A fortnight without wetting a line , grandkiddies safely back in Italy and today was my first chance to get out, so, an hour after leaving home I, m setting up on a lake some two miles from Lincoln.
I's a carp runs water , not my cuppa these days but it has some lovely roach and rudd that seem pretty neglected that respond to float gear, just the ticket, a nice redfin or two would be a much needed tonic after my recant layoff.
A few pouches of hemp some six feet from the marginal reedmace along with three chopped up cooked mussels to do its magic while I set my sarcandos reed antennea float to a three pound mainline, two lb hooklength and a size twelve wide gape hook that was set to have some six inch of line laying on the deck was the general game plan.
It didnt seem to be a good one initially but after an hour I had my first fish, a roach , not massive but a start, it got better by degrees after that, not fast but steady with a few missed bites for every fish,
Two skimmers showed up then the one I was after, a lovely roach on the pound mark, likely an ounce or two bigger.A male tench followes soon after and wellcome it was too, I thought that its mate would follow soon after as they often do but things went quite for a little while then anothef nice fish fell to the mussel, a nice rudd an ounce or so bigger than the roach.
Afterwards following another liberal dose of hemp I took another tench quickly followed by two more --- Mr and Mrs this time a sign that they may be coupling up for doing what comes naturally in a few weeks time --- maybe, maybe not?.
A nice bream another nice rudd and a perch just about ended the very wet day where most of my gear got a soaking--- All told I ended with two roach ( sad) two nice rudd, four tench, four, maybe five bream and some small perch, a really nice day despite the rain.
I must try mussels more often on a few more venues, great bait that seems to appeal to most species.