How did you get on?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
A complete change of plan yesterday as I was offered a day as a guest by an old monastery pool in deepest "Erehwon" as Tim paisely once described a water in one of his carp books.
A truly lovely place that had existed for centuries which may have been the reason for it being so shallow.
No matter, even a non result couldnt take away the pleasure of simply sitting by the place even tho the weather was foul on account of much cooler temperatures and high winds that tried to pull my pole free of my grip, and a heavy downpour of soaking rain.
After setting up and potting in some four loads of pellet, maggots and sweetcorn my first" bite" came some five minutes later, a missed indication that prooved to be on account of a tiny piece of decaying weed that was hooked up on account of a strong "tow" from left to right. A minor encumberance that never repeated itself and by placing my rig just upstream of where my freebees had settled my first real bite occurred as my bait was slowly rolling thro the area, a bream of some two plus pounds that suggested more to come.
The wind was fierce coming in short viscious squalls that sometimes had me replacing the rig in its intended place but despite the drawback bites when they happened were fairly positive and in most every case the culprits were bream of a much the same size as the first, great stuff for sure, I was really enjoying myself, a bream or maybe two then a lull in the proceedings which had me ringing the changes with the bait.
Sweetcorn and double red maggots took the majority of my fish but a redworm and single red cocktail brought me three fish when around three pm bites seemed to dry up for a half hour or so but along with several more pottings of mixed feed and a groundbait slop things came back together again but this time a couple of small rudd, a roach and out of nowhere an elastic stretching , absolutely ballistic ide-- maybe the biggest I had ever hooked--- had me reaching for another section of pole but --- too late--- the hookpulled, bu - - - r !!!!!.
The bream returned after that and at the same time so did the rain which hampered things slightly having to put the brolly up but no matter, it was over inside the hour which more or less co incided with our visit finnishing.
In total I had some twenty two or three very nice Bream that must have been some forty plus pounds in weight or therabouts along with two lost 'tween end of pole and waters edge.
With the shallow water some of them chose to fight in the air sooner than their natural environment which was quite dramatic to witness, heres hoping my benefactor will give me another chance to return in the not to distant future to the monastery pond, someone was certainly smiling on me from above.
No piks unfortunately, (Thank god thinks Gerry ).
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
Just over an hour today on a very overcast and very clear local pit.

Dark lures produced only one bite, switching to a white lure and a cast 30 yards out saw something biting at it all the way in, again and again.

Last cast in the swim and the same thing happened right to the bank, the clear water and polaroids made the few seconds before hookup unforgettable.

Not a big fish, and not the target species, but fun nonetheless.:)


john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Still that cold NE wind persists. I found a sheltered corner of the brickpit and put out a 10mm tench bait that resulted in a 19lb mirror and one bream.

Roll on summer?


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2013
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A quite day yesterday most fish seem to be preoccupied with spawning,the carp were swimming round in bunches, and not really interested at all,plenty of small Rudd one decent roach about a pound, and one small ide.

Even the bigger ide weren't playing and I've had them to four pounds six ounce in here, lovely day to be out in the warm sunshine though, did manage a couple of small two poundish carp later on of the top in the afternoon, plus a barbel of about three pounds, on peperami on the feeder rod. Peperami is one of the baits on here which doesn't get destroyed by the hordes of small Rudd.

I know a lot of people don't like barbel in Stillwaters, but these have done really well, they were stocked at about six ounces in weight and the best one caught so far is just over ten pounds, there Are even small ones which seems to point to them spawning in here.the owner thinks they have anyway.

I've seen plenty of still water Barbel in prestige condition and there is a couple of venues where small Barbel have appeared and only one stocking ever took place prior to these youngsters appearing a few years down the line :)


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
I nipped over to a local tackle shop today and got myself a 12ft acolyte carp waggler and as it was decent weather I had to get out and give it a waggle on the bank :). I decided on one of my clubs still waters and got a spot where I was facing the wind which was quite strong.
First chuck and I had a eel of 3 1/2lb, hooked fair and square in it's lip so easy to unhook. Next cast and my next fish which was a rudd just topping 2lb...great these carp wagglers lol. The session carried on like that with quite a few rudd of a pound and several more around 2lb, plus plenty small to tiny rudd. Then I hooked a lovely perch that fought so hard for a moment I thought it was a went 3 1/2 lb, next another perch of bang on 3lb! Soon after that a small tench of about 1 1/2 lb and a few more small rudd and perch. I did hook and loose several fish which were either eels or tench, I couldn't whi h as they were only on for a couple of seconds, they left slime on my line so it had to be one or the other.
The sun went behind clouds and the without it the wind felt cool and I had to put on my hoody, pack up and make tracks home for some baggin...I was clempt.


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Now that's what I call a good days fishing !!

Nice to see someone catching decent rudd for a change...


I enjoyed an early evening session recently but boy did it feel cold on the end of that strong northerly!

Having said that it didn’t feel too bad behind the brolly after battling to get it up and anchored down via means of the power spike, pegging points and two guy ropes which just about held good for the few hours that I was there.

This was supposed to be another perch session but on arriving I just fancied getting on the end of that wind which put me in a corner of a large lake which I’d never fished before and after plumbing up I found that there was no deep water close in and no way of holding the limited amount of float gear that I had with me beyond the marginal shelf a couple of rod lengths out.

It was a little lumpy, to put things mildly…

It was classic tip territory but the fact that I’d only brought the light float rod ready rigged to a 3-6 bottom and one of my larger, 4AAA perch bobbers kind of limited my options and so I decided to lay it on in three feet of water straight off the rod tip to try and combat the heavy swell and I wasn’t overly optimistic about things.

A bit of chopped worm over the top with a good sized wriggler on a 12 hook and I think I waited the best part of an hour before thinking that my eyes had deceived me at a bob of the float but sure enough it sailed away shortly afterwards and the target species was soon on the bank…

All 3ozs of it!

At least it had given me some hope.

That was actually the only perch I saw but as I partly expected the mugwumps weren’t far away and were quietly cashing in on the churning of silt in the margins, I managed to bag four in total to just into double figures which were all a bit of a handful under the circumstances but good fun all the same…

A good exercise in the continuing re-education of my thumb :w
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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Now that's what I call a good days fishing !!

Nice to see someone catching decent rudd for a change...

Thank's Tee Cee, I haven't been out much at all since the closed river season and yesterday was the first session I can honestly say I enjoyed !
It was made more enjoyable as I was using the rod i'd bought earlier in the day.

Steve, was that the rod you binkerd....did you get it fettled ok?
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Steve, was that the rod you binkerd....did you get it fettled ok?

Yes mate it is... The same rod that I also took an inch off the tip during a night session last year so it's a very unique 12' 11" Marksman Specialist Float :)

I've not done anything about the reel seat, I just place the upper foot cup over the reel by hand and screw down the rest as normal.

I used it as my main stick and waggler rod for silvers all last season and took some good barbel and carp on it whilst bagging the more intended stuff.

I also took the 2-3 roach and a couple of 3+ perch using it and I've got a feeling that it will end up being one of those rods that will be able to tell a few stories and just won't die, lol.

That's the intention anyway :)

Ps... Cracking perch, well done mate!
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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Yes mate it is... The same rod that I also took an inch off the tip during a night session last year so it's a very unique 12' 11" Marksman Specialist Float :)

I've not done anything about the reel seat, I just place the upper foot cup over the reel by hand and screw down the rest as normal.

I used it as my main stick and waggler rod for silvers all last season and took some good barbel and carp on it whilst bagging the more intended stuff.

I also took the 2-3 roach and a couple of 3+ perch using it and I've got a feeling that it will end up being one of those rods that will be able to tell a few stories and just won't die, lol.

That's the intention anyway :)

Ps... Cracking perch, well done mate!

Well at least it's still getting used, it might be worth glueing the cork back on to the cup.

Thank's Steve, I didn't target the perch but just caught them along with the rest so the fact that there were two good sized ones amongst them was pure luck.
That's the good thing about using maggots, everything likes 'em and it's easy to vary the size of your hookbait lol. The perch took 12 mixed red and white mag's on a 14's hook, they do seem to li,e bunches of maggots.


Well at least it's still getting used, it might be worth glueing the cork back on to the cup.

It's not that simple I'm afraid, it would work if it had been the bottom cup which is meant to be fixed in one position.

If I glue the top one it means that the cup will rotate with the cork instead of remaining free to turn independently which it needs to do in order to line up with the reel foot and then remain in that position whilst the cork is screwed down further to tighten it all up.

It's no real hardship I guess :)


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
It's not that simple I'm afraid, it would work if it had been the bottom cup which is meant to be fixed in one position.

If I glue the top one it means that the cup will rotate with the cork instead of remaining free to turn independently which it needs to do in order to line up with the reel foot and then remain in that position whilst the cork is screwed down further to tighten it all up.

It's no real hardship I guess :)

Arr right, so it needs a complete new seat then.
I didn't realise the rod was the one with the broken tip, now I understand why you didn't want to buy the bottom section.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2013
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I have just got back from a break in the Nottingham to celebrate my Birthday. Had a great time with my family, My Son-in-Law Chris took me fishing to what he described as Papplewick Pumping Station Lake. It is a recent acquisition by Notts Anglers and is not on the book yet. The lake is not in the Pumping Station grounds, but about 100 yards passed it, adjacent to a large lay-by.
(Blinka, that is on Rigg Lane, which runs between the A60 and the A 614 at Blidworth Bottoms). We parked there and walked 10 yards through the trees to the lake.

Chris is not in to walking, so we fished the first two pegs we came to, in a sheltered corner where he has fished before.

I had only the minimum kit an old Daiwa pole and Shakespeare box as we where up for a week and my Lady had filled the car with luggage leaving little room for my "proper gear".

The pegs were very shallow, I had 2 ft at 10m. Nice place. I fished 4mm and 6mm expander pellet at around 8m to 9m. I was tad slow to get going but began to pick up nice crucian carp up to 2lb, most of which were fantails.

Had a spell when the carp moved in and once you hooked one it was straight into the reeds, I only had 11 elastic with me. I was fastened up on in the reeds 6 times and lost six rigs, plus the elastic snapped once. I lost the stonfo and I didn't have a spare. Not a problem, I tied a crows foot in the elastic but could I remember how to tie the quick release loop ? could I heck as like. I got three carp out to around 5lb and I doubt the ones I lost were much bigger just quick off the mark. Then, thankfully, they cleared off and it back to the fantails again. I ended with 93 fish, 4 of which were rudd, 3 carp and the remainder crucians. I finished with backache, leg ache and bum like a pikelet but smugly satisfied as Chris struggled to get half that. But then I was on the best peg, so he said. I told him he would improve as he grew up. I drove us back to Chris's place and we had a big roast beef diner then down to Wetherspoons for an inquest on the days fishing, plus the odd jar of ale (John Smiths Smooth at £2.05 a pint, went down a treat) . The Ladies (Pauline and my eldest daughter Ann) were none too pleased, for whilst we fished, they had planned a shopping spree in Nottingham but only succeeded in getting caught up in the Vic Centre bomb scare at nine o'clock and could not get back into the car park until the all clear was given, at three in the afternoon. As far as we were concerned, however, a good day and a venue worth a revisit. Sorry there are few photos, my smart phone battery needed charging. Pete.


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Had a spell when the carp moved in and once you hooked one it was straight into the reeds, I only had 11 elastic with me. I was fastened up on in the reeds 6 times and lost six rigs, plus the elastic snapped once....

Did you try striking toward the reeds? More often than not the fish will bolt in the opposite direction, away from the herbage. Works fer me. :)


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2013
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Did you try striking toward the reeds? More often than not the fish will bolt in the opposite direction, away from the herbage. Works fer me. :)
Yes I agree with the thinking Rob. When I used to fish evening matches on the Grantham canal in the year dot, the winning fish were the tench on the far bank. Once you hooked one you pushed the pole into the far side reed bed as fast as you could and lo and behold out they would come, But now old age and poverty have slowed me down and all I can do is hang on and hope. Sad init. Pete.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
I met up with my son earlier today for a few hours fishing in my old hunting ground of the Colne valley where he still lives. We picked a pit that we knew held some decent crucians having taken some big 3’s from there in the past.

The day was mainly cloudy, with a bit of intermittent brightness later, windy and none too warm with a lively northerly gusting away. After setting up along the marginal reeds of a sheltered bay we ended up with five crucians between us with four over 3lb and three of these over 3lb 8oz. The largest crue of the day was this old warrior taken by my son and hit the scales at exactly 4lb, my largest was 3lb 12oz.

We also had four back up tench to just under 6lb though nothing to trouble the ‘tench challenge’ thread (big or small;)). All in all a most enjoyable session although I’m sure we could have taken more fish on the day in separate swims but it was more important to have a ‘catch up’.

Anyway, it’ll back to the pond in the woods next week where I’m still a couple of ounces short of cracking the 2lb barrier – that’s if one exists there..............................

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Some cracking days fishing over the past couple of days for you gents.
Specially the perch and superb crucians.

I'm still working out how to get through thousands of silvers!!!!!


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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First day out all week today ,the open at TBF was on New and Extension pools,as 36 on it.......I drew peg 7 on the Extension,started on pellet on 2+1 for 1st part of match,then caster shallow@ 6m mid-match,then finished on worm slop,down the edge,for 78-8-0,4th overall and a section win,mostly F1,s plus stockies,ide and perch...I lost a Ghostie at the net,which was about 15lb,when the 0.10 h/l parted company:mad:it cost me 2nd place...104lb won,82-8-0 2nd,and 82-4-0 matches on monday on Canal pool,and Tues on High pool this week,then next week the Daiwa Pole Masters!!! 3 day festival on 13,14,15th ...tight lines,Gazza:D

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
Match today on a Bedfordshire fishery which has 2 lakes, both are rectangular with a central island. I drew on the less favoured lake and had a corner peg which meant no island chuck.

Straight out at 11m I caught skimmers, a crucian and a perch...
Came in short and had a munter carp which wrecked the whole peg. The maximum size elastic allowed was 12 so I ditched the pole and went out on the method into the corner to my right, first bite another munter carp. After that I had 4 more small carp before the end.
weighed in 19lb8 for 3rd in section which was better than I'd anticipated...
Not really my bag but I enjoyed the company and the scenery.
Back to normal tomorrow on the canal........