, depending on the size.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Great write up on the triak float Mick, they are good floats arn't they!
Unfortunately conditions this summer have forced me to fish the very fastest of swims where I had to use long sight tipped wire stemmed bolo floats in order to them and stop the float being pulled under in the chop etc. Now things are getting back to normal i'll be getting out the triac float on a local stream. Unfortunately I can't post pictures so my report will be short of them :).
No problems Ian, Fully understand the scenario.
The Trent is really low at the moment and a low tide makes it more so.
It's been frustrating trying to get the chance to try out out the Triacs, especially when so much of the river as been out of bounds so to speak.
I think that catches on the stik could well be cut lower unless we have more rain, lots of it to raise the level and put some colour back to pep things up.
It's even worse on my Trent trib, most of the places I frequent are so low, maybe a foot at best it's possible to walk hundreds of yards and not see a single fish!


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I know! Flightliners hdygo post , as is usual specified fish caught, venue and method used! The latter detailed a unique and newly tried float which, not unusually ,prompted a few questions!

Hardly a major digression from the thread!:)


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
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Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
Another executive decision, tackle sorted yesterday for todays match on a feast or famine venue depending on where you draw, and there are more famines than feasts at this one. Tackle loaded up last night ,butties in fridge,bait sorted, Up this morning, opened the curtains, raining hard, downstairs to make cuppa, back upstairs to drink it, Unload car when stopped raining, At the time of posting this, tackle is still in the car. I don't mind it raining when I get there and fishing, I am at that age now were I hate setting up in the rain.


Well-known member
May 11, 2017
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Here we go again,I returned to the stretch of the Ouse I moved to on Thursday after catching one,I've never had a barbe l there and it's not through lack of trying,well had one today 10-3,that was an hour or so after I had a 7-8/8lb bream,happy days....


Jul 12, 2009
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All the talk of triac floats made me get out on the river today. The river I fished is only medium to small one and was ideal to give the triac float another workout.
I started in a long glide where I can trott to well over 70yds on days that allow me to see the float ok. Today was one of those days and I could still see the float tip easy enough at 70yds. That swim can be a great swim and produce lots of fish but today it didn't live up to it's past self. I dragged bottom with the triac and it worked well as I held it back causing the line to bellow out forward and drag the bait and shot along. I had to fish about three times over depth and very slowly ease the bait downstream before I managed one chub of possibly a pound.
I moved down to another swim and had a couple of chub about the pound size again. I soon got bored there and moved back upstream to fight my way through a real twisted jungle of really tall nettles, balsam and intertwined brambles ....I only had a tea shirt on and my arms are still tingling with nettle stings and smarting from bramble scratches!
Anyhow, the fight through the undergrowth turned out to be worth it as I had dropped onto a shoal of serioualy huge dace, several times I thought I had a decent little chub on because they really pulled back. They were too large for me to lift out with the rod and I had to use the landing net....that means they were big and heavy because I normally swing some pretty large fish to hand . Oh, I used a 13ft drennan accy plus rod and accidentally stubbed the tip a couple of times and got it snarled up in brambles etc were many a lesser rod would have snapped off!!
Anyhow, I can confirm that the triac float worked a treat and just as before it showed up shy bites really well.
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Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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I had the morning off work so i got up and walked to the pond. Started at the thin end, sweetcorn on a 16 under a small Drennan antenna float, fished a few inches overdepth. Saw a kingfisher working the rudd, and some very extroverted snakes swimming around on the surface (not pictured as i couldn't get my phone out in time)


Nothing but tiny rudd, so i moved up to the pond's only lily pads. You can just about make out a snake below in the centre of the water, swimming to the right:


More snakes and also a resident terrapin catching the sun, beautiful spot but no matter what i did i could only catch baby rudd, even when i scaled up to a size 10 with 3 grains on. Also tried meat - larger pieces were ignored, smaller pieces snaffled by rudd. I have to admit my confidence took a bashing today so if anyone has any ideas how i can tempt the tench that i know are there... and the 3oz crucian i caught the other day must have larger relatives. As far as i know there are no Cyprinus carpio present, so it has the potential to be an excellent stillwater for light float work but the rudd are at plague proportions.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Double attack of fishing today .
Joined a mate of mine on a canal some 7 or so miles from here , got there set up usual rod reel stool i dont carry much these days too much hassle anyhow spent almost 2 hours trying everything i could think of a couple of nibbles no takers .

So with a serious dose of the hump packed up headed back here to my local cut WHAT ! a difference fish a chuck even with boats moving around ended the day well happy nothing massively big or of special note just roach and perch by the bucket load all on single white maggot over liqui bread or not over bread it in reality did not seem to make much difference .

Must make a try for the better stamp of roach that lurk in there and there are some decent rudd to tackle ..

PG ...



Well-known member
Aug 26, 2016
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Went to river Medway yesterday just off Maidstone, there seemed to be plethora of Bleak which you can catch pretty much anywhere with every cast of maggot. At one point though I have connected with something a bit heavier, I was super excited that it is a big Bleak but now looking at the picture, isn't it Roach?

2018-09-10 10.04.22.jpg

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Yesterday's club fixture was on the Aylesbury arm of the GUC. One of the hardest of all the venues on the club book. There are 2 pegs by the bridge which are the flyers, beyond that it's cyanide...


Needless to say the winner and runner up were on those 2 pegs..

This morning the weather was so nice I thought sod it I'm going down to fish the Colne in town. Someone gave me their unused casters yesterday so I took them and some hemp based groundbait. Set up a 3bb stickfloat and 20 red maggot hook and trotted the caster over the gb. It wasn't too long before the roach turned up along with the occasional plump dace.


Fished 11:30 to 4:30, it wasn't bite a chuck but I was happy to be catching quality fish on a beautiful piece of river.



I found a place just like that dave. Was pulling out Rudd after Rudd but couldnt get anything else. I went back there for a total of about 25 hours but couldnt get past the Rudd. I gave up after a bit of rain hit as it turned to swamp. The only thing you can really do is try fishing the bottom with a bait too big for the rudd to eat