How did you get on?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
It's all that jumping off the top of the wardrobe with yer batman costume on :eek: ;) :D

The joke continues----- 'onto a naked wonderwoman who batman had seen laying on her bed, a quick rogering and he was gone. "Did you sense anything differant" she asked the invisible man. " No, but my a - - e hurts like the blazes" :D

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Piking on the reservoir again today - brilliant sunshine & frost first thing,soon warmed up lugging all the kit along the bank to be greeted by a buzzard flying one way & a white egret the other. Settled down and managed to get one pike of 5lb on a sprat and that was it.
The strangest thing happened when one of the alarms starting sounding and the whole rod jerked several times along its length - sat watching,drop-off stayed put,shaking stopped for 30 seconds or so and it started again.This time I saw that the front rod rest with the alarm was shaking in the ground - quick look around revealed the reason - moles - molehills all over on the longer grass and not obvious at first glance.It must have head butting the rod rest underground.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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How did you get on?? I haven't for a couple of weeks since the chillier weather.
Now before anyone thinks I have wimped out there is method in my madness.

I have been doing the dreaded decorating whilst the weather has been less than ideal so that its done and dusted when conditions improve.
Judging by what feed back I am getting, I haven't missed much.
Only one more room on the list then it will be rods at the ready:D

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:17 ----------

Piking on the reservoir again today - brilliant sunshine & frost first thing,soon warmed up lugging all the kit along the bank to be greeted by a buzzard flying one way & a white egret the other. Settled down and managed to get one pike of 5lb on a sprat and that was it.
The strangest thing happened when one of the alarms starting sounding and the whole rod jerked several times along its length - sat watching,drop-off stayed put,shaking stopped for 30 seconds or so and it started again.This time I saw that the front rod rest with the alarm was shaking in the ground - quick look around revealed the reason - moles - molehills all over on the longer grass and not obvious at first glance.It must have head butting the rod rest underground.

I had one try to come up under my bum once when I was sitting on the ground. That was a weird feeling that put the willies up me....No NO I didn't mean that:eek:mg:

Hugh Bailey

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2005
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I've been nowhere near fishing since Christmas, and the last few weeks have been a nightmare at work so I can't see much chance of getting out before the seasons end.

I still come on here everyday, just to see what others are doing. It doesn't really matter to me if people catch much,it's great to hear about red letter days, but it's also fine just to hear about "being there". For those who post - many thanks - keep doing it as it really helps those of us who can't get out. Even Rob's back (can sympathise completely) - we all probably know how that feels.



Well-known member
Nov 3, 2014
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I've been nowhere near fishing since Christmas, and the last few weeks have been a nightmare at work so I can't see much chance of getting out before the seasons end.

I still come on here everyday, just to see what others are doing. It doesn't really matter to me if people catch much,it's great to hear about red letter days, but it's also fine just to hear about "being there". For those who post - many thanks - keep doing it as it really helps those of us who can't get out. Even Rob's back (can sympathise completely) - we all probably know how that feels.


Same here I have had one session since Christmas due to condition of the rivers and the local cut, I have recently bough myself a kayak to hit the river for a spot of trout fishing, but after surgery (nearly a year ago) my back has decided that an infection in the spine wants to kick in! And have been to the hospital today to be told that 3 months of intensive antibiotics are in order. Not any old antibiotic tho, oh no this has to be 3 days a week at the hospital for the next 3 months intravenously. So by order of the specialists it's no fishing or kayak for me as I will have a 20cm long cannular rammed in my arm for the duration. I can totally sympathise with Rob as well and hope all goes well. Would have been my first season for Trout on the river but it will have to wait I suppose.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Same here I have had one session since Christmas due to condition of the rivers and the local cut, I have recently bough myself a kayak to hit the river for a spot of trout fishing, but after surgery (nearly a year ago) my back has decided that an infection in the spine wants to kick in! And have been to the hospital today to be told that 3 months of intensive antibiotics are in order. Not any old antibiotic tho, oh no this has to be 3 days a week at the hospital for the next 3 months intravenously. So by order of the specialists it's no fishing or kayak for me as I will have a 20cm long cannular rammed in my arm for the duration. I can totally sympathise with Rob as well and hope all goes well. Would have been my first season for Trout on the river but it will have to wait I suppose.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery mate.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
When ‘ calm and collected ‘ was the order of the day, I fluffed my lines. When I really needed to bring all my years of ‘ experience ‘ into play I came up short and allowed excitement to get the better of me, and instead of taking my time and allow things to come to a natural conclusion I did just about everything wrong………
It was around 11am yesterday morning and I was fishing a local still water for roach in a swim that I had spent some time building into one that would normally give up a few fish. I’d been on the bank since 7.15 and to be honest I had an idea it would be a good day even though the conditions of cold and sunny didn’t suggest so.
I started fishing just off bottom with my usual bait and tackle of red maggots to a 22 hook fished on the drop which gives me the chance of a fish as the bait falls through the water or as it reaches bottom. I lightly ground baited two areas of the swim with a mix of brown crumb and a shop bought additive along with a sprinkling of hook bait samples - a dozen, max.
Within the first hour I landed 4 good roach and a number of smallish perch and things looked good for the rest of the day. A pal turned up at 10am and at my suggestion he set up along from me, again fishing from roach. The morning wore on and I took a number of fish up to 12ozs and in perfect condition. It was a case of watching for a small ring appear around the float, the tightening of the grip on the rod and the inevitable submergence of the float. For a change and as bites slowed on maggots I tried hemp up in the water, casting into the grains of loose feed and this produced several more fish.

At 11.30ish I changed back to single maggot and as the sun was quite high in the sky I decide to fish just over depth in about 7’ of water in an attempt to induce the fish to continue feeding on the deck. I made another cast and placed the rod in the rest with my hand on the butt. A small ring around the float, a single dip and away it went. Rebait, cast again and wait. Similar bite and I struck, only this time instead of the fish yielding almost straight away this one just went solid. It held fast for a few seconds and then as it moved away I knew it was a big fish, or certainly a lot bigger than the 15oz one of the previous day ! I felt the jag, jag as it made of and I had to give line off the centrepin, but controlled by my thumb. It skirted both left and right and a couple of times I took back line until ( in my head ) I thought I could start to bring it closer. Twice it went away again and twice I bought it back until I saw it flash of a very big roach just below the surface.

………...........and this is where it all went wrong; I knew it still had some fight in it, I knew it wasn’t ready for the net and yet for some inexplicable reason I added some pressure to the Ultralight rod. The fish yielded once more and as it came up in the water it looked enormous, but only for a fraction of a second. It broke surface and rolled just the once before turning toward the depths and my terminal tackle wound itself around the rod top……I’d lost a wonderful fish simply because, and this after a day to think about it, I’d made the fateful error of trying to rush the outcome. Experience counted for nothing….I have tried to console myself by thinking it was foul hooked, but I know that to be nonsense.
My pal said it all happened over a 5 minute spell and he was almost as gutted I’d lost what was probably a best ever roach and I sat for some time with head bowed before fishing on.

As it turned out I eventually went back to fishing up in the water ( but not before I’d disentangled the end rig so that I could make an accurate note of the depth I’d been fishing when I hook the bigger fish, and then marked it on the rod with tape for future reference ). In the space of a dozen cast, and this well after noon, I hooked 10 good roach at 2’ deep no more than 6’ from the bank and this only achieved by striking sideways with the rod tip under the water by some way… well not striking exactly, but more by ‘ pulling into ‘ the fish. Vertical striking was out of the question at that depth and produced no contact anyway.
So a good day came to an end, but one that was marred by a loss that I will have to live with…Was it my ‘ fish of a lifetime ‘ the fabled 2lb roach I’ll never know, but it felt a lot heavier than the 1,5lb perch of the previous Saturday. What I do know is that I shan’t dwell on it past this weekend and I shall be out again on Monday hoping to put things right……………………

………60 plus years a fisherman and I got over excited …………..

ps Other than the above I have been out 3/4 times with mixed results, but always catching some reasonable fish in tricky conditions...Best roach over this period 15ozs and best perch 1,5lbs - ALL fish caught on a 22 hook with one or two lost and where maggots were the bait they were ' flavoured ' as noted in a previous post...................
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Same here I have had one session since Christmas due to condition of the rivers and the local cut, I have recently bough myself a kayak to hit the river for a spot of trout fishing, but after surgery (nearly a year ago) my back has decided that an infection in the spine wants to kick in! And have been to the hospital today to be told that 3 months of intensive antibiotics are in order. Not any old antibiotic tho, oh no this has to be 3 days a week at the hospital for the next 3 months intravenously. So by order of the specialists it's no fishing or kayak for me as I will have a 20cm long cannular rammed in my arm for the duration. I can totally sympathise with Rob as well and hope all goes well. Would have been my first season for Trout on the river but it will have to wait I suppose.
Not the dreaded vancomyacin (think that's how it's spelt), I spent 4 months on that day just over 3 years ago still got problems from it now nasty stuff do not rush the drip red man syndrome is mighty unpleasant even in the mild form I am left with.


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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……...........and this is where it all went wrong; I knew it still had some fight in it, I knew it wasn’t ready for the net and yet for some inexplicable reason I added some pressure to the Ultralight rod. The fish yielded once more and as it came up in the water it looked enormous, but only for a fraction of a second. It broke surface and rolled just the once before turning toward the depths and my terminal tackle wound itself around the rod top……I’d lost a wonderful fish simply because, and this after a day to think about it, I’d made the fateful error of trying to rush the outcome...............

Gutted for you Tony! :eek:mg:

As a matter of interest - was it a hook-pull or did it 'release itself' or a break in the hook-length? (what strength?)

Hope it's still waiting for you!

Tight Lines :thumbs:


So a good day came to an end, but one that was marred by a loss that I will have to live with…Was it my ‘ fish of a lifetime ‘ the fabled 2lb roach I’ll never know

As others have said I fair feel for you Tony, I had it last year when trying to break the 4lb perch barrier and I lost a monster that was clearly over 5lb :eek:

It's an occupational hazard as I'm sure you know but it doesn't console us at the time.

Just keep telling yourself it was a hybrid :)

Your day will come...


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
My heart was in my mouth with you TeeCee :eek:Ace write up and sorry about your fish...I'm sure you'll be back next week:)


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Thanks for all the comments...Yes, it has taken the wind from my sails to say the least, but we move on and put it all down to experience !

Greenie : It all happened so quickly that I can only add the hook just pulled out, but as I said it was a size 22 hook ( tied to 1lb 10oz line ) and this just replaced because the line wasn't looking too good. I checked the hook afterwards and it was fine.....
No, I stick with what I said previously in that I ' rushed ' the last part of the fight when most of the work had been done and netting was just a matter of time - only it wasn't !!

Neil ; I will be fishing again on Monday with the same intensity as before and still take pleasure in seeing a roach of any size slide into the net...... Losing a big fish is not the end of the world - it just feels like it !!!

Tonight, a quality home cooked dinner with my wife ( complete with a bottle of decent wine ) put the world to rights and puts everything back in perspective.............................................
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
No fish in the world can match a big roach when it comes to getting rid of a hook. But it's just a fish and nobody got hurt.

I do know how you feel though. I'm still not over that bloody great sea trout I dropped back into the river last summer. Famous for 3 seconds that's me .:eek:mg::eek:mg:


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
Just to remind you Tony - this is what a big '2' looks like..............;)

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Silvers only knock up today at Wood Lane, Iver. Very cold but bright sunshine first thing. Set up 2 lines, one about 4m out and the other at 11m which was a top 4 job in 13ft of water

First bite on worm on the 11m line turned out to be a flipping carp and a big one at that. It plodded round my peg staying deep on my 4 elastic. After about 5 minutes, having wrecked my entire peg, it had the decency to fall off...
Between 10:30 and 1:30 I didn't get a single bite.
Happily the roach started feeding and I had a few in the last hour but I knew I was now so far behind the rest it was fairly futile.

3lb:4 of quality roach on maggot..

Winner 21lb.
2nd 20lb

8 fished...


I don’t think I’ve ever felt so defeatist going into a session as I did today.

I was only saying yesterday that the forecasters had got it wrong after wall to wall sunshine all morning, only for it to give way to torrential hail storms throughout the afternoon and two of which lasted a good twenty minutes and greyed out the houses on the opposite side of the street.

With a river already a couple of feet up and that lot running into it too along with a solid ground frost affecting the stillwaters I had more or less resigned myself to a blank and despite wanting to get the most out of what is left of the river season I wasn’t gonna do it just for the sake of going through the motions and so I headed for a deep lake.

I can’t say that I was overly optimistic given such a cold start and the fact that I was perching but two rods went out all the same, both identical Ultralite Avons with low resistance running rigs to 6lb Pro Gold main and a 4.4lb Drennan Supplex flourocarbon hooklink and size 10 Drennan Super Specimen barbless hooks which held large dendra worm baits.

Two ounce running leads were the choice despite both rods fishing the margins and my homemade, long drop poly ball bobbins rounded things off nicely.

It was always going to be a case of bait and wait, and wait I did for the best part of five hours until just after midday when I had got up to hand ball some half dendras in over the top and for a second or two I thought I had caught the reel handle with my leg because the alarm sounded half a dozen times and the bobbin had lifted around four inches before settling to a standstill again.

I couldn’t recall feeling it on my leg and as I stepped back the bobbin twitched and started to rise again and I hit into the first fish of the day which turned out to be a nice perch of 1lb 15ozs…

I can’t tell you what that did for my confidence but I guess you already know, we’ve all been there.

The next hour confirmed that it was the feeding spell as I took five perch in total, the smallest was around a pound and a half with the biggest topping the earlier fish at 2lbs 2ozs…

Hey come on, you’ve got to give me the scales pic after all that polishing yesterday! :D

Things then quietened off again for the remainder of the afternoon, I was enjoying myself and had decided to go an hour into darkness just to see if I could hit a second feeding spell but it wasn’t to be and this little lot wouldn’t have helped…

And there was flighty, filling me in on the details of his steaming hot Yorkshire pudding that he was enjoying in a pub somewhere… What I would have given for that eh?

All in all a great day and far removed from the one that I expected.


This time in three weeks we’re into the light nights! :w