How did you get on?


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Happy days. Wheat finally produced a few roach. I was steadily catapaulting for 20 mins before the float dipped. Next cast another touch on the drop. Finally a proper sailaway and I missed it. I missed a few more until finally a very welcome thump thump glide fight, and a fine looking roach was in my net. Just under a pound and best specimen of a run of nice 6-8ozs that followed for an hour. They switched off very suddenly and a short while later there was much bubbling. i kept the wheat on the hook but laid it 3 ins or so more overdepth. Nothing doing but again a switch to bread brought a few nice crucians and a couple of larger but somehow less admirable brown goldfish. Shame in a way that it isn't a pure crucian water. There is a long established population of ornamental species from long back when this was in effect an 'estate lake'. On the plus side the odd goldfish always raises a smile.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Tunnel Barn Farm today,We were on New for the open today,20 anglers,so spread out a bit,I drew 44,had a steady 2 hours across on pellet,until bites went iffy,and started foulhooking,spent rest of the match fishing top 2,either side and in front,again on pellet,for 78-10-0,of F1,s and stockies,for 3rd..Graham Young(Youngs MG) won from peg 1,with 101lb!!,Ronnie Biggs(OHMS) was 2nd with 93lb from peg 13,A nice day with plenty of bites ,open tomorrow on High Pool,and friday flyer on Bottom pool for me this week,tight lines,Gazza:D


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Much like Rubio I've been giving wheat a real work out this past week or so. Also much like Rubio, my results have been very hit and miss !
I had an inkling the wheat may have been a little too hard so I ' double cooked ' a batch in a Thermos ( something like two x 8 hours ) until the seeds were almost falling to pieces but with some in halves which allows the white to show just as much as the outer brown skin.
For a time this seemed to do trick with a few choice fish but bites tailed off for no reason I can think of......Still, at least they are interested in something other than conventional baits.

I also managed a couple of crucians on a form of lift method ; The bottom shot ( which is heavy enough to actually sinks the last 1" or so of the float ) rests on the bottom and the float adjusted so the tip is just on, or below the surface. The taking fish moving this shot brings the float up above the water, but one fish immediately took it under again before I could strike !

Fish are still very finicky and only feeding in short spells....

For a fleeting moment I thought the crucians might be bigger roach, but alas not..


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
Friday evening, a couple of miles outside Weymouth saw me scrambling excitedly down a headland to a mark that looked good for big Wrasse, and maybe an early (and first) Bass. Armed with two rods, a variety of expensive soft plastic and topwater lures.

First cast a Fiiish Black Minnow, bumped slowly along the bottom, for about 20 seconds, before it was lost to the boulders. Hmmm.

On to the rod with one of the Japanese shallow diving plugs....5 casts and I didn't lose it, but also didn't have much contact with it, or a clue what I was actually doing.

Back to another weedless bottom lure and that was gone within 3 casts.

The tide was coming in quickly and darkness was falling, so I hurried up the headland and back onto the coastal path heading for the safety of the beach.
Which proved fruitless.

Then onto a jetty for another few out of control casts; wind almost spooling the 2000 reel of braid.

I finished off the experience spending an hour lost, and walking around like a headless chicken in a large neighbouring caravan site, feeling my wifes irritation mount at every second :eek:mg:

I stuck to Weymouth Harbour after that...

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Tunnel Barn Farm open on High pool today,30 of us,crammed on 49 pegs:rolleyes:I drew peg 14,and as flyer peg 15 was left out,it could be a good draw,or a poor one if all the fish back off into 15;),Luckily it wasnt too bad,i had some shallow water in pole range,and fished long more or less for the whole match,apart from a look on my shallow line,down the track,and down my edges,these lines only produced a few fish.

I fished into 2ft,and 3ft of water across,for 60 F1,s,which went 66-10-0,which was good enough for 3rd fish came to 4mm expander,fished with micros and slop...Ron(Midas) Notley done it again fishing from peg 49,taking 72lb of F1,s..My Mate Bad H,was 2nd just edging me with 68-0-0..A cracking day with plenty of bites,but a lot struggled in the deep water,wide pegs...Bottom pool on the Friday Flyer,Tight lines,Gazza:D


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
...the next day.
Granted an hours fishing I headed to the harbour and after a few missed hookups on a 1g jighead with #12 hook.
I switched to a 'split shot rig' - #18 microbarbed drennan to 3lbs, with 1-3 BBs an inch or two from the hook, baited with a bit of isome.

Really happy to see this beautifully ugly little Long Spined Sea Scorpion a few casts later. Followed by a couple of rock gobies.

Sunday and the storm was about to hit. Staying in control of a tiny weight and 0.6 braid in 45mph winds and I was off to the car as soon as the blank was out of the way:D

Last and most relaxed session in the sunshine was at about 5pm yesterday.
Another rock gobie, followed by another species which I was happy to capture. A Goldsinney Wrasse.

Brilliant fun. :D

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
A fortnight without wetting a line , grandkiddies safely back in Italy and today was my first chance to get out, so, an hour after leaving home I, m setting up on a lake some two miles from Lincoln.
I's a carp runs water , not my cuppa these days but it has some lovely roach and rudd that seem pretty neglected that respond to float gear, just the ticket, a nice redfin or two would be a much needed tonic after my recant layoff.
A few pouches of hemp some six feet from the marginal reedmace along with three chopped up cooked mussels to do its magic while I set my sarcandos reed antennea float to a three pound mainline, two lb hooklength and a size twelve wide gape hook that was set to have some six inch of line laying on the deck was the general game plan.
It didnt seem to be a good one initially but after an hour I had my first fish, a roach , not massive but a start, it got better by degrees after that, not fast but steady with a few missed bites for every fish,
Two skimmers showed up then the one I was after, a lovely roach on the pound mark, likely an ounce or two bigger.A male tench followes soon after and wellcome it was too, I thought that its mate would follow soon after as they often do but things went quite for a little while then anothef nice fish fell to the mussel, a nice rudd an ounce or so bigger than the roach.
Afterwards following another liberal dose of hemp I took another tench quickly followed by two more --- Mr and Mrs this time a sign that they may be coupling up for doing what comes naturally in a few weeks time --- maybe, maybe not?.
A nice bream another nice rudd and a perch just about ended the very wet day where most of my gear got a soaking--- All told I ended with two roach ( sad) two nice rudd, four tench, four, maybe five bream and some small perch, a really nice day despite the rain.
I must try mussels more often on a few more venues, great bait that seems to appeal to most species.


All told I ended with two roach ( sad) two nice rudd, four tench, four, maybe five bream and some small perch, a really nice day despite the rain.

Sounds like you enjoyed yourself Mick, some very nice roach there and I'm pleased you got amongst 'em.

Here are flight's fish...

Laying down on the job again! :)


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
Well nowt for a few days been a little rough to say the least but all been well out tomorrow see what happens.

But the best news for me i got the Linux box up again no more dang annoying devices once again .. yae! :D :) :D

PG ...


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Returned to same swim in hope that the roach were still there. If they were they didn't fancy wheat today. eventually got a bite on bread, but they were few and far between today. My first fish, a roach, around 6ozs; second a better roach twice that; only other was a fat crucian of 2lbs 3 ozs.
Lovely evening after the thunder had rolled thro.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
I went back to the small club lake in the middle of nowhere today in search of some more crucians and arrived just before 10.30am. Wall to wall sunshine most of the time wasn’t ideal and I managed only 5 crucians, this time, none bigger than Friday, so didn’t bother with any more pics. In between I also managed 4 tench and avoided the carp who were happily cruising on the surface out of the way.

All right, I’m game for a laugh and took one pic:eek:mg: – I got plagued with some of these******* things later in the session and packed up a 3pm. The only good thing about them is that they’re easy to unhook in the water so no need to having them (dis)grace the net......................:eek::eek:;)


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
You should have weighed one at least Jerry.I notice on your profile that you have a pretty good pb list but the Bream slot is empty , it would have completed it very nicely.;)

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Started crack off sparrows with lovely mist coming off the lake .

A beautiful 3.1 perch after half an hour. But the silvers were so active the float never sat still for more than a minute.

Made fishing very difficult as I started to ignore the dips and lifts unless the float sailed away......however after a few bream and rudd to 12oz maybe a pound decided to keep with size 10 hook and try some brocken pieces.

Well....8 or so roach between 1 and 1.12 as well as some smaller roach, brim and those beautiful rudd.

2 carp about 6lb and then another perch 2.9.

By now every time I put some mags in the water boiled. No good really.

One more perch about a pound and lots more silvers to finish.

The baliff said the best roach caught is over 3lb??? However in my catch noted a few b/r hybrids.

Probably last fish there for me till september.


---------- Post added at 19:46 ---------- Previous post was at 19:24 ----------


The lake.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
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Market Drayton Shropshire
first outing today for a while due to shoulder and back problems .

Nothing big but a nice collection of Bream some decent Roach Perch small Crucians nice sunny day with a nice detectable warmth in the sun does the bone wonders .

PG ...


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
You should have weighed one at least Jerry.I notice on your profile that you have a pretty good pb list but the Bream slot is empty , it would have completed it very nicely.;)

Fortunately the FM system crashes every time I try to update Mick..............;)

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
A delayed start after waiting eagerly for the postie. Unfortunately, the river was a little too full to go trotting a worm for trout, as I'd have really liked to be doing.;)

Instead, I went to a local stillwater in the peeing rain. I'm not a big fan of using centrepins on stillwaters, but it was just an excuse to get out with a shiny new one. Fortunately, it didn't turn out too bad after a slow start and a move. A few small roach, skimmers, perch and big gonks were bolstered by a couple of small tench, what looks suspiciously like a big roach/bream hybrid and a feisty little carp. Good fun on light gear and no new kit hoodoo.
