Made what turned out to be a very good decision not to make this rotten cold I've got worse by sitting for 6 hours on the Slough Arm with a NE wind in my face.
Started to get cabin fever at around 1 30 so had a wander up there to watch the last hour and weigh in to find that over half had already called it a day, frozen and biteless.
Only four caught in the end and, given the spread of weights, actually weighing in was a bit superfluous; 12-8-0, 5-14-0, 1-1-8 and 0-0-4. Top three were in a line a few swims up from the bridge with winner in the middle, and second and third could only catch by turning almost side on and going as close to him as allowed...
Ian on his way to another win..
140 or so roach and a pound plus skimmer in total
Thought the first two pegs in from the bridge would have been good today but they had long since adjourned for a pub roast and watch the football by the time I got there