I don’t think I’ve ever felt so defeatist going into a session as I did today.
I was only saying yesterday that the forecasters had got it wrong after wall to wall sunshine all morning, only for it to give way to torrential hail storms throughout the afternoon and two of which lasted a good twenty minutes and greyed out the houses on the opposite side of the street.
With a river already a couple of feet up and that lot running into it too along with a solid ground frost affecting the stillwaters I had more or less resigned myself to a blank and despite wanting to get the most out of what is left of the river season I wasn’t gonna do it just for the sake of going through the motions and so I headed for a deep lake.
I can’t say that I was overly optimistic given such a cold start and the fact that I was perching but two rods went out all the same, both identical Ultralite Avons with low resistance running rigs to 6lb Pro Gold main and a 4.4lb Drennan Supplex flourocarbon hooklink and size 10 Drennan Super Specimen barbless hooks which held large dendra worm baits.
Two ounce running leads were the choice despite both rods fishing the margins and my homemade, long drop poly ball bobbins rounded things off nicely.
It was always going to be a case of bait and wait, and wait I did for the best part of five hours until just after midday when I had got up to hand ball some half dendras in over the top and for a second or two I thought I had caught the reel handle with my leg because the alarm sounded half a dozen times and the bobbin had lifted around four inches before settling to a standstill again.
I couldn’t recall feeling it on my leg and as I stepped back the bobbin twitched and started to rise again and I hit into the first fish of the day which turned out to be a nice perch of 1lb 15ozs…
I can’t tell you what that did for my confidence but I guess you already know, we’ve all been there.
The next hour confirmed that it was the feeding spell as I took five perch in total, the smallest was around a pound and a half with the biggest topping the earlier fish at 2lbs 2ozs…
Hey come on, you’ve got to give me the scales pic after all that polishing yesterday!
Things then quietened off again for the remainder of the afternoon, I was enjoying myself and had decided to go an hour into darkness just to see if I could hit a second feeding spell but it wasn’t to be and this little lot wouldn’t have helped…
And there was flighty, filling me in on the details of his steaming hot Yorkshire pudding that he was enjoying in a pub somewhere… What I would have given for that eh?
All in all a great day and far removed from the one that I expected.
This time in three weeks we’re into the light nights! :w