How did you get on?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Managed another day at the waterside today and treated myself to Lyons Gate again. I realised that I haven't done much experimenting, bait or presentation wise recently so thought I'd try something I'd been thinking about.

Raiding the food cupboard, I removed two every day items but more in a wee while. Bait wise, the usual suspects were rounded up, corn, spam, hemp and a few reds I had in t'fridge.

Arriving, my fave swim was free, in fact I could see no more than about four other anglers. I kept an eye on the weather as I set up the usual Drennan pole with another well trusted set up, Preston Tyson float to 8lb main and Middy 14 to 6.6lb trace.

Rollers and net set up, the weather looked settled, the sunshine weak but at least present and rain looked like a far off possibility, for the present at least.

OK, now the bait bit. Onto the 14 went an 8mm Spam cube coated in Marmite and dipped and rolled in Maldon sea salt, I was just curious to see if it made any difference.

I can't honestly say it set the world on fire. Truth be told, I poured myself a coffee and had almost finished it when the float started to dance and twitch but no positive indications. Again, it went quiet so I potted in another mix of maggot, spam, corn and some added salt.

After an hour or so, the float dived under, nothing subtle, just buried and the strike hooped the pole and saw the elastic do its stuff. I didn't feel massive largely because it wasn't, but at circa and a pound and a half, the little mirror was more than welcome.

I switched to a single grain of corn and, having forgotten my ipod, grabbed a small radio that was in a work bag in the car. The batteries seemed ok so I listened to sports coverage, untroubled by the lake's finned inhabitants who were skulking in the depths far away from danger.

In the next hour, I had three roach on the corn, one of about 7oz and two smaller 4-5oz. A little common around a pound also made my acquaintance and what a fresh, new, beautiful wee thing it was.

To say it was slow was an understatement and I did something I kicked myself for. I could cheerfully shake, by the neck, the inventor of smartphones that give access to Amazon and allow one to buy books to alleviate ennui.

Into the third hour and a carp of some 12oz took a grain of corn followed quickly by a skimmer maybe an ounce bigger.

I switched to two reds which brought a roach of an ounce. Not exactly the result I'd hoped for so back to a 6mm cube and a small skimmer of around 6oz before a mirror around 3lbs followed with time for coffee in between.

Doubling up to two 6mm cubes saw another small carp around two and a half before another slack period. By now, I'd forgotten the Liverpool game was an early kick off and I put the radio on just seconds before they scored their first goal. They were obviously playing to Manchester United rules today as they were given 7 minutes of extra time AND a penalty. Just as they were given the penalty, the float dropped and this time, no mistake, a lump.

It plodded slowly but heavily, hugging the bottom and daring me to try and raise it. I thought this could go to penalties also and reached for, and carefully added, the spare three meters behind me to bring the pole to 16m should it come to fisticuffs.

After what seemed an eternity, I could feel the fish slowly, very slowly and grudgingly, give ground. After a load more running back and forth and several views of the net obviously inspiring blind panic I finally managed to get its mouth up and the gulp of air pushed it into the net. A shade north of 7lbs and a reasonable looking fish. A mirror and a nice fish to catch.

I thought I'd try the big hit and put two grains of corn on. The float went under a lot quicker than I dared hope but the anticipated Goliath was a more modest 4lbs or so. Still, it gave a good account of itself and, again, a lot of fun.

A couple of midgies, both commons, around the pound mark each and a skimmer around half that and I called a halt, not forgetting to ring my Mum.

Home to a big mug of tea and, to round off a nice day, er indoors (back in her more familiar role) had defrosted a nice leg of pork and a roast dinner was promised for later.

Not all bad, this life, sometimes is it??

Have a great week and hope the rivers produce for you before season's end. :)


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well first outing for some time today bit naff to start with but then it got interesting .

Started off with 5 nice Bream at around 1lb each then a nice perch close on a pound few roach tidlers i tiny bream then


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only one photo but had 3 more similar size all on white maggot on a 22 hook 2.5 lb hook length 3 lb main that took some getting in even made me switch landing net handles with one hand and a foot whilst playing the fish with the other ..

Not a bad day at all

PG ...

Neil Maidment

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Shouldn't really have tried Throop today, there's far too many visiting anglers about! :wh

But, I reasoned an afternoon kick off would coincide with those visitors starting to pack up and head up the motorways for the long drive home. And so it was...:)

Didn't quite have the place to myself but the chub really responded to the trotted red maggot approach, particularly in the last couple of hours or so.

I ended up with 8 chub, 1 x 4lbs, 6 x 5lbs and the best at 6lbs 04oz from two separate swims. I even had an audience for the last, and biggest fish of the day, as a four visitors walked past. They may be trying something different on their next trip :)

The other good thing about today was I swapped over my reel, temporarily resting the Dave Swallow MkII in favour of an ancient Match Ariel. That was clearly the defining factor in today's chub fest :wh



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
With the end to the season approaching I decided to leave my comfort zone of the river and backwaters I have come to know during the last few months since our house move and travel some twelve miles south along the lanes into north Bedfordshire and the Great Ouse. The weather forecast was for another day with wall to wall sunshine in the morning and clouding over from late morning – it’s been the regular thing recently. Wrong – it didn’t cloud over until much later in the afternoon. Anyway I arrived at around 10.30 and fished until 3.30pm.

We’ve not had a lot of rain recently, the river was carrying a bit of colour and a quite lively flow. Now all this bright sunshine was not ideal as I had decided to try for some of the large perch that reside in the river. Anyway, after spending the first two hours carrying out a ‘recce’ of the first couple of miles, or so, of river I decided to abandon the perch idea (and the tub of lobs I’d just bought) for the day and trot for some chub with the red maggots I had as back up.

Back to the car for a rod, bag and net and worked my way downstream checking out a few spots I’d observed from the earlier wanderings. Five small chub was better than expected in approximately two hours of trotting in bright sunshine and I hope to return before the CS for a go at the perch in more favourable conditions. Phew, that’s quite a few miles covered today and not another angler seen...........................




Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
When I saw your name under the ' How did you get on ' thread Jerry, I instantly thought " I bet he's gone out for a couple of hours and nabbed a 2lb roach " but I was wrong.................thankfully !

Otherwise, I went out today for nothing special... I tried another venue and after being plagued with small perch I eventually managed to land 10 or so roach of good size. Most fell to red maggots but the best two fancied hemp..

Very cold but quite pleasant in the sunshine. Not the best of conditions which I hope will improve by weeks end.........I hear of temps close to 15 degrees being mentioned but lets wait and see eh ??

Tomorrow looks reasonable..

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Out on the reservoir again today pike fishing.Brilliant sunshine but a cool north wind - 2 fish between 6 & 7lb whilst watching 2 pairs of buzzards,bullfinches and spotted a lone goosander but did witness a cormorant trying to neck a very large roach or skimmer, 3 attempts before it appeared to succeed attracting a posse of seagulls in case it didn't.


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
I had from 2pm until 5pm on my local river today...didn't expect much and my expectations where bang on :rolleyes:. The river was up a couple of feet and it looked awfull, it was full of suspended particles including human shyte...not good at all!!
I saw my old friend, the barn owl as it hunted along the river bank and nearly skimmed my head as it went over me several times. The hares where out boxing and the place was stuffed with bird life from robins, wrens and wagtailes to perigren falcons and buzzards with countless wildfoul of various species all with sextimes on their minds...good luck to 'em all :D.
I did catch one fish but had to walk several miles and trott lots of swims to get the blighter!


peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts

I was chuffed to get a call from Jerry this morning since he moved away from the Colne valley. It was hard to imagine the riverbanks he was fishing despite his detailed attempts to explain his situation.
Having seen these pics it's just like I imagined.
Lucky days mate...


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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The open at Tunnel Barn Farm today was spread over Club,Canal,and Jenny,s pools,as there was a big turnout,i was pleased to draw Jenny,s ,but less pleased with peg 6,which put me in the middle of a straight,with little to no features across:(I started off dobbing bread for 20 mins,with no indications,then tried my,far pellet line into 3ft of water,this produced 1 F1,on the hour and a few silly missed bites,no-one seemed to be catching much,Jim Wills to my left had 1,and "Dead Eye"**** Ashby to my right had 2.
Next move was the 3/4 line on pellet,not a bite,2 hours gone and looking drastic!!..I decided to try my short maggot line ,where id been throwing 4-6 maggots every few minutes,straight away it buried with a big F1:D
I managed to put some fish together from this line,finishing with 18 F1,s a barbel,a big perch,and some skimmers and roach,for a modest 39-10-0
The lake fished really hard and that was good enough to give me 2nd overall,Aln Lines from Banbury Gunsmiths had 45lb odd from peg 17,and Dave Kingerlee(TBF Vets) made 3rd with 35lb,so it was a decent result in the end:D:DTight Lines ,Gazza


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well the weather forcast for tommorow is WET the bite forcast is good , out with the waterproof thermals and lets see what happens .

I was at the pool this morning and it was looking good with fish taking off the surface so could be ok ....

PG ...


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2014
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Had a few hours on the Upper Stour yesterday. A few roach were located, but only small ones. A wet and windy south westerly blowing straight at me made it difficult so retired early.
The only other anglers were 2 pike fishermen. As I was leaving they were unhooking a pike of about 10lbs, with trebles deep in the gut. Quite sickening really to see a fish caught like that, and no excuse in my opinion. I didn't wait to watch the outcome - they must have damaged the gills, by the amount of blood streaming. Hope they knocked it on the head to put it out of its misery.
I prefer to use barbless single hooks for pike to avoid any situations like that.

Keith M

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2002
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Had a few hours on the Upper Stour yesterday. A few roach were located, but only small ones. A wet and windy south westerly blowing straight at me made it difficult so retired early.
The only other anglers were 2 pike fishermen. As I was leaving they were unhooking a pike of about 10lbs, with trebles deep in the gut. Quite sickening really to see a fish caught like that, and no excuse in my opinion. I didn't wait to watch the outcome - they must have damaged the gills, by the amount of blood streaming. Hope they knocked it on the head to put it out of its misery.
I prefer to use barbless single hooks for pike to avoid any situations like that.

The way some noddies handle and fish for Pike is disgusting.

I know that this is very unlikely and impractable but wouldn't it be great to have enforced proficiency courses that anyone who wants to fish for them must attend before they can fish for them.



Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Maybe not so good to follow on from Robs observations above but deciced on a pike trip myself yesterday. Not wanting to travel too far I was on a near local water some two villages away.
Bait were herring and sardine , both out some forty yards or so with one near an opening to a shallow bay with the hope that prey fish may be in the vicinity and pike on the prowl close by.
Some three hours later without so much as bleep from my old optonics I gave both baits a twitch backwards some two or three feet with the hope that any pike nearby might respond.
I wish it had all come good but sadly it was'nt to be and at five thirty my time was up and I was away home.
I reckon anyone who can come up with a solution to ease the mystery addhesive that can hold carp or pike indicators stationary for hours on end would make a fortune.
On the plus side despite the cold there were active skylarks above singing their hearts out --- cant be long now fo a bit of better weather.
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Well-known member
May 6, 2014
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Went for my final thrashing of the Royalty's hallowed waters yesterday, which was a surprise in its self considering the misery I have been subjected to there over the past few years. I wasn't expecting much, considering the water temperature was very low. Nevertheless, with the end of the season drawing nigh, I had to make the most of it. A two rid approach was the order of the day, one with a two ounce method feeder (inspired by binka) with a ten mm halibut boilie on a hair to a size 12 Drennan super specialist hook, the other with maggot feeder with a two pound hooklength to a size 20 hook and single red maggot. I started just below the pipes, for 3 hours, only 1 solitary minnow was the fruit of my labours. Decided enough was enough and moved down to the bend before the railway pool, cast out the method feeder just off the main flow and the maggot feeder went into and eddy where the water has a mind of its own, 15 minutes later, I had a good pull around and struck into something solid, at first I thought I had hooked into the snag that I found earlier, but then felt movement, could this be, my first fish of size from this cursed stretch of river, after five anxious minutes and a cautious battle on my behalf due to the light hoodwink my net was graced with an enormous chub after a few seconds of silent exaltation and a couple of profanities at the river I got the fish in the weigh sling and on the scales which went 6lb 5Oz.

That was a new Pb, which I have broken 5 times this season. I could have gone home delighted then. But stayed, as you never know. I moved again after another biteless 2 hours to just below the railway bridge. Just one more fish from this swim, I believe it is a Bullhead, but not sure,

I packed up as the rain arrived at around 4.30. The method feeder rod stayed motionless all day. For once I couldn't care less. I will be back in June.


Went for my final thrashing of the Royalty's hallowed waters yesterday, which was a surprise in its self considering the misery I have been subjected to there over the past few years. I wasn't expecting much, considering the water temperature was very low. Nevertheless, with the end of the season drawing nigh, I had to make the most of it. A two rid approach was the order of the day, one with a two ounce method feeder (inspired by binka) with a ten mm halibut boilie on a hair to a size 12 Drennan super specialist hook, the other with maggot feeder with a two pound hooklength to a size 20 hook and single red maggot. I started just below the pipes, for 3 hours, only 1 solitary minnow was the fruit of my labours. Decided enough was enough and moved down to the bend before the railway pool, cast out the method feeder just off the main flow and the maggot feeder went into and eddy where the water has a mind of its own, 15 minutes later, I had a good pull around and struck into something solid, at first I thought I had hooked into the snag that I found earlier, but then felt movement, could this be, my first fish of size from this cursed stretch of river, after five anxious minutes and a cautious battle on my behalf due to the light hoodwink my net was graced with an enormous chub after a few seconds of silent exaltation and a couple of profanities at the river I got the fish in the weigh sling and on the scales which went 6lb 5Oz.

That was a new Pb, which I have broken 5 times this season. I could have gone home delighted then. But stayed, as you never know. I moved again after another biteless 2 hours to just below the railway bridge. Just one more fish from this swim, I believe it is a Bullhead, but not sure,

I packed up as the rain arrived at around 4.30. The method feeder rod stayed motionless all day. For once I couldn't care less. I will be back in June.

Congratulations on another pb chub swizzle and sorry the method didn't come good for you.

In all honesty I'm more impressed with the bullhead, if you went out to try and catch one of those on rod and line the chances these days would be very slim indeed.

I had one a couple of years ago and it made my day :)


Well-known member
May 6, 2014
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Congratulations on another pb chub swizzle and sorry the method didn't come good for you.

In all honesty I'm more impressed with the bullhead, if you went out to try and catch one of those on rod and line the chances these days would be very slim indeed.

I had one a couple of years ago and it made my day :)

Thanks buddy, I'm not too fussed that it didn't work out, I think my chances will be far better with the method in late summer/autumn. I have hope yet. I think a little experimenting will be needed with the hooklength though.

Yes, I was quite chuffed with it, I have never seen one in the flesh, so to catch one was quite nice. When I chucked it back, it buried itself in the mud as quick as I could blink, I always believed it was a gravel dweller.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
My first fish, forty odd years ago, was a bullhead and have never caught another one since, could we not have a bullhead / stone loach fish in??:)

Well done, mate - bit green with envy now. Have to get myself over to the Royalty!!

---------- Post added at 22:07 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------

When you say inspired by Binks, you did put it in the river, not on your nose? Just checking......:)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
Funny things bullheads. I used to catch them quite regularly but only when the river was right out of sorts and nothing else was feeding. Maybe it's the only time the poor little blokes get a look in? Back in the days when me and Big Phil spent virtually all our time on the Kennet if a bullhead showed up that was usually the signal to give it best and head home. He had an absolute brute of a bully one day off a stretch of the K just below Newbury. Size ( and looks) of a frog. Never seen one even half as big before or since.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well .

As planned out on the pool today bit naff for the first couple of hours wind rain cold thinking what the *eck am i doing ere but it got going .

first out a Chub of almost 3 lbs followed by an nice Perch fully loaded with eggs so straight back in that went just over 2 lbs on the scales second best perch ever for me , The normal collection of Bream getting a decent size now followed by another chub few small bream and perch one missed that i think was a rather large Roachvery accrobatic shook the hook out bit annoyed withn that one .

PG ...

Nice one on the Bullhead Swizzle never had one at all .