How did you get on?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
The next few days will be hard as heavy frost takes hold once again, but I shall be out every day, ALTHOUGH if it is very cold, like minus degrees, I may well reset the clock and go ' Jerry o' clock ' and fish into the afternoon / evening...

Tony, go wash your mouth out with soap (or even Fosters) - you should know by now that 'my' o'clock is mid/late am to mid pm. Evenings are for sitting out on the patio (in the warmer weather) with a small(ish) alcoholic beverage/s reminiscing about all those two pound roach caught in bright sunshine..............;)

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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On the Wreake today in wall-to -wall sunshine : didn't do the fishing much good though,just minnows rattling the quivertip until I stret-pegged close in with worm. Had a few jagging bites and eventually caught a bullhead - haven't caught one of those since the late 70's on the Trent one misty morning at Thrumpton. Just sat back and watched a kestrel quartering the field opposite & four buzzards wheeling high up and then the whistle and searing blue flash of a kingfisher whizzing by & robins singing, loads of them, all begging for food,they soon became liquidized bread addicts.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
A week of suffering a bad cold and almost a fortnight since wetting a line had me suffering cabin fever but late last night I definately felt that I was on the mend, no sneezing, shivering, pockets of wet soggy tissues, and a rise in my appetite had me thinking that if things were the same this morning I would venture out for a few short hours on the river Don near the town centre.
Gladly I was ok so a word with my nieghbour and around one pm we arrived by the flood scoured riverbank where the height of the recant floods could easily be seen by all the detritus way up the riverbank hanging from tree branches, hawthorn, dead weed growth and even safety railings, lengths of wire, police tape,traffic cones and loads of other stuff that by rights should be elsewhere were running bankside thro waters edge grasses and anything else that hadnt been thrown higher up the rivers margins.
All very differant from many waters that I normally enjoy travelling too but despite the not so nice scenario its what lies beneath the rivers surface that more than compensates for what lies above.
My gear was already made up so settling beside a bend where the flow runs to the opposite bank I was soon watching my tiny sight bob float drifting across and downstreamchasing a half dozen maggots in some three feet of water.
Second trot down and I hit a super bite that gives me a lovely greyling of some ten ounces, a good start!.
Inside forty minutes I had taken eight fish, all greyling bar a fairly rare dace, the best greyling was maybe twelve ounce, good fishing on a river that was one of the worst polluted in europe some twenty plus years ago.
No more bites and I moved upstream to a lovely steady glide where aa
fter some ten minutes of steady baiting with a pinch of maggots the fish switched on and by the time I moved again I had taken fourteen fish , again all greyling with the exception of two lovely brown trout that gave a really good account of themselves in the gin clear unpolluted water.
Moving back now towards the car a short length produced another greyling and a final swim another with a smaller one coming off the hook on my all but last cast.
What a lovely little session, so nice to be out in a deceptively warmish bit of river, plenty of fish both landed, hooked and lost together with several missed bites.
Back at the car meeting up with my neighbour we compared our little session--- oh dear-- I came off second !!!.
Maybe next time !. Lol.


Congratulations on the barbel Neil, well done fella on a cracking fish! :w

What was the actual weight?

---------- Post added at 21:02 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

What a lovely little session, so nice to be out in a deceptively warmish bit of river, plenty of fish both landed, hooked and lost together with several missed bites.

Nice fishing again Mick, glad you made it out and didn't catch any of those things in that text the other night... That would have been tricky to land in a fast flow! :D

Here's a couple of flight's fish...



Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Way to go Neil !!

I couldn't be more pleased for you, and as Simon and others have said you really do deserve your superb fish - an absolute beauty !!

You put in the hours and the fishing Gods have smiled upon you - great stuff !

ps I do hope you will give the Angling Times pic a miss, though....You wouldn't want fame going to your head, now would you ??


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
Thanks for the nice comments all, I'm still feeling pretty pleased with myself today :D

Binka - It was 11lbs .

Simon - Yes my net handle was a meter short:eek:. It took a few minutes to subdue the fish, and then another very anxious 5 minutes on my knees. Really hard to land in the flow; I managed on about my 6th attempt :eek:mg:
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
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On another planet
Well done Neil on your PB nice way to end the season anything else now is a bonus.

Been out twice this week for really short sessions . First one was supposed to be the Gade but the car park was full so ended up on the polluted stretch of the Colne, sadly no sign of any restocking but did manage to winkle out a few roach and perch - exactly the same amount and in the same spots as last time so either a coincidence or I'm catching the same 5 fish each time as that's all that's left on those swims - I hope not but you do think that way.

The second trip I went early doors to the Gade to get in the car park and although it was sunny it took a while for the water to warm up following the overnight frosts. The fishing was hard for the first hour with only loads of minnow showing, when it's like this it pays to go to your 'banker swims' and I soon had five chub with one pushing 3lb - a specimen for this stretch. Finished up in another swim barely a foot deep yet managed another five smaller chub and a few tonker dace who were shoaling up for some end of season jiggy jiggy. The sun was illuminating the spray off my line each time I mended it and with the reflection being broken by fish breaking the surface in the shallow water when I struck, it really was a nice few hours small river fishing.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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With the rain relenting for a while now, and the prospect of the close season looming, I thought it would be good to get out after a Grayling on the float before the fluff chucking for Trout starts!
River was up a bit and quite coloured, usually it just has a bit of a tinge.
Some of my favorite spots were just too pacey to fish sensibly, but others produced a few Dace, small Chub and the Grayling.All in all a nice session,if a bit chilly.
Pick of the bunch....


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Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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On the upper Soar today - bright sunshine but a cold breeze. Had 2 brown trout, biggest about 1.5lb,both on bread - the chub seem to have vanished,couldn't even tempt a crayfish on worm.Two buzzards circling above kept me company along with a kestrel.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2014
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Had a last day on the Frome yesterday before it closes at the end of the month but hardly any grayling biting even though conditions were perfect for running a float through. Very strange as they are usually so reliable, it was like they had gone into a sulk. Was it the bright sunshine, a frost in the night, previous floods, too much fishing pressure,were they sick to death of maggots - I will never know. None of the aforementioned excuses include my own ineptitude of course.
A pleasant day none the less.