Being from Nottingham I spent my childhood, teens and early twenties, float fishing the Trent. In doing so I developed a modicum of competence with the centre pin. When I was 23 I bought an ABU closed face reel and the centre pin took a backseat. Whilst loading up the car last night for today's trip to the Frome, it struck me I had not fished a pin for almost 40 years, so on that whim, into the box went a pin. The river was in good nick, but there was still that God Awful down gate and in at you wind. I tackled up with the centre pin and felt a little strange at first, didn't quite know what grip to use, but soon sorted that out. After all that while since using one, I had expected to have difficulty timing the casting. But no, just like a well oiled clock, I was away and casting off the drum like a good'un. What I had forgotten, was the effect the wind has on the line coming off a centre pin. I did manage only one birds nest, but initially had trouble with the line going behind the reel, due to slight over running when trotting, but soon got the beating of that. On reflection I think I used the wrong reel for the day, I used my old original Stanton reel which is very free running, perhaps too much so, but does not have a drag on it. Next trip I will use my Alcock Ariel Match which does have a drag. After the first hour spent shaking off the rust, I was back in the groove and took 29 grayling to 1lb 7oz, a sea trout of around 2lb and 1 salmon parr. So for me, today the wheel had turned full circle, I had re-lived my mis-spent youth and loved ever minute of it. Pete.