Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

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Ray Daywalker Clarke

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Apr 28, 2007
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Still going on even when its clear, and has been said by those who wrote this.



Its not overwhelming in any way shape or form, and not Historic for the simple reason , it CANT BE PROVED.


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Graham Elliott 1

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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Flat rocks where water normally covers. Big rocks shoreline.

Plants. Picture too poor to identify. Look at Canadian reeds/grasses images. Many look like picture.

A guy caught a big carp. Weight unknown/changed. NOT verified by anyone but himself. Photot altered.

Family member offering evidence dissuaded to add more. One Witness won't confirm capture.

Relevant Questions ignored. Where's the evidence that matters.

Call in Sherlock.

Ray Daywalker Clarke

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Apr 28, 2007
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

This gets more like the Bible, according to, Peter, Paul, Luke and John, don't forget Tom,**** and Harry.

Is this new article the new testament ???? we got that because the old testament was, Well, lets say not correct.


So what if Chris Yates knows the place or has been there, NO Evidence, NO FACTS.

Thats all there is to say


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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Matthew and Mark had a lot to say too, Ray. :)


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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

This gets more like the Bible, according to, Peter, Paul, Luke and John, don't forget Tom,**** and Harry.

Is this new article the new testament ???? we got that because the old testament was, Well, lets say not correct.


So what if Chris Yates knows the place or has been there, NO Evidence, NO FACTS.

Thats all there is to say

If your not interested, then your choice and you move on its that simple.


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Jun 3, 2008
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Phillip ... why are you so interested in , Canoes , kayaks ?
Eddie I believe already said he was not sure what it was 'Stacked up ' lakes all over the country have such craft and more , surely comments on the huge amount of qualified researched information supplied by Eddie should be more of an interest.
It looks to me a very strong case this huge haul of common Carp came from the UK
Most of the comments made by the CS in the early 90's appear to have no foundation.
There's never going to be 100% proof ..... but the amount of information put forward by Cliff and Eddie makes a very likely case ...
I don't understand why more readers of this long long thread have not reached this conclusion .
I understand fully why Martin did what he did , not sure he did it the right why .
Seasons greetings to all .

The reason why the presence of Kayaks in the photo is important is clearly explained on the other thread. You need to look back and fully digest and absorb whats been said and not skim over posts.

Also get your facts right. Eddie changed his stance from there was no way he was going to take even a wild guess at what the objects where to saying they could be Kayaks, canoes, sailing boats or strangely...timber! was quite a stance change!

Mr Hatton who also saw the photos has failed to comment dispite CLEARLY alluding to the presence of canoes elsewhere.

Dont you find it incredible Michael that dispite the 1000s of words mr Hatton had devoted on this web site to the lack of a power stations chimneys and telling us the background contained just a chain link fence, sign and general scrubland and stressing multiple times there was nothing else of relevance that he , what? ..FORGOT.. To mention the stack of boats?

Is he seriously going to try and suggest that 10000 words on non existant chimneys is somehow more important than something actually IN the photos?

It appears to me he DELIBERATLY left this detail out and you have to wonder WHY?

In the same way he is DELIBERATLY avoiding anwsering the question as to whether Yvonne Gay is aware of these latest articles and the contents of the associated threads?

And an anwser suggesting she is not interested wont wash. Given the very direct way her immediate family is being dragged into this public debate by Mr Hatton i think she has a right to know.
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Cliff Hatton

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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Graham said: "Where's the evidence that matters?"

The evidence that matters is the 4 geologist's expert decree that the fish were not caught from a warm water outlet in Ontario. This leaves us with - realistically - one alternative: England. .........Selman's protests answered. "NOT A UK SPECIES"


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Mar 26, 2011
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Graham said: "Where's the evidence that matters?"

The evidence that matters is the 4 geologist's expert decree that the fish were not caught from a warm water outlet in Ontario. This leaves us with - realistically - one alternative: England.

Martin Gays 48lb Canadian Common | General Carp Angling | Fishingwarehouse Forum .........Selman's protests answered.

Canadian Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis | NatureSpot "NOT A UK SPECIES"

Have I got the geography right its conceivable that Martin saw large carp in Canada , which fits in with what James has said , but that it would have been impossible to fish for them from land.

Graham Elliott 1

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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Cliff. Thats one gigantic leap of faith.

One alternative?

This is about a chap who didn't want publicity, but did.
Who incorrectly stated a weight
Who failed to provide evidence when pushed
Whose family having the opportunity to clear it up.....wont.
Who altered the photographs that are now apparently disposed of.

If this was in any other case you and Eddie wouldn't even entertain the possibility.

As I said before, 3 important anglers of the same era I have asked for opinions all dispute the fish was caught legitimately.One can only take advice from people aware of the circumstances at the time and that one knows and trusts.

No point continuing in my opinion. Unless definitive proof is forthcoming you have made an interesting discussion. Nothing more. Sorry..


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Jun 3, 2008
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Who altered the photographs that are now apparently disposed of.

Now THAT is key to everything.

The unedited photos may still exist and could potentially be the only evidence that can solve this saga conclusivly.

Make NO mistake...Eddie and Mr Hatton have consistantly been evasive when it comes to either thier whereabouts or left out details about thier contents.

If either of them wish to deny this then i will happily cut and paste multiple examples from the threads to demonstrate.

If anyone wants to really get to the bottom of this then they should ignore the constant red herrings being thrown in which will only lead to more inconclusive heresay and focus only on the photos and thier wereabouts.

I have followed this discussion closely. To save people the effort of reading back i can tell you this is what we know about the photos whereabouts:

1. Mr Hatton said he had no idea where they were and suggested they could have been burnt.

2. He then later amended his story to authoritivly say that Yvonne Gay (martin Gays wife who actually took the photos) no longer has them.

...this is a good example of how it appears mr Hatton is misleading the discussion can he have no idea were the photos are but at the same time be So utterly certain Yvonne Gay no longer has them? to explain that mr Hatton ?

3. Eddie Benham said he spoke to Yvonne Gay about the photos..he told us she said she had "disposed" of them and that was the end of that and no one would ever see them.

I pressed Eddie multiple times on what "disposed of" actually means? ....did it mean they no longer exist? ....Eddie was tremendously evasive on this...its there for anyone to see on the other thread. Mr Hatton waded in as well ...accusing me of a personal problem with Eddie and saying thing such as "disposed of means disposed of!" And telling me thats all i would be getting. Dispite the insults & accusations i continued to push on this point...pressing Eddie to tell us what EXACTLY Yvonne Gay said to him when he asked her about the photos..and lo and behold..Eddie changed his story and admitted she did not say "disposed of" ...and amended it to now say she "no longer has them"....aligning now you will note with mr Hattons statements.

I have since consistantly pressed Eddie to tell us what EXACTLY (word for word) Yvonne Gay said to him when he asked her about the photos. He has thus far failed to tell us. I also draw attention to the fact this a fairly recent it should be fresh indeed in his 25 year memory issues on this one.

Mr Hatton on the other hand had consistantly refused to anwser the question of how he knows Yvonne Gay no longer had the photos or more crucially...if he knows were they may be now...all he tells us is that no ones going to see them ever! does Mr Hatton know this? ...if he has no idea where they are how can he so conclusivly tell us no one will ever see them?

Care to explain that Mr Hatton?

What we can draw from all this is the photos potentially still exist and Yvonne Gay was the last person we can say with certainty had them (as she took them so must have had them). We dont know what she said to Eddie about them when he asked and we dont know if she destroyed them, kept them or...Maybe...passed them onto someone else....a close family friend perhaps?

We also need to consider why mr Hatton CLEARLY alluded to the presence of a stack of canoes in the background of the photos on a different website but failed to make any mention of them at any point here. Simply brushing people off with comments about the background containing scrubland and little else.

The other point that seems strange is that if mr Hatton is so certain of the uk argument then surely tracking down the unedited photos offers his best and only hope of proving it. Why focus so much effort on debunking the CS claims but so easily dismiss anything about tracking down the photos which could prove what he says and debunk the CS claims at the same time?

If Eddie or mr Hatton wish to contest any of the above i can demonstrate what i am saying with cut and pasted quotes from them.


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Mar 26, 2011
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Here is a scenario that fits
The carp were caught in Britain
While in Canada Martin saw some large fish near the power station
His nephew , who was very young at the time , heard his uncle talking about them
In later life , as happens to us all , childhood memories became diluted and Martin's nephew , having also heard his parents talking about Martin's hassle with his catch , transposed the facts into his Uncle having actually caught the fish in Canada. Now childhood memories can be very strong but often confused , so I am not saying Martin's nephew is lying in fact I am sure he is ansolutely convinced.

That rather fits for me , a chance remark by someone else unleashed a tirade of people who , by hearsay , became convinced the fish were caught in Canada.

Depends how many of Graham's friends actually spoke direct to Martin


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Mar 8, 2013
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Martin's wife took the photo of him holding the big fish. Did she always go fishing with him and take the photos for him ?

Was it Hanningfield Reservoir where he spotted the fish and fishing was not allowed, but he took the chance (maybe he had a contact who would let him fish) so he phoned his wife on a mobile and she nipped down and took the photo and in the photo was a No Fishing Sign and Hanningfield Reservoir was also displayed on the sign ?

I think Cliff and Eddie know a lot more than their both letting on. Very odd if after all these years and being good close friends with Martin and his Wife they don't know where these fish were caught.

This is all about dis-crediting the Canadian Carp theory and the people behind it in my opinion. Because I think Cliff, Eddie and maybe a few others know exactly where these Carp were caught but will not disclose the water, not now not ever.

Martin would not disclose the water and nor will anyone else who he told and trusted not to.

So its a case you either believe Cliff and Eddie and the others that the Carp were caught from an English lake (Reservoir) or you don't because they are not prepared to break the trust they made with Martin all those years ago in my opinion and that's why the photo's will never been shown to anyone outside the circle nor will all the questions being asked ever be answered either.
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Michael Loveridge 2

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Nov 12, 2006
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Philip !
Why oh why do you keep harping on about things in this mammoth thread that everybody knows we are not gonna see .
Does it really matter what Martins wife said , ie disposed of , threw away etc etc !
We are not gonna see them !
Why not comment on the fact that 4 very highly qualified geologist s state the plants , rocks are not likely to be in Canada .
Surely your remarks would be of more interest if you address the latest posts .


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Mar 26, 2011
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Paul Selman has responded today on his forum with an array of anglers whose view it is that the fish were Canadian but as far as I can see not one claims to have spoken directly to Martin , therefore it seems they are simply expressing a belief not confirming a fact.

Graham Elliott 1

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Dec 12, 2002
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Benny. Can you provide a link to that please.


Graham Elliott 1

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Dec 12, 2002
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Re: Martin Gay's Historic Carp Captures - THIS is 'Overwhelming Evidence'...

Thanks Sam/Benny.

Not one of three I asked. Its a quite widely held opinion then
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