How did you get on?



In my personal life, I’m going to be a grandfather for the first time in a couple of months.

Congratulations Stu!

I was only thinking yesterday that you'd not been around much of late so it's good to hear from you, you old "granddad to be" fart! :) :) :)


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Last year I found a spot on the river that had a very large half sunken tree lying along the opposite side of the river bank. I fished it and had some fantastic heart thumping sessions. The reason it was so exciting was that as soon as the float went under and I struck I had to pull back as hard as I could and hold the rod in that positon until the barbel wore itself out enough to enable me to drop the rod top a little and keep winding back a little line, otherwise the fish would be straight into the half sunken tree. Last year I did really well only having a few hook pulls ane one or two hooks coming off.
This year I just can't keep the fish on they're pulling back so hard!! I've just got back in from fishing that swim and I caught plenty small chub to a pound, some dace and a little barbel of about a pound....the other three "propper" fish I had on all escaped me, the first bent my 14ft acolyte so far round it reach some part of the snag and cut the end on my line off inches above the 14's superspade. The second two bent the rod to the point of exploding and the hooks pulled out of them both. I honestly can't get over the power of these fish. When I was striking and hooking them it was just like i'd struck into the dead tree, they just didn't budge and I really slammed the rod back on the strike. Next time I go there i'm going to use 8 or 10lb line straight through and use a 12's or 10's hook and a stronger rod, maybe the marksman barbel rod ot the specialist avon, saying that the specialist avon was bent over there last week, so much so the bend went and it was pretty much flattend out....I might have to resort to 80lb pike braid and my 3lb test shimano diaflash rods lol.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
Market Drayton Shropshire
Well out on the local canal today for a few hours nothing to shout about nice perch looked around 2 -2.5 lbs pulled like billo and straightened the hook out but i was trying a new rod out got my self a Revox John Wilson Avon quiver Deluxe Maybe not quite the bees knees but seems ok so far hope to test it out next Wednesday morning on Edgbaston Resevor Hope i can dodge the dang bayliff £8.50 a day and i will only be there for about 4 Hrs .. Ho Hummm brumigum council for you ..

PG ...

Aussie Bob

Well-known member
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
Just ventured out on the lake for all of 20 minutes ...wind was bitter and the rain started going horizontal great day to cast a fly :eek:mg: Blanked of course but at least i made the effort (or i am just stupid) .The recent rain has topped up the lake nicely so hopefully once the weather finally breaks it will fish decently. Been limited recently to just short sessions after work and a couple of small stocked brown trout is all i have to show for it. ..mind you i had a pulminory embolism :eek: about a month ago so any chance i get to go fishing is a bonus...


Well-known member
May 6, 2014
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I had a pop at Throop beat two on Friday. Took me an age to get myself sorted and organised arrived at the river at around 12 and found it surprisingly quiet. I walked the stretch on the Bournemouth side, to see if I could spot anything, but nada, the river was low and extremely clear and in some spots, didn't even look like it was moving. I decided on Glenn's weir with the hope that any fish would favour the faster more oxygenated water. Set both rods up with 35g drennan cage feeders filled with a halibut/hemp mix, spiked a worm on one hook which was sent into the pool, hair rigged a 10mm tutti frutti boilie on t'other and cast that into the run off by the fallen tree the other side. While I was waiting under my brolly I was treated to a brief red arrows display, sadly my camera skills are lacking, but I did get this smoke trail

To cut a long story short I had one eel of around two pounds on the worms which were half cooked to death, and a little chublet. One chublet on the boilie and a jack pike of about 4-5lb on the boilie. The most exciting bit of the day was having to strip down to my smalls to go in the river and free the pike from some weed that It had stuck itself in, I didn't want to pull for a break, I don't like losing gear, so in I went, luckily no one was around to see my modesty. ??????.

Another poor photo, it was rushed as I was still just in my pants.

Went home with red ears.
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Jul 15, 2016
Reaction score


Both on the worm

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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Club fixture today on the big pit at Willows London Colney. A 3 minute drive along the bank to our pegs and we found the water a green algae green soup which looked a bit foreboding... Would the usual skimmers and carp feed?
Out on the feeder rod with Tea-bag and yellow dumbbell on the bomb which usually does the biz here. Alas not a bite or even a liner in the first hour.

Chucked that up the bank and plan b. my trusty 4m whip and maggot came out.
A bit of a gamble but enough time left to catch enough to put a decent net together...
Roach sport for the first couple of hours was lively with rarely fished for (here) fish to 8oz but slowing for the last couple.
Others were struggling on the tip and some early bathed..
At the weigh in I had 11lb 8oz.

Winner on far bank had 24lb+all roach on the pole short.

I ended up winning my section and 4th overall....

20 fished ....


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Somerset
A quick two and a half hour evening session on the Stour at Longham. The end of a long day, I wasn't going to fish but after a day of tidying, laundry, copious tea and, above all, a weather inspired headache I had to get out, in fresh air, and whack out a feeder for a couple of hours.

The roads were really quiet and I got to Longham virtually effort free. Drennan DRX river feeder, Preston PXR 4000 with 5lb main, to an ounce and a half Kamasan black cap and a 14 on 4lb line (hook to nylon was one of a shedful a mate gave from the German market). A 10mm cube of Spam and the feeder hemped up. Good to go.

The main river's a weed pit at the minute so I mooched down towards the weir and found there was another angler there, a barbel angler tooled up with a Drennan Martin Bowler barbel rod and Shimmy reel.

With a bit of give and take, we managed to get both rods baits in likely areas and began a long discussion on barbel rods which, although we laughed and bantered our way through it, went nowhere as he loves his Drennans and I'll likely never hang up my Daiwa Infinity models. I opened my flask and offered him coffee which he gratefully accepted, until he tasted it at least.

The barbel population here is sporadic and nomadic and he didn't have one whilst I was there, though he had had a few chub earlier in the day.

I had a rattle, knock, bite after 45 minutes which resulted in a dace around 7oz. Not exactly what I had in mind but ho hum, better than nowt.

My next bite was around an hour later and much better, a fit bouncing chub a shade over 2lbs.

A half hour later and the weather cooled and began to spit raindrops. Well, I'd got the cotton wool out my head so I set off home from a quick, enjoyable session and put the kettle on for a big mug of tea. A nice way to end the day. Till tomorrow. :)
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All’s well that ends well :)

Whilst many of the good fellas of FM were slogging it out on the Wye yesterday I was having a bit of a grueller, ebbing in confidence off the back of a difficult weekday session and making the wrong decision on the day.

Nothing bad happened but I arrived too early and packed up when I should have been starting at around 6.30pm after an afternoon of diabolical heat and humidity along with some very determined 2oz perch which blitzed my home dug lobworms as soon as they hit the deck.

The smaller ones, which couldn’t manage it whole, simply took an inch off at a time until it was all gone some thirty seconds later!

The now customary 6lb pike completed the afternoon until a snag ended it prematurely after I had lost the will to tie another hooklink.

Dunno what it is with the snags on the river just lately but I certainly seem to be finding ‘em.

No real plans for today but I was starting to twitch by late morning and by early afternoon I had grabbed the minimum of gear along with one of the Ultralite Avons and I was back on the river again, ditching my current obsession with big perch in favour of a more seasonal barbel hunt.

Pellet returned absolutely nothing for four hours and a switch to sweetcorn over hemp finally brought a very apprehensive looking bite which I decided to hit and it turned out to be a nice, summer bronzed whisker…

I can’t tell you how much that fish changed my mood, my confidence and my whole weekend around.

Even better I managed another six all between seven’ish and a scraper double before calling it a day around 9pm…

With the thought of a few cold ones waiting for me in the fridge at home I was gone but not before snapping the warm glow of the sunset as it hit the semi-shaded wheat which was slowly being engulfed by ever lengthening shadows…

A rather fitting end to the weekend.

There's the best of summer still to come, make hay whilst the sun shines lads… :w

The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Isle of Skye
Club fixture today on the big pit at Willows London Colney. A 3 minute drive along the bank to our pegs and we found the water a green algae green soup which looked a bit foreboding... Would the usual skimmers and carp feed?
Out on the feeder rod with Tea-bag and yellow dumbbell on the bomb which usually does the biz here. Alas not a bite or even a liner in the first hour.

Chucked that up the bank and plan b. my trusty 4m whip and maggot came out.
A bit of a gamble but enough time left to catch enough to put a decent net together...
Roach sport for the first couple of hours was lively with rarely fished for (here) fish to 8oz but slowing for the last couple.
Others were struggling on the tip and some early bathed..
At the weigh in I had 11lb 8oz.

Winner on far bank had 24lb+all roach on the pole short.

I ended up winning my section and 4th overall....

20 fished ....

Sounds like a classic Willows Big Lake match. Wish we could be blessed with 20/20 foresight so that we knew how well the bigger fish would show and decide the timing of the "go for roach" accordingly.
No fishing for me this weekend. Was meant to be main holiday around now but other half can't get away for any length of time as she's having chemo at 3 week intervals but she insists that I go off somewhere (think she wants me out of the way for a while...) so off to Skye on Wednesday for week and a half solo armed with barbel rod, jellyworms and jigheads as well as the usual mountain gear.
Her and her daughters have booked me a trip out to St Kilda on one day as an early birthday present. Not sure if can take rod etc but if I can....


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
down the lane
Out of interest, is this ' Willows London Colney ' water close to Shenley ( once infamous for its mental hospital ) and in days of yore a Barnet AC water ?
I lived in St Albans back in the mid 60's and it was one of my favourite waters for decent tench after work....
Haven't seen the place since 1969 when I went to South Africa.......

Happy, happy memories..

ps We also have a family member going through chemo so I know how tough it is for these folk. Hope you have a great break, Runner - Skye AND St Kilda sounds just wonderful to me !!

Cooler weather will be nice .....


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
Got the day off work today, so thought I'd get up nice and early and head off down to the chub stream for a couple of hours whilst the wife and kids were sleeping.
Started off with a nice little chublet (not quite what I was after, but always good to get one early on to save me from a blanking!).


Then a bit further down the stream I got what I went out for, a nice chunky chub :D


I walked the length of the stream, trying a few more swims, but only managed a couple more little uns.
I did find a nice shoal of little chublets under a tree on the way back, with one good sized fish patrolling the perimeter.
I was hoping to pick him off, but as I was watching them he swam right up to my feet and appeared to take a good look at me before cruising off never to be seen again!
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
With the rivers around here really low, I had a few hours to kill this afternoon so thought I would try for a carp on the crust.
A few fish were showing interest, the best of them this one, which as it looked about 20 ish I weighed. Pulled them round to 19lb.

Had 4 others, all between about 9 and 13lb, on freelined crust. Very enjoyable and only 5 quid for the ticket and a quid for the bread.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
Old Arley home of the Crows
Fished the pool today where my previous 2 visits had resulted in blanks, I had visited the pool yesterday as there was a match on and was hoping to pick up a bit of information on where the fish were, unfortunately the water was still gin clear and nobody was catching much.

Still nothing ventured and all that and besides I had a cunning plan ;) I cant reach the swims that have lots of cover but I could reach a swim that is 8/9 feet deep a rod or rod and a half out in fact its in the car park and nobody fishes it, lots of water over their heads = cover right? :)

Set up with the longest waggler I have and after a bit of messing about with the shot to counteract the undertow I was ready to start fishing, fed hemp from the start with corn on the hook also feeding a few tares now and again. Only 10 mins in and the float disappears, its a skimmer :mad: but the angling gods smile on me as the hook pulls as I am about to net it :D that was it for the next 2 hours but i kept feeding and eventually it paid of with about 12 highbreds and 5 of these which were what I was after.

Never had a bite on tares but kept feeding them and put some in before leaving to hopefully get the roach on to them.


Fished the pool today where my previous 2 visits had resulted in blanks, I had visited the pool yesterday as there was a match on and was hoping to pick up a bit of information on where the fish were, unfortunately the water was still gin clear and nobody was catching much.

Still nothing ventured and all that and besides I had a cunning plan ;) I cant reach the swims that have lots of cover but I could reach a swim that is 8/9 feet deep a rod or rod and a half out in fact its in the car park and nobody fishes it, lots of water over their heads = cover right? :)

Set up with the longest waggler I have and after a bit of messing about with the shot to counteract the undertow I was ready to start fishing, fed hemp from the start with corn on the hook also feeding a few tares now and again. Only 10 mins in and the float disappears, its a skimmer :mad: but the angling gods smile on me as the hook pulls as I am about to net it :D that was it for the next 2 hours but i kept feeding and eventually it paid of with about 12 highbreds and 5 of these which were what I was after.

Never had a bite on tares but kept feeding them and put some in before leaving to hopefully get the roach on to them.

Well done mate, you're on to something there :)

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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The reservoir had dropped about 6" this morning,they need the water for the GUC etc etc.
With the level being lower it has opened up some new swims,a bit muddy but fishable. Too windy for float fishing - SW,W,NW breeze coming at me, surprised how cool it was, so method feeders with plastic sweetcorn were launched out next to visible weed beds - nothing - hurled them further and ended up with four bream : 3lb 11oz,4lb 12oz,5lb & 5lb 14oz, the bigger two were a beautiful deep bronze colour.Spent a few minutes watching only two white egrets today,one buzzard and a red kite.