Fished the pool today where my previous 2 visits had resulted in blanks, I had visited the pool yesterday as there was a match on and was hoping to pick up a bit of information on where the fish were, unfortunately the water was still gin clear and nobody was catching much.
Still nothing ventured and all that and besides I had a cunning plan

I cant reach the swims that have lots of cover but I could reach a swim that is 8/9 feet deep a rod or rod and a half out in fact its in the car park and nobody fishes it, lots of water over their heads = cover right?
Set up with the longest waggler I have and after a bit of messing about with the shot to counteract the undertow I was ready to start fishing, fed hemp from the start with corn on the hook also feeding a few tares now and again. Only 10 mins in and the float disappears, its a skimmer

but the angling gods smile on me as the hook pulls as I am about to net it

that was it for the next 2 hours but i kept feeding and eventually it paid of with about 12 highbreds and 5 of these which were what I was after.
Never had a bite on tares but kept feeding them and put some in before leaving to hopefully get the roach on to them.