A week of suffering a bad cold and almost a fortnight since wetting a line had me suffering cabin fever but late last night I definately felt that I was on the mend, no sneezing, shivering, pockets of wet soggy tissues, and a rise in my appetite had me thinking that if things were the same this morning I would venture out for a few short hours on the river Don near the town centre.
Gladly I was ok so a word with my nieghbour and around one pm we arrived by the flood scoured riverbank where the height of the recant floods could easily be seen by all the detritus way up the riverbank hanging from tree branches, hawthorn, dead weed growth and even safety railings, lengths of wire, police tape,traffic cones and loads of other stuff that by rights should be elsewhere were running bankside thro waters edge grasses and anything else that hadnt been thrown higher up the rivers margins.
All very differant from many waters that I normally enjoy travelling too but despite the not so nice scenario its what lies beneath the rivers surface that more than compensates for what lies above.
My gear was already made up so settling beside a bend where the flow runs to the opposite bank I was soon watching my tiny sight bob float drifting across and downstreamchasing a half dozen maggots in some three feet of water.
Second trot down and I hit a super bite that gives me a lovely greyling of some ten ounces, a good start!.
Inside forty minutes I had taken eight fish, all greyling bar a fairly rare dace, the best greyling was maybe twelve ounce, good fishing on a river that was one of the worst polluted in europe some twenty plus years ago.
No more bites and I moved upstream to a lovely steady glide where aa
fter some ten minutes of steady baiting with a pinch of maggots the fish switched on and by the time I moved again I had taken fourteen fish , again all greyling with the exception of two lovely brown trout that gave a really good account of themselves in the gin clear unpolluted water.
Moving back now towards the car a short length produced another greyling and a final swim another with a smaller one coming off the hook on my all but last cast.
What a lovely little session, so nice to be out in a deceptively warmish bit of river, plenty of fish both landed, hooked and lost together with several missed bites.
Back at the car meeting up with my neighbour we compared our little session--- oh dear-- I came off second !!!.
Maybe next time !. Lol.