Hitting the Eastern European problem head on, morality v’s self interest?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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Is that your interpretation of what PC means nicepix or is that documented so can be sourced by everyone? (police, judiciary, you, me etc).
Should we not show our concern for our dwindling inheritance (kids) being used as meat for fear of NOT being politically correct? The stakes are high.
Do you feel equal to those that are happy with that situation unabated? I'm not.

---------- Post added at 04:07 ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 ----------

I certainly don't want vigilantes patrolling the waters but are we ever going to be collectively allowed to draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough, no more?
How much time do you personally think we should allow before everything is destroyed in front of us, incrementally and slowly, year by year?
Also when you wrote you are only advocating communication as a cheap way of having at least some affect, how can it be effective when PC is acting as a referee all the time? To add, as before, how can you possibly expect ANY change for the better in the knowledge that even the judiciary has become ideologically shaped by PC now that the damage to the waters (and the country as a whole) is now becoming apparent and effecting everyone?

So you haven't really done anything then


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
Is that your interpretation of what PC means nicepix or is that documented so can be sourced by everyone? (police, judiciary, you, me etc).
Should we not show our concern for our dwindling inheritance (kids) being used as meat for fear of NOT being politically correct? The stakes are high.
Do you feel equal to those that are happy with that situation unabated? I'm not.

How would you describe it then? Do you think that the law should allow for exceptions and if so who and why?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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that's me out it seems to be getting too personal , its a fishing forum and we come here to talk about fishing and have a laugh.


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Sep 29, 2014
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So you haven't really done anything then

Its not a competition of who does more if it bares no effect on tackling the problem, collectively we still cannot agree on what is or isn't effective in stopping the problems, that means we still have the problems and they are not likely to go away, that also means what ever I write that I have done (mainly ecological volunteering work on land and water) is to no avail anyway, a waste of time in the long run as what is to be destroyed will be, which is the underlining point running through the thread!

PC dictates what is and isn't reasonable, gives terms for individuals, effects the law and thus punishments etc etc, PC is the destroyer, it allows all the bad things to be ideologically explained without reason and allows all this stuff to carry on unabated.

Don't take anything I say personally Benny, you have given me no reason to dislike you (your opinion don't tally with mine sometimes :D)

---------- Post added at 04:45 ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 ----------

How would you describe it then? Do you think that the law should allow for exceptions and if so who and why?

I find it strange that nationally no one can agree on what PC actually is (although adopted nationally, effecting every part of their daily thinking in a perverse manner, at work or online etc) so when you said I was confusing what PC was I naturally asked for a definition from an agreed high authority on the subject and its not forthcoming, with respect, its not simply employment law, but its there, its not simply forum rules, but its there, governing them, that means EVERYONE is having to interpret what it means to fit their own reasoning, when law itself until recently never gave that much ambiguity, it does now though, we both agree on that much, we are discussing the fruits of PC right now.
RACE, RELIGION, SEXUALITY are the big players in this game.
I can only define PC so far as something that is given precedence over law and is allowed to influence its decisions making crimes unpublishable, which is a big mistake and very dangerous to any civilized future. I guess it can be boiled down further to making lawful deterrents more relaxed using an accelerated evolution of language as a vehicle.
Most people if you ask them do not even know what the law is and what it is there for, or why it must be maintained ALWAYS, but are scared of falsely being labelled a racist, that is a good litmus test.

It looks to me like part of an ideology that pre-war Europe (especially Germany) saw the danger of, one that can and if allowed will slowly bring down the current European civilization's, which it looks like it might this time achieve, baearing in mind as a country England has yet to reap its just desserts for murdering its own racial kin in Europe (ie Dresden etc), as does the USA also, that is how powerful its convincing nature can be on the mind, that is where we are pointing today, the fishing is just one of the symptoms imho, PC will distract from the illness though, self evident throughout the thread which I may as well purposely fail to get the point across for going unnoticed, even though I've clearly stated why.
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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
Your definition of what is political correctness does not seem to conform with the dictionary versions or the content of oaths sworn by constables and other legal prefessionals. What you assert political correctness to be is more in keeping with my suggestion of the misinterpretation of the definition by legal and public figures.

You say that you are not advocating a vigilante approach. How then are you attempting to bring about the changes that you desire?

Nobby C (ACA)

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Sep 9, 2001
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leafy green nowhere
Your definition of what is political correctness does not seem to conform with the dictionary versions or the content of oaths sworn by constables and other legal prefessionals. What you assert political correctness to be is more in keeping with my suggestion of the misinterpretation of the definition by legal and public figures.

You say that you are not advocating a vigilante approach. How then are you attempting to bring about the changes that you desire?

Are these the same constables that were part of a police force found to be "institutionally racist"? Or, did you,like other Police workers find themselves stereo typing without any malice but just from experience?
PC,however well intended is used as an excuse for minorities to do as they please and well they know it.
Lutfar Rahmen being a prime example.
Rotheram,Oxford,Bradford authorities etc being another.
EE's ruining fisheries being the one here.


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Sep 29, 2014
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Your definition of what is political correctness does not seem to conform with the dictionary versions or the content of oaths sworn by constables and other legal prefessionals. What you assert political correctness to be is more in keeping with my suggestion of the misinterpretation of the definition by legal and public figures.

You say that you are not advocating a vigilante approach. How then are you attempting to bring about the changes that you desire?

At the moment all we can do is minimize or enjoy damage limitation, nothing can be done by single individuals, but single individuals make up a nation, so explaining the truth about why things are going pair shaped are my first steps.

Give us these definitions nicepix, quote them here in the thread (while linking them for the reader also).

So is PC simply the content of certain Oaths according to whom and whose authority? Who do the Police serve us or the Queen? Where does the Queen get her authority from? Us? A divine right? How does PC (the imposter) usurp the law long after its been given?
If your authority can only be proven by violence or coercion (ie using guns) then it is invalidated in law, simply because consent cannot be freely given under duress, and it is certainly not classed a voluntary act! False witness.

Law is the only answer, everyone in knowledge of it and everyone able to use the law for the betterment of eachother, which is counter to PC which arms the criminal by government proxy, (the criminal or common fish thief becomes the vigilante, patrolling his water from the EA card holder) according to your logic.

PC is making criminals out of the victims of crime, while at the same time relaxing the law for the criminal by eliminating any effective deterrents and while softening those punishments, you and me pay for that, you might even vote for it (that is entirely up to you though) you will be governed by the above regardless, that's how it is, we need police but we need them on our side otherwise they become a private army, loyal to their master who gives them protection.

Vigilante approach is a good example actually, you can watch your rivers be emptied basically (perfectly lawful and PC also) and are advised to use certain avenues that are proven to be ineffective year after year after year, but if you make any attempt to stop it yourself you are a lawbreaker.

I'm not feeling all that culturally enriched right now by the promises of PC.

I am not a violent person myself so I would be hard pushed to become part of a vigilante group nicepix, better make that very clear. Defending myself is different though, or in the extreme case preserving life is wholly lawful in my book, even my own as I believe life is sacred and a gift to look after, thing is it boils down to being armed or not, the police are armed, that makes them daddy, but if grandaddy says this is how you will behave and this is who you serve then who can we be to argue?
PC has been obviously whispering in the ear of the policeman also, for quite some time then, even demanding allegiance above law, which makes it sound more like rules for one side of the camp.
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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
You seem to be fixated on the theory that this problem is brought about by something called political correctness. It is not and you don't seem able to grasp that or are unwilling to.

Pure political correctness means treating everyone the same. Not to grant favours or discriminate against any class, creed, sex, religious belief amongst other character traits. Here is one definition:
"The avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against."
Taken from: Oxford Dictionaries - Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Grammar

And the police constables oath includes: "........... fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people..........."

The police notionally serve the monarch of the day. But in reality are an arm of the government of the day. The government are responsible for making laws. If you want laws changed then canvas the government, not the police.

Where the law has failed in the case of EEs stealing fish or Asian men grooming young girls is that the people responsible for dealing with all cases impartially have not because they have not been politically correct. You don't seem to be able or are unwilling to grasp that.

There has been a tendency to shy away from investigating minority groups for fear of being branded racist and at the same time also granting immunity to public figures such as Cyril Smith and Jimmy Savile. That is not being politically correct is it?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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I really couldn't have put it better myself Clive and believe me I have tried


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Sep 29, 2014
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You seem to be fixated on the theory that this problem is brought about by something called political correctness. It is not and you don't seem able to grasp that or are unwilling to.

Pure political correctness means treating everyone the same. Not to grant favours or discriminate against any class, creed, sex, religious belief amongst other character traits. Here is one definition:
"The avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against."
Taken from: Oxford Dictionaries - Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Grammar

And the police constables oath includes: "........... fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people..........."

The police notionally serve the monarch of the day. But in reality are an arm of the government of the day. The government are responsible for making laws. If you want laws changed then canvas the government, not the police.

Where the law has failed in the case of EEs stealing fish or Asian men grooming young girls is that the people responsible for dealing with all cases impartially have not because they have not been politically correct. You don't seem to be able or are unwilling to grasp that.

There has been a tendency to shy away from investigating minority groups for fear of being branded racist and at the same time also granting immunity to public figures such as Cyril Smith and Jimmy Savile. That is not being politically correct is it?

Political correctness is a theory nicepix, a theory that has been put into practice (according to wiki how.com which I linked to earlier on in this thread) since the 1970's.
Political theories (like communism, socialism and marxism just for example sake) need societies as testing grounds, being a social engineering project, the first intent falls on first changing the minds of those in such societies that are not prepared for, nor have a defense for any effects that have a negative impact on that society. I really do not need to prove that by repeating what I have said already and brings us onto the point of law. The fact that you admit there is a problem shows very clearly that PC is not the same as law and since one followed the former (PC came after laws had already been made regarding rape and theft) shows what has been playing the largest part of all increases in confusion or knowledge of law in such serious cases of late, this can be called corruption, but all in all all these things can be narrowed or boiled down to a transgression from the law (in my opinion aided and abetted by PC).

So according to your first example you quoted, as long as you ARE the marginal or socially disadvantaged group you should not be discriminated against, PERIOD. Leap frogging the interests of the vast majority who in this theory are silenced completely, how ironic for democracy also.

Now ask yourself where the law is serving as a punishment to ALL who allowed the rapes to happen (do also include the political theorists who served immigration to the British undemocratically right through to those who turned a blind eye and those who say they maintain our laws). Then ask yourself how the law will deter others from doing the same and why or why not as the case maybe.

Your second point that you insist I cannot grasp relies on why someone would be discriminated against in the first place or disadvantaged. If I leave my country to sponge off of a better one that is self inflicted, the notion of asylum goes beyond finding the nearest safe place in the majority of immigration cases as its the indigenous that stand to lose what they worked hard for, so that is yet another guilt trip I cannot subscribe to either.
PC protects quite a few things that left untamed will destroy whole countries, uses arguments that on the surface are hard to oppose, are completely irrational often playing on the emotions rather than the logic in foresightedness or agreement of the vast majority of such a nation.
Plenty of examples walking the earth now who can now promote what is now protected from discrimination.
Someone who is in a minority but chooses to rape a women should be expected to be discriminated against, or a step further, punished or disadvantaged by forfeiting their liberty, you cannot seem to grasp that for these people to of even had a chance to commit such a crime in the first place relied on the help of the definition you gave for PC.

The "constitutional monarch" is we are told, simply a figure head for democratic government, but in a bizarre twist of logic, the oath she swore was to the God of the bible during her coronation, so right there already is a conflict of interest on her part and as she gives royal accent to man made law (which last time I checked the bible prohibits man made laws in the Decalogue) she may even be suffering from the potency of her power as her empire crumbles, also self nullifying her own subjects justice for business interests via a justice system. Her coronation oath contradicts "pure" PC theory, only saying.

The master of the police is on the police badge and uniform, period.

The people always come last. That is why PC in its "pure" form protects every perversion that the good laws that helped build civilization gave protection against, this is the part you cannot grasp.

To answer your last question just ask yourself honestly why the law could fail in such a disastrously epic fashion.
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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
Have you any actual examples to support your assertions? Because it seems to me to be a lengthy, incoherent rant with nothing to support it.


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Sep 29, 2014
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Have you any actual examples to support your assertions? Because it seems to me to be a lengthy, incoherent rant with nothing to support it.


You seem less and less able to return these apparent faults of mine with any substance of your own, which in any debate should be seen as an opportunity to put your point across by teaching me where you think I'm in error, at least I stand to learn something that way, call it an open offer. I think you struggle to have any real answers to most of the points I make, as they are not in agreement, but that is all, I know you wouldn't discriminate against my incoherency without a smile on your face!:D:)

Allow me the chance, tell me what specific assertions those are nicepix and I will do my best.

Will have to go soon so if I don't answer straight away I will next time
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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France

You seem less and less able to return these apparent faults of mine with any substance of your own, which in any debate should be seen as an opportunity to put your point across by teaching me where you think I'm in error, at least I stand to learn something that way, call it an open offer. I think you struggle to have any real answers to most of the points I make, as they are not in agreement, but that is all, I know you wouldn't discriminate against my incoherency without a smile on your face!:D:)

Allow me the chance, tell me what specific assertions those are nicepix and I will do my best.

Will have to go soon so if I don't answer straight away I will next time

We'll start with why was your 19:26 post edited half an hour later. After my reply?

Then maybe you could explain why your 13:45 post was edited almost an hour later. Again after a reply had been made to it?

Then maybe you could provide links or evidence to support this:


Sweden is now the RAPE capitol of Europe, and it has been steadily climbing in tandem with demographic statistics based on immigration ...there you go, that was easy, and factual & completely truthful.

But when you dig a bit deeper and discuss the cause you hit a PC brick wall, because you might factually be discussing things that PC hides with the premise of "equality" like RACE for example.

The statistical data proves that two RACES of people are committing the rapes in Sweden in glaringly high proportion by percentage, which isn't including Swedes raping Swedes in high numbers, which shows a higher disproportionate value to immigrants by overall numbers or by percentage since post 1997 immigration, its a statistical fact that needn't carry any derogatory terms about who is actually committing the rapes, but is still silenced by PC rules for discussing RACE in a negative light, which can be easily deemed RACIST by the use of PC, the effect of this stifles any reasoned, factual discussion on what the cause might be and how to disseminate these findings amongst others with the same concerns.
What you find is it just gets buried via forum rules or unwarranted accusations of RACISM as the term itself cannot be discussed or termed correctly and people get banned, so are forced into a reluctance to discuss the MORE SERIOUS discussions while belittling the lesser serious problems which might be related to the same cause, or in this case using others alleged mental faculties to do so, which is lame.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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Political correctness is a theory nicepix, a theory that has been put into practice (according to wiki how.com which I linked to earlier on in this thread) since the 1970's.
Political theories (like communism, socialism and marxism just for example sake) need societies as testing grounds, being a social engineering project, the first intent falls on first changing the minds of those in such societies that are not prepared for, nor have a defense for any effects that have a negative impact on that society. I really do not need to prove that by repeating what I have said already and brings us onto the point of law. The fact that you admit there is a problem shows very clearly that PC is not the same as law and since one followed the former (PC came after laws had already been made regarding rape and theft) shows what has been playing the largest part of all increases in confusion or knowledge of law in such serious cases of late, this can be called corruption, but all in all all these things can be narrowed or boiled down to a transgression from the law (in my opinion aided and abetted by PC).

So according to your first example you quoted, as long as you ARE the marginal or socially disadvantaged group you should not be discriminated against, PERIOD. Leap frogging the interests of the vast majority who in this theory are silenced completely, how ironic for democracy also.

Now ask yourself where the law is serving as a punishment to ALL who allowed the rapes to happen (do also include the political theorists who served immigration to the British undemocratically right through to those who turned a blind eye and those who say they maintain our laws). Then ask yourself how the law will deter others from doing the same and why or why not as the case maybe.

Your second point that you insist I cannot grasp relies on why someone would be discriminated against in the first place or disadvantaged. If I leave my country to sponge off of a better one that is self inflicted, the notion of asylum goes beyond finding the nearest safe place in the majority of immigration cases as its the indigenous that stand to lose what they worked hard for, so that is yet another guilt trip I cannot subscribe to either.
PC protects quite a few things that left untamed will destroy whole countries, uses arguments that on the surface are hard to oppose, are completely irrational often playing on the emotions rather than the logic in foresightedness or agreement of the vast majority of such a nation.
Plenty of examples walking the earth now who can now promote what is now protected from discrimination.
Someone who is in a minority but chooses to rape a women should be expected to be discriminated against, or a step further, punished or disadvantaged by forfeiting their liberty, you cannot seem to grasp that for these people to of even had a chance to commit such a crime in the first place relied on the help of the definition you gave for PC.

The "constitutional monarch" is we are told, simply a figure head for democratic government, but in a bizarre twist of logic, the oath she swore was to the God of the bible during her coronation, so right there already is a conflict of interest on her part and as she gives royal accent to man made law (which last time I checked the bible prohibits man made laws in the Decalogue) she may even be suffering from the potency of her power as her empire crumbles, also self nullifying her own subjects justice for business interests via a justice system. Her coronation oath contradicts "pure" PC theory, only saying.

The master of the police is on the police badge and uniform, period.

The people always come last. That is why PC in its "pure" form protects every perversion that the good laws that helped build civilization gave protection against, this is the part you cannot grasp.

To answer your last question just ask yourself honestly why the law could fail in such a disastrously epic fashion.

Wes you come across as a deep thinker but you miss the point, a lot of beliefs get labelled under the PC banner , but there is no PC brigade , there are a lot of people who think equality in the workplace and in law is vital , there are a few loony civil servants who decided that saying blackboard was racist and there are papers like the daily mail who invent stories about teachers banning baa baa black sheep and every flavour in between. The press have convinced some that the loony left are everywhere - they aren't.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Police report finding a man's body in the River Trent. The dead man's name will not be
released until his family has been notified.
The victim apparently drowned and was wearing black fishnet stockings, a red garter belt, a pink G-string, a strap-on dildo, purple lipstick, and a ‘Milliband for PM’ T-shirt.
He also had a cucumber in his rectum.
The police removed the Ed Milliband T-shirt to spare his family any
unnecessary embarrassment.
In spite of what we sometimes think, the Police do care.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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Charente, France
Police report finding a man's body in the River Trent. The dead man's name will not be
released until his family has been notified.
The victim apparently drowned and was wearing black fishnet stockings, a red garter belt, a pink G-string, a strap-on dildo, purple lipstick, and a ‘Milliband for PM’ T-shirt.
He also had a cucumber in his rectum.
The police removed the Ed Milliband T-shirt to spare his family any
unnecessary embarrassment.
In spite of what we sometimes think, the Police do care.

From Baitbox:

]The Northampton Police report finding a man's body in the River
Nene, near Becketts Park. The dead man's name will not be released
until his family has been notified.

The victim apparently drowned due to excessive beer consumption.

He was wearing black fishnet stockings, a red garter belt, a pink G-
string, a strap-on dildo, purple lipstick, and a ‘Milliband for PM’ on
2015 T-shirt.

He also had a cucumber in his rectum.

The police removed the Ed Milliband T-shirt to spare his family any
unnecessary embarrassment.

In spite of what we sometimes think, the Police do care.

Main suspect is a cucumber seller?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2014
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We'll start with why was your 19:26 post edited half an hour later. After my reply?

Then maybe you could explain why your 13:45 post was edited almost an hour later. Again after a reply had been made to it?

Then maybe you could provide links or evidence to support this:

because there is a function allowing me to do so when I saw fit to use it so, have I broke the forum law or something PC?

After reading my posts some of the stuff doesn't make sense and I want to change it, its quite a handy feature and allows me to avoid loads of typos and stuff as I type as it leaves my brain and almost always need to clean it up (because of my typing and other things) Also helps other readers understand the points I am making better, I've already been told I am incoherent so I guess it shouldn't be any surprise to you, besides this is just taking the light away from the substance of my reply. If you think I'm cheating you out of something, somehow just say like!

Ask FM to take this feature away if you don't like it.

Top 5 Countries with the Highest Rates of Rape
Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe, with the UN reporting 69 rape cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2011, according to author and advocate of power feminism :confused: Naomi Wolf on opinion website Project Syndicate.

In 2010, Swedish police recorded the highest number of offences - about 63 per 100,000 inhabitants - of any force in Europe. That was the second highest in the world after Lesotho.

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.

A 2010 Amnesty report said: "In Sweden, according to official crime statistics, the number of reported rapes has quadrupled during the past 20 years. In 2008, there were just over 4,000 rapes of people over 15, the great majority of them girls and women."

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:01 ----------

Wes you come across as a deep thinker but you miss the point, a lot of beliefs get labelled under the PC banner , but there is no PC brigade , there are a lot of people who think equality in the workplace and in law is vital , there are a few loony civil servants who decided that saying blackboard was racist and there are papers like the daily mail who invent stories about teachers banning baa baa black sheep and every flavour in between. The press have convinced some that the loony left are everywhere - they aren't.

Thanks Benny.
I understand what you are saying, my only fault is everything else never seems to suffer the same interpretations, we know the sky is blue, water is wet and most want Pacman to wipe the smug smile off Mayweather's face but PC seems to be so flexible, interpretable, that its effectively dodging its own scrutiny.

The daily fail :D tell me about it :eek:mg: I rarely read news as a daily source of information, I have fallen out with the editorial and the spin years ago.

good thing is people like me and yourself have eyes to see and ears to listen, its obvious whats happening to Europe, most people instinctively know something is wrong, but few can explain it in a way that survives the PC filters (as we both now agree they come in many shapes and sizes).
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Feb 23, 2005
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Here's a question for the moralists among you.

You decide to de-clutter and take all your excess stuff to the boot sale to sell.
As soon as you unload the car you are surrounded by half a dozen swarthy young men with cropped hair and shiny track suits speaking an undecipherable language all asking for prices on your spare fishing tackle.

Do you

A) Refuse to serve them?
B) Give them a lecture about catch and release?
C) Double your prices?