It's true that the start up can be negated by using a heavier float set up.
In slower swims the float gets pulled off the trotting line as it crosses the current due to the reel not giving line quickly enough. I prefer a low start up and use my thumb to slow the reel down in the faster swims.
My own recommended list for user pins is the Adcock Stanton, Okuma Sheffield and Aventa Pro, Greys Bewick, the Swallow the Speedia and the Youngs Purists.
For close in fishing where retrieve rate is less important, the Rapidex and the Trudex, here I agree with tigger, find a good one of those and
It's true pin witchcraft.
I've ogled the Chris Lythe reels on his website and read the appreciation letters, no doubt about it, the bloke can knock up some decent cartwheels.
Most anglers are decent and honest, a lot of second hand pins are fine, sold for all the various reasons, however it's buyer beware obviously, you might be unlucky.
All the best.