I did not intend posting after todays session as I don't believe anyone wants to read boring ' repeats ' which record, yet again, what has already been said in previous posts. However, as something unusual occurred I thought it worth a mention......
I went again to the same venue mention in my last two posts, only this time I changed swims in the hope of locating a few more roach. The swim I chose was on the opposite bank therefore facing into what would have been a very stiff breeze last week, but today was quite still, giving a flat calm surface.
I have fished this swim many times before but mainly in the warmer months when it is partially covered with lily pads and shaded by trees. Not particularly deep at 6' max but it does shelve up to around 3/4' where the pads grow and although I started in the deeper water I had this thought in the back of my mind of having read about fishing over dead pads in winter which eventually caused me to cast in a different direction.
I didn't change my approach and persevered with slow falling caster bait with very small shot down the line which over the next couple of hours produed six roach all over 9" long with one nearer to 10/11" based on the span of my hand. Not huge catch but one that I really worked hard for, and although I missed a number of positive bites I was well pleased.
Toward the end of the session ( and this is the 'unusual ' bit ) action had slowed to the occasional dip of the float ( which I put down to very small roach or perch ) so I started to get the gear back in the bag. I then came a across an opened bag of hemp which I had been using very, very sparingly as an indicator of fish moving about and hitting the line as it dropped through the water, causing the float to dance about. I had not seen any such indication.......
So, for no reason I can fathom I decide to put a grain of hemp on the 20 hook, never expecting to get a response. Low and behold, the float dipped twice after a minute or two then sank from sight and a 10" roach came to the net !!
Perhaps catching roach on hemp at this time of year is nothing unusual for some, but I can say without fear of contradiction that I have never done so, in December. October yes, but never this month............And yet, when I think about it, have I ever tried to ???
I did fill the last minutes of my ' fixed ' session with attempts to catch another fish and although I had slight indications they failed to materialise...
I shall try again tomorrow or later this week and if the weather stays mild as promised ( 16 degrees at weeks end ) I hope to give standard and ' giant ' hemp a good work out.
I can't wait to get to the bank again !!!
ps If anyone else has caught on hemp ........................................