How did you get on?

The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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Isle of Skye
Fished our Charity Teams of 4 (6 teams) today on the Slough Arm and blanked in what was a real grueller for most of us. Most of the roach seem to have moved off the Boats over the last few weeks and those that are left are shoaled very tightly at one end. And I drew towards the other...Peg 19 on the day, halfway between the gate and Mansion Lane.

Lots of dead reeds floating about coupled with a vicious right to left skim meant that waggler likely to be a non starter so kept it simple with four pole rigs, two for the track/ inside and two for tight over. As you can tell, forgot my pole roost...

Plumbed up to find a lot of weed on the bottom but a decent clear bit down the track slightly left and another between the boats opposite but shallower over there than I would have liked.
Started on punch down the track and twenty minutes without a bite meant the writing was pretty much on the wall as no roach had showed at this end midweek.
Most of the rest of the match spent on tiny bits of worm or fluoro pinkie with a few looks at 14m and a very light punch rig right to the back of the boat but not a sign on anything.
Peg 20 to my right found a stray perch tight to the boat with an hour to go which ended up as the only fish caught from pegs 15 to 24 . Pegs 13 and 14 each had a single perch as well and then all blanks again back to peg 7.
12-3 won it from peg 1 with 9-14 next to him, then down to 3-4 and 2-1 from pegs 4 and 7.
Still, team won it with two section wins and a second, so still picked up as we'd decided to share all winnings. Glad it wasn't performance related...
Not too much on the bird front for me other than a pair of buzzards all day over the scrubland behind me and one kite following the line of the canal.

Most importantly though, we raised £3,465 between us for the Shooting Star Childrens Hospice; as always, thanks and well done to all.

Neil Maidment

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
To paraphrase Skippy:

I've had worse days than this!

Fortunately the Dorset Stour continued to drop from the midweek floods and was almost perfect today. This was to be my last day of the season as I'm doing other things tomorrow, so the alarm was set for 5:15am. I needed to get down to Throop to join the Sparrows chorus before the hordes of visiting anglers got out of their B&B/Hotel beds. No access before 6:30am, no fishing before 7:00am, that's fine, I was out of the starting blocks (car park) at 6:29.

Needn't really have bothered because I didn't see another angler until about 11am! Obviously all the press I had been spreading about how high, coloured and unfishable the river was had worked.

The downside was I had a wide choice of swims. I gave the first one a concentrated hour but failed to see any action. So I moved to the opposite bank and settled in just by the tree at the tip of my rod in the picture above.

An identical hour later I was contemplating another move but couldn't decide where to go. Fortunately the float submerged and I was into a decent chub of around 4lbs+.

So, I stayed put and drowned another pint or two of red maggots. This worked quite well as I had four or five good chub to around 5lbs+ including a 6:02. Lost a couple as well.

More red maggot, another two or three pints actually, headed for Christchurch Harbour courtesy of the insanely powerful flow and I did my usual trick of playing around with the depth. Ended up fishing well up in the water and hooking an altogether different beast. Very sullen and very heavy it thumped away in midstream. Fortunate really as I would have been in big trouble had it headed for the nearside reeds and overhangs.

"Hours later" I finally had it out in front of me and occasionally swirling near the surface, First glimpse told me it was indeed a big chub, certainly a 6lber. Finally got it within range of at least thinking about reaching for the net and sort of controlling the thumping under the rod tip when a bloody great black Labrador dived in next to me determined to assist. "Hilarious" thought it's owner, part of the capacity crowd building up behind me! Despite all this, or maybe because, the chub gently glided into the waiting mesh!

At that point it looked and felt huge. It was! Turned my scales to 7lbs 11oz and a couple of other sets to a few ounces heavier. I'll happily settle for that weight, a new pb and my fourth "7" on the float.

Single red maggot on a #20 to 4lb hook length under a 10grm balsa was the usual winter trotting fayre and what a superb ending to my river season!



Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Only managed a short try on the river. Looking in much better fettle than for a while, but still a little too murky and churning to instil any confidence. I bounced a cage feeder around a weirpool seeking out a steady patch before putting any bait in. Took half a dozen casts to get some taps and tugs but no contact. Plenty of dace here so I reasoned it were they. A fine wire hook finally brought back a fish. Tiny sliver of a thing gliding back towards me across the main flow. No dace this tho. My first ever Bullhead. I notice they have become the new target species on here which just doubles my joy.
Eventually a couple of prime dace; not big just shiny perfection. Some roach too under a pound , then nowt. I gave corn and worm a go but no improvement. I had missed many bites earlier as the line was seemingly heading in 3 or 4 directions at once as the eddies on the edge of the current pulled back and forth whilst the wind did the same above the surface. Now tho the flouro maggots were not stretched and ragged. It could only be pike. Popular spot for them just now with a large shoal of silvers trapped upstream of them by the weirfall.
I flicked the feeder in by the edge and set up another rod to have an hours trotting. Before I'd finished another bullhead. Also 'Millers Thumb' I believe. Not sure if this or the first was now my PB.
I needed to switch banks for the float and went back to the car to drop off most of the gear and dig out my bait apron. In the meantime someone else had rocked up and dropped into the best swim. I had a chat and enjoyed the sunshine whilst watching him set up. He had been fishing a nearby lake and fancied a go on flowing water before the shut up mon night. Disappointed as I was I couldn't begrudge him his moment, and was happy to see him quickly hit into a run of dace. Smaller ones than I had earlier. Just the right size for a jack snack as it turned out. Every put in he got 2 bites. We each had a chuckle about it and he put the fishing on pause for a bit. He told me a friend of his had taken a great net of roach during the week, prior to the most recent rain and even had a sea trout for good measure.
I tried a few trots thro the washing machine section of the weir for a few more dace but it was no fun really. Even my largest avon couldn't be steered by any means of my choosing. I packed it in and stood on the bridge for a minute or two before leaving. Just enough time to see a small jack that had taken a jerkbait landed by the other chap.Not the best days fishing ever but enjoyed it all the same and hoping to have one final dangle tomorrow.

What is specimen size for bullhead btw?

Cliff Hatton

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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Mid Wales
Neil....that's a lump - well done! I'm yet to get a '6' though my biggest - 5lb 4oz - was caught from a most unlikely venue in North Essex.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, and having soldiered through a long, dark, miserable, flooded winter, I was determined to bask comfortably in the sunshine of early Spring. Comfortably sat-back with a flask of coffee, a few sarnies and the Sunday Telegraph, I unashamedly chilled-out and waited for something to happen with my pike rods. After a couple of hours the left-hand buzzer briefly sounded and the rod-top bounced ever-so-slightly, but guess was a bat-bite! Yes, at 11.00hrs on a bright and sunny day, a BAT had homed-in on my line!

A little later, a similar buzz-and-tap but this time the line was running. I struck and immediately knew it was a good fish, the 3lb tc rod taking on a pronounced curve. The fish fought well, repeatedly yanking down the tip and ripping line off the Shimano. In the water she didn't look all that big but the sheer weight of the fish told me that its appearance belied its weight.

What a lovely way to finish the 'season'! I have put that word in inverted commas because there's BEEN no's been one, long, flooded, unfishable winter! Roll on the summer!




Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Neil....that's a lump - well done! I'm yet to get a '6' though my biggest - 5lb 4oz - was caught from a most unlikely venue in North Essex.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, and having soldiered through a long, dark, miserable, flooded winter, I was determined to bask comfortably in the sunshine of early Spring. Comfortably sat-back with a flask of coffee, a few sarnies and the Sunday Telegraph, I unashamedly chilled-out and waited for something to happen with my pike rods. After a couple of hours the left-hand buzzer briefly sounded and the rod-top bounced ever-so-slightly, but guess was a bat-bite! Yes, at 11.00hrs on a bright and sunny day, a BAT had homed-in on my line!

A little later, a similar buzz-and-tap but this time the line was running. I struck and immediately knew it was a good fish, the 3lb tc rod taking on a pronounced curve. The fish fought well, repeatedly yanking down the tip and ripping line off the Shimano. In the water she didn't look all that big but the sheer weight of the fish told me that its appearance belied its weight.

What a lovely way to finish the 'season'! I have put that word in inverted commas because there's BEEN no's been one, long, flooded, unfishable winter! Roll on the summer!


Blimey, some of you are deffo having some end of season catches to remember...ya jammy bu&&ers ;).

Crackin' pike Cliff :w.

Cliff Hatton

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
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Mid Wales
Shame the pic won't stick, Tigger.....

---------- Post added at 12:13 ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 ----------


That should do it...


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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Last trip of the season with a friend , trotting maggots.
Had plenty of these.....

And a few of these....

Few grayling in the mix as well, and some (only just) out of season Trout.
Nice end to the season, just dusting off the fly gear.....


Feb 23, 2016
Reaction score
Fished a club stretch of the river Teme near Worcester yesterday and finished the session with my first wild brown trout which weighed in at 1lb 1oz. Also managed the odd minow in between. Had a really enjoyable day trotting a stick, and hope to get back at it next season on June 16th!



It’s been a rather subdued finish for me by comparison to the rest of the season.

A very enjoyable last day on the river today in all that Spring sunshine although I lost an absolute beast of a barbel on the second put in, I just couldn’t hold it on the same gear that’s brought me two mid-doubles and after a long powerful run I suffered a hook pull.

Towards late afternoon and when all seemed lost I had a sharp pluck before the tip walloped over and the ‘pin whizzed round courtesy of a very enthusiastic, small chub of around 2lbs which saved the day in terms of avoiding a blank.

Prior to today I’ve had two long sessions from dawn to well into the early evening darkness looking for that ever elusive big perch and my total reward for those was a single fish of a pound and a quarter.

Lots of chance for reflection and it's a bit like an end of season game of football where everything is already in the bag, nothing really to play for and just a case of going out, relaxing and enjoying the day.

It’s been a season that I will remember for many reasons, not least a pb roach of 2lbs 3ozs or a couple of nice perch over the 3lb mark, a Christmas Day pike of 21lbs+ on the perching gear and lots of variation from summer dace on the stick to winter zander on the float and not forgetting, of course, some big barbel.

I've not even got to the great friendships that have been forged through the people I've met from FM and the great days fishing we've enjoyed in each other's company along with those who I speak with and have yet to have the pleasure of meeting, surely the highest prize of all.

The sun has to set though and my mood during this sunset is one of great satisfaction and contentment.

All I have to do now is stop checking the EA river levels four times a day for the next three months!

Going with the sentiment of looking forwards and not back I will repost my favourite picture from the entire season, not one of a sunset but one of a sunrise with all of the hope, excitement and anticipation that it brings with it.

And just one of the many reasons that it's just good to be there…

Here’s to June 16th, 2016 :w



Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Lovely write up with an even better photo Binka.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
Steve, I wish you wouldn't keep taking pics of that bright thing so low in the sky - I have to keep googling it to see what it is..................;)


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Last session of the season started off pretty shyte, first cast across the river and my hook set firmly into a dried up plant stem overhanging the bank....I think my battle cry might have frightend off most of the fish :mad:. Anyhow I had to pull for a break and lost my hook and seven bb shot straight out of my new tub of 'em! me old float back...big wow :rolleyes:.
I re-tackled asap and got a chub after a couple of trotts through. I finnished up getting one more chub there and then moved off to another swim and caught several more chub. The wind was a serious pain in the harris and made trotting really difficult so I walked back to the car and drove down river to another spot I know, I caught quite a few chub in that swim but the tide came in and the water came to a stand still and just started to rise so I got back in the motor and went back upstream to a spot I know fishes well on an incoming tide. By the time I got there the river was still flowing nicely and rising slowly. The incoming did the trick and I hooked into a little powerhouse of a barbel that turned out to be the first of three. I was gonn'a carry on until the death but my line cracked off on my reel as I cast (must have got looped round the reel seat) another set of new BB's and the old float lost :eek:mg: :mad:....I hate loosing stuff.
I reckon i'd had around twenty chub and the three barb's so I was quite happy with the last day of the season :D.

My m8 the barn owl came hunting along the river again, not very clear I know but I was only using a cheap digi camera...
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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Well I am very pleased to report the fishing gods deigned to offer up some decent roach on the very last day. After struggling for weeks now, or so it seems at least.
Lacking confidence at the start I was close to giving up after half hour without a touch. Naturally when a bite came I missed it. 'Keep feeding' my inner voice said, and I did. The bitter east wind that has been bothering my bones recently was actually helping a little by straightening my line, and holding up the float so I could trot more slowly and smoothly. I need the help, I still feel like a novice most of the time.
A dozen more maggots and the float now shotted to my liking and in the right place, a small dace bust the duck and I was off. Bite a chuck suddenly. Eventually the roach I've had from this stretch at the back end in past seasons turned up to feed. A nice 10 oz beauty that I admired for longer than usual. Partly cos it was the best I'd had from the river this year, but mostly for it's superb colours. Fin perfect.
This was a 2 hour after work session and I wanted to make the most of it. I stepped up the loosefeed. Same amount but twice each trot. Fortunately it seemed to be the right move and every fish now is a roach between 8 oz and a pound. Inevitably having more bait in the run brought a chub. A decent one too that pulled the ultrasoft tip all the way round to lock. A break was saved by the fish opting to switch tactics as it bore steadily upstream. It kept on past me and across to sizeable snag. Sadly my .06 hooklength came out second best. I got lucky and eventually turned it away from the snag and into midstream at least only for a large tail to lift and slap my line.
I can never make my mind up in these situations. Either awed cos a mighty beast has just displayed itself, or depressed to lose a fine specimen.
I wanted roach anyway and they refused all but the finest of presentations.
I did have half a dozen more before all went quiet for 20 mins.
I plonked the float in the near margin to gather my kit together and had a nice perch of maybe a pound. Again superbly coloured and fully spiked up and annoyed. No challenge to the Big Perch Trophy, and the reportedly massive pay out, but for looks could stand proud against any I've ever seen. Big perch are usually cussed scarred buggers anyway.
Red sky as I picked up the rods and turned back up the footpath. A fine morning of sunshine to come. A few more of those and the crucians will wake up I reckon. Then it will be their turn to frustrate me.
Tonight tho I'm a happy chap and happy to share that. Reading reports of others catches on here kept my interest alive whilst I wasn't catching. Thanks for that guys.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
I went out this morning with a pint of maggots and few few slices of bread.

Firstly I fished a backwater where the maggots produced three
fat minnows :eek:mg:

I hit the main river and managed a chub of a pound or so which fell to trotted bread flake over a small feed of mash.

Went home and returned to the river later on with a mate...he quickly caught a jack on the lure and then we settled down into a swim prebaited with mashed bread.

We both fished hair rigged bread, and a nice little barbel was a good end to a great season on the river. :)


Alan Tyler

Well-known member
May 2, 2003
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Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
More of a whimper than a bang to end my season, I'm afraid.
Fit the first, "Piker at the Gates of Dawn", was foiled by no pike wanting my smelt. Despite the pike being off their nosh, the roach and chub weren't exactly making hay, and two fat "swinger" roach and a bleak (No-o-o! first I've seen in that river for years; how I hope it's a lone stray!) were all that came my way.
Home for a nap, then off to the upper Lea; lots of swinger roach and chublets on bread, putting a lovely bend in my ferruleless reed rod, and something with a very pink, fat tummy that looked like either a huge gudgeon or the god of all bullheads fell off as I was swinging it in. Woodpeckers drumming, Owls cursing, half a moon casting a shadow, the sky was so clear; lovely to be there, but a thumping net-job roach would have been the icing on the cake.
Oh, well, two more weeks of piking on my local, and six baits in the freezer...


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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I was at Tunnel Barn Farm yesterday,for my weekly fix(this once a week larks no good to no one!!)The open was on Top and Bottom pools,i drew Top,which i was pleased about,but less pleased with peg 26:(
Still i set about trying to get a bite!!,first hour was slow ,just a few skimmers,the sun was on the rippled water and i struggled to even see the float dotted down!!,after that fruitless hour i decided to feed maggot out of my hand on top 6 and top 2,a few f1,s and ide,perch and skimmers followed over next couple of hours but still slow....I could see Ron(Midas)Notley on the point on 29 sacking on F1,s:(
Last hour and a half the fish came up in the water,and i made the most of it fishing a banded maggot,with a TBF cult,3x8(4x11 stotz),i finished with 20lb of ide,roach,skimmers,perch,and 19lb of F1,s for a total of 39-9-0,which was only good enough for 4th on lake,but i picked up the section:D,by default as Midas was in my section and he won the lake with 49-13-0,narrowly beating "The Pope",by 3oz on 49-10-0.....So not a bad day,not the best of draws,but plenty of bites,and a nice net of silvers as well:D:DTight lines,Gazza

Alan Tyler

Well-known member
May 2, 2003
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Barnet, S.Herts/N. London
Still a whimper - one smelt stolen; or rather , "donated", as the creature at the sharp end was doing its best; it was the fool at the other end who struck too soon. Five baits left...