How did you get on?

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Squeezed in a short session on the roach pond yesterday. Heavier going than it was at the turn of the year. However, I was using caster and fishing right on the deck in an attempt to avoid the smaller roach. After a terribly slow hour or so, it did pick up. Ended the session with around 30 roach. Most were of a slightly better than average size too. I'd put about five or six of them at around the pound mark. Things went a little awry when the carp turned up in the last hour. Though I didn't manage to break a single hooklink, I did lose four in quick succession. Drennan Crystalights are definitely not a rod to be catching carp on.

Today was time for a brief try out of a new long rod. I took advantage of the dodgy Yorkshire bylaws and trotted a worm for trout just to see a bend in it. Four trout to around a pound and a half wasn't a bad run out and I'm pleased enough with the rod to have stripped the cellophane off the handle. It didn't break either, which could have been a problem, if the forum chatter was to be believed.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Similar problems at the start of the last couple of seasons. I had some success with a Drennan Glo-tip antenna fished lift-method using a 'chain' of no.8s to 4-5" from the hook pinning it down. When they were going on Corn - found a plastic floating kernel hair rigged - helped keep it out of the silt. When the Cru's stopped - the Tench started - worked for them too!

Tight Lines!

Thanks for the tip! I returned to same swim and first cast no less a crucian was in the net. Genius that boy Greenie.
Unfortunately my own incompetence then led to 3 missed bites. I don't know how. They were the kind of bites you would hope for; dip,bob, slide under. Perfect except for the outcome.

More pertinent to this thread proper I also had a short bash last night. Very short, just an hour. Calmer conditions and a shallower swim seemed ideal for the elasticated whip and 0.1g float. A handful of wheat and half pint of maggots was all I had but they responded quickly in the falling light. Fishing this sensitively I was able to connect to most bites from rudd and roach. Soon the Crus were bubbling up and 6 small ones were landed. Lots of small perch moved in for only 10 mins before dark. All of them pumped as if on steroids and very soon to spawn I think. Then the switch threw back the other way again and I had 3 more crucians before it became impossible to see.
A funny kind of session that felt like a full day in fast forward. I've still got half the bait I had and I reckon that will be enough to bag me a few more this evening.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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..... They were the kind of bites you would hope for; dip,bob, slide under. Perfect except for the outcome....

Glad you had some success - doesn't work every time - I still get those bites - usually with the repeated - dip, bob, rise - mixed-in with the sequence:eek:mg:

Sometimes it happens in slow motion - keeping yourself in readiness for 20-40 minutes can be excrutiatingly painful - particularly when it's nowt at the end!:eek:mg:

Tight Lines!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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Had a good day roach fishing on the pike lake today. Had approx 50 to 1lb 4ozs, plus some rudd and perch. Makes a change from blanking on pike, pike season now over till October.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Had a little longer at the crucians yesterday evening. Managed a regulation dozen by the time it got dark. I had very little in the way of bait that was left over but maybe I was better off that way. Bites were positive and much easier to connect with. It seems the wheat is holding them even if it isn't producing many on the hook. I'm still trying to get confidence in it. Feeding maggot brings a lot of small perch so I will persist.
Took a walk around the 3 lakes before starting and spotted some carp tails up in the fast growing lily beds so might have to have a try for them before the get too cute.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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..... It seems the wheat is holding them even if it isn't producing many on the hook. I'm still trying to get confidence in it......

A word of caution: - Keep the feed light!

I thought t'other year that wheat was the 'go-to' bait for Cru's - it didn;t seem to attract the Carp which would devastate the swim (and tackle!:eek:) when hooked on a light bottom - then they got a taste for it!:eek:mg:

If the Carp latch onto the wheat then be prepared to forget the Cru's and switch-up to beefier tackle. The tricky bit is spotting when to change - and how much by - especially if you are still in with the chance of Tench in the swim!

Tight Lines!

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Went perching.

Managed 4 with two over 2lb and the best 3.5.

Few carp to 12 some nice roach and smelly bream.



Well-known member
Aug 18, 2015
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Well I can't complain as I caught fish, just not the fish I was after...

Last Saturday my dad was relieved from fence-mending duty as the timber failed to turn up. As it was a gorgeous sunny day we headed over to Bucklands with the idea of trying to tempt some big Rudd.

It's a bit of a funny old place, not exactly picturesque but I guess looks better in the summer when there some vegetation. You certainly wouldn't want to go there on a windy day, as it really catches the wind coming across the Thames estuary without much in the way to stop it.


Not the most inspiring of views, but there's some big rudd lurking in there somewhere...


A bit more interesting photographically speaking

Being an old quarry it gets deep quickly; plumbing up I found that under a rod-length out it was about 7ft deep and just beyond that dropped off to about 15ft. I set up a small crystal waggler on 3lb line and 2lb hooklength to a size 18 hook, varying between single and double red maggot.


The water in the specimen lake was absolutely gin clear

I cast out to a likely looking spot, spraying a few maggs and hemp seed little and often. I didn't have to wait long before the float lazily slipped under. I struck and thought I'd snagged the bottom, until the bottom started to move off and I'd realised I'd hooked a carp. I played it very gently, mindful of the 2lb hooklength, steering it away from the reeds and snags and letting it tire. Eventually it came in, a nice little carp of about 6lb.

And that's how it carried on for the rest of the day; ended up with 9 carp all around the same size, all on the float to single or double red magg. As far as I'm aware I only had one non-carp bite where I struck into a solid head shaker. Definitely felt like a rudd or roach, but the hook pulled so I'll never know for sure.


Last of 9 carp to 6lb 5oz. The next pic explains why at this point I was so wrapped up...

Right at the end of the day my dad said "Your head is looking a bit red". Hmmm, I realised I'd put my polaroids on but not my hat. Would I regret this?


Ouch! Batman v. Robin maybe?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Out with the pole proper today for a few more crucians. Greenie's anchor chain rig is working a treat. Still not catching with wheat on the hook but it sure is holding fish in front of me. I fed 3/4 grains every few mins for 2 hors without a touch, but as soon as I put a bit of bread on they're on it. Best around 1.5lbs mark but plenty of 'em smaller than that until I packed up.


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Went perching.

Managed 4 with two over 2lb and the best 3.5.

Few carp to 12 some nice roach and smelly bream.


Nice camos, Graham. I bought the bib and brace to go with the jacket and they only come to shin level; they're either made for midgets or for big German troops with 18 lace-up boots. :D Nice stripey, too. :)


Well-known member
May 6, 2014
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Went perching.

Managed 4 with two over 2lb and the best 3.5.

Few carp to 12 some nice roach and smelly bream.


Cracking perch there, although I find it slightly disturbing that there is a disembodied hand floating in mid air holding the fish and a floating head just above it. :D


A very relaxing day out behind the bobbins today, after a few waggler sessions I was ready for a sit back and a bit of perching again.

The weather left a lot to be desired, apparently it had been mainly dry and sunny at home whilst I suffered the monsoons and at some points it was hard to hear myself think with the hail drumming on the brolly and the rolling thunder in the background.

Nice and cosy under the brolly though and a nice mix of perch munga was soon on the go…

Almost makes me hungry just looking at it!

Didn’t have to wait too long for the first bite, about an hour and a quarter and the long drop bobbin never even twitched before shooting up a good 18” to the butt ring and I was sure I’d hooked a stray mud pig that had come grazing through until I lifted into it and felt that it was obviously a decent perch.

Soon in the net and a chance to christen the new (old) Salter spring balance which I’ve tested several times and found they’re bang on…

2lb 5ozs and a good start :)

Took another six throughout the day, all on worm, including a couple around the two pound mark and the smallest around a pound and a half before packing up and losing a good fish right on the fall of darkness.

Completely chilled out now and I have a kilo of worms to pick up tomorrow ready for the weekend, roll on!


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Another fine afternoon after the crucians. I delayed setting up whilst a brief squall blew thro and took time to wander around the 3 lakes. You'll hardly believe it but there was someone else fishing! And for roach! In the 'carp' lake!
It's a great venue for solitude, and often as not I can turn up late afternoon and make believe I own the place.
I headed for the lake at the opposite end so as we wouldn't crowd each other. Sat in the same swim again and was quickly rigged up with the same 0.1g float I had on yesterday. Simples.
No sign of any activity anywhere so seemed a sensible bet. I began feeding wheat as before but just a couple of grains on and off as per my coach's instructions.
First hour no bites, but some gentle bubbling. Next hour only pull was ended when the hook dropped. Felt foul-hooked by the way it tore off. I changed rigs. Twice. Then went back to original 'anchor'. Still being frugal with the grain but clearly more fish gathering and by the third hour I finally caught. 3 crus quickly then nowt for 20 mins. By now lots of activity in front and in a 2nd spot in the margin.
I cracked and plucked out a slice of white.........and we're off. A 4mm or so disc on a 16 connected time and again. I had some groundbait already made up but hadn't used it. It was light enough to pinch and throw to break up in a cloud and I fed every cast and dropped in on top. My standard for a decent session is a round dozen of crucians. I sailed past that with plenty of light left still. I soldiered on losing count but enjoying 'em all. Deeply satisfied; well I should have been but I wanted bigger. All so far below a pound and I know they can double that.
I switched to a double no. 3 elastic and went down the edge. Heavy on the line too; 3lbs to a 2.2 hooklength no less. They didn't respond and I thought it might just be because of the upgrade to thicker line. They get very hungry these crucians but they still don't move a float more than a dink. Glad I stayed with it when the elastic finally got a good stretch. Trying a double elastic for first time. Like it so far. Bit more forgiving than a simple no.6. Anyway back to the point it weighed 2lbs 1oz and is my first 2lber of the year. My second third and fourth came along too. Brilliant! I might even attempt a smilie emoticon whatsit.
Best one was 2lb 4oz and they all looked proper. Might have to have some more of that soon.
:)I strolled up to chat with my 'neighbour' half way thro, and he was well pleased with his 20lbs of roach and perch. He'd been told on the grapevine that 'no-one' was catching on the top lake. I hope he don't let on.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2014
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First match of the year for me and it was a bit of a disaster as it was gusty and raining. Too windy for me and a pole (as a match novice with a pole). I was not last but it was a close run thing... The full story can be found HERE. I was pleased that my repair to the No.4 section of my pole held up to the punishment of a nasty cross-wind.



Well-known member
Jan 11, 2016
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Glad your section stayed up to the test of the wind, I couldn't of repaired it that well mate :thumbs:

Can I give a little advice not sure how others feel, but I think if you enjoy match fishing you'd be best fixed to join a club get in a good one and you'll find people really helpful and less serious. Rather than starting on open matches at commercials mate.

Just a tip Take care mate Dan


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2014
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Glad your section stayed up to the test of the wind, I couldn't of repaired it that well mate :thumbs:

Can I give a little advice not sure how others feel, but I think if you enjoy match fishing you'd be best fixed to join a club get in a good one and you'll find people really helpful and less serious. Rather than starting on open matches at commercials mate.

Just a tip Take care mate Dan

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the advice. We are intending to move this year and when we relocate I intend to join a club then. For now the matches held at Beaver Fishery are far from 'serious' and all the regulars have been most helpful over the past year or so. It is more like a club as I end up fishing with the guys on non-match days. I also enjoy joining in with the MD matches. I am not ready for any serious match fishing yet - if ever!



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
I would actually strongly endorse that great advice about club match fishing. The banter on the bus trips was always first class and I still miss the other guys thirty years down the line!!

I clearly remember drawing the end peg in an 18 peg match and being the only peg without a canal boat in front of me, instead I had a small patch of reeds. The peg gave up 4lbs 8oz of roach and some mungster gudgeon and I finished second, beating the two best-by-far anglers in the club and scoring myself a life changing 8 quid for second.

Happy days. Would definitely recommend club match fishing, you'll more than likely meet people who'll stay friends for life. Thanks for the memories :)


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
Well, I said last week after my second early season tench session that I’d have a shot for some early season crucians this week. Today was the day as the winds had dropped to next to nothing to give me a chance with a delicate setup. I arrived about 10.30am at this small (2 acre) club lake, in the middle of nowhere, which I was told held some crucians but a 2lber was a special fish – about half the size I was used to fishing for before the house move at the Summer Pit and Marsh Farm. But the challenge for me is there – a 2lb plus fish before the rivers open.

After a half hour wander I chose a spot where the shelf dropped abruptly down to approximately 4’ close in to the bank with an abundance of dead reeds. I set up with a 14’ rod (angled sideways along the margin), 3lb reel line and a 2lb hook length (there are some very large carp residing so I didn’t want to go too light) to a strong(ish) size 18. Also a ‘dayglow’ dotted down to ‘nothing’.

First cast at 11.30 – three small carp on the bounce to around 12lb, great fun on light gear. At 12.37pm I was in to my first crucian and between then and 3.30pm, when I packed up, I landed seven more (probably lost 5 or 6 more a split second after the strike/lift) two tench (considerably smaller that the brace I caught by design last week) . All in all,seven small early season crues to approximately a pound and a half and a most enjoyable session – unfortunately one of the two I took a ‘pic’ of is a bit ‘beaten up’.................
