A case of start as you mean to go on for the first official day of British Summertime (!), I had around twelve hours at it fishing the wag & worm for whatever pulled my string and I reckon I would have stayed another twelve if it had stayed light…
Very enjoyable.
I abandoned my plans to fish a gravel pit on the back of a changing weather forecast as it’s a fair old hike and I didn’t fancy lugging the brolly so I instead fished another local day ticket lake that used to be a club water.
Definitely a case of getting the brolly up and well anchored down as the strong, gusting wind did feel chill despite being a sou’westerly and the monsoons which swept through during the afternoon gave me a feeling of smug satisfaction knowing that I was nicely hunkered down out of the way of them.
I managed to get bites from the off, two little perch on the first two casts whilst I was still fine tuning the rig before any feed had gone in and gradually throughout the day things built up nicely with the main species being small netter skimmers of which I must have had around three dozen in addition to a couple of dozen small perch, a few small roach and one or two that looked like they had hybridised a little…
I did manage to glimpse a rainbow in the trees following one of the many afternoon downpours which seemed to end beside the water but despite a cast in that direction there was no 4lb perch at the end of it…
I now have a ‘pin that looks like it’s been chucked in a cement mixer with a kilo of chopped worm and a bag of Sensas Lake baked onto it, should be a nice sofa job tomorrow whilst the rain is pouring down outside… :w
If I show my g/daughter these pics, she'll want her nails varnishing on the inside just like yours.![]()
Tunnel Barn monday open today,fished on canal pool,i couldnt believe it when i pulled out peg 17,next to the rubbish peg i drew last tuesday!!!!
Still i knew there were a few fish there,so got my head down ,to just catch what was in front of me,wind was blowing a hoolie,but i was able to fish across,as its only 9m wide
Started across had a few on pellet,that died so went down the track on maggot,and had a few,that died,so i fished my 2 topkit lines,one in front,and one to the left,finished with 22 F1,s and a mirror and some skimmers and roach,for 49-10-0,and remarkably the Win,None of the "Big "pegs produced for some reason,and 29-0-0 was 2nd from peg 3,and 26-8-0 was 3rd,from 21.......Only 14 fished,as there was a festival on ,which has been running since good friday....Back tomorrow for a match on New pool,see how we get on,tight lines ,Gazza
What's the significance, fellas? Is it a sign of water purity or is its rarity the issue?
.... Any tips on a rig that will tell me when a crafty fish has mouthed the bait?
Similar problems at the start of the last couple of seasons. I had some success with a Drennan Glo-tip antenna fished lift-method using a 'chain' of no.8s to 4-5" from the hook pinning it down. When they were going on Corn - found a plastic floating kernel hair rigged - helped keep it out of the silt. When the Cru's stopped - the Tench started - worked for them too!
Tight Lines!
Half an hour in a lock saw a couple of these miniscule, but beautiful, perch to dropshotted isome....