How did you get on?

Keith M

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2002
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Out of interest, is this ' Willows London Colney ' water close to Shenley ( once infamous for its mental hospital ) and in days of yore a Barnet AC water ?
I lived in St Albans back in the mid 60's and it was one of my favourite waters for decent tench after work....
Haven't seen the place since 1969 when I went to South Africa.......

Happy, happy memories...

The 'Willows fishery' and the 'London Colney Lakes' fishery (belonging to Barnet AC) are not the same venue Tee-Cee,

The London Colney Lakes are still there and are still owned by Barnet AC. and they still hold some big Tench and big Carp and Pike etc.
They are also a lot more natural looking than the Willows fishery (which was more like a few featureless big puddles the last time I fished there in the past).

I live not very far from London Colney lakes although I'm no longer a member of Barnet AC so no longer fish there.

Tight lines
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
Same as yesterday, a short afternoon - evening session at Longham, again with meat and hemp. Same rod set up as yesterday, the only difference was that I had the stretch to myself this time.

Lobbed an ounce and a half black cap out with 10mm of Spam's finest on it.

Sat back to contemplate life and the Kingfisher treated me to its electric blue dance over some 100 meters, beautiful and it made my day.

The first bite developed after an hour and twenty minutes, right out of the blue. A slight dip then a proper old rattle, the strike met with some resistance but it didn't feel giant. It wasn't - just under a pound of cheesed off chub.

Some twenty five minutes later, another rap and a dace, around 5oz. Woo. Big league now.

I felt I might have been pestered by minnows or small fish anyway as I had several plinks and pulls in short order but couldn't - and didn't - hit any of them.

Another dace of about 4oz followed and I allowed my mind to wander which caused a genuine bite to be missed. My fault, can't blame anything else.

Knowing this was going to be a short session, I began to think about packing up when the tip pulled over and a swept strike again met with modest resistance. A chub this time, somewhere in the region of a pound and a quarter, with a big V shaped scar across its back. Back it went, to fight another day and, likewise, I did the same - making my way home to watch the recorded cricket highlights. Again, a big mug of tea and, somehow, life doesn't seem all that bad!!

A week of committments will see me not wetting a line so, though not wanting to wish my time away, I honestly can't wait till bank time is a possibility again. :)

Take care and tight lines :)
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Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Had another go on the sunked tree swim today, had lots of small chub from a couple of ounces to a pound and a few from 2 to 4 1/2 lb. The barbel weren't havin a trotted bait so I tried ledger / rolling a pellet which got me three takes, I was cut off twice on some kind of debris and got the other one. The one I landed was a couple of ounces over ten pound and a lovely looking fish.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2015
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West Berkshire
I have had 2 or 3 short evening sessions down on the river in the last week and have thoroughly enjoyed each of them.

Each visit I have caught plenty of roach, dace, perch, chublets, a couple of jack pike and a few gudgeon. Nothing of note size wise but nice to be catching and the sunsets have been glorious.

Each visit I have made an effort to look at a different section of the river. There must be at least a mile and a half of river available to us and there are 3 distinct areas so I have done plenty of walking and casting in in various odd places. Even though I fished the same stretch last summer, a lot seems to have changed over the winter with the floods. As my diminishing lure box shows, there are a lot of sunken branches that were not there last summer :mad:

The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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Isle of Skye
Hope you have a great break, Runner - Skye AND St Kilda sounds just wonderful to me !!

Cooler weather will be nice .....

One thing you can be sure about on Skye, there will certainly be plenty of weather. Cooler and everything else...


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2015
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My first return to Old Father Thames this season on Sunday just gone and I'm pleased to report had a cracking day.

I'd forgotten during the closed season how beautiful it can be down there. With the lock gates closed, the boat traffic stops, as does the flow and in calm sunny weather it becomes like a mill pond. Awesome.



There were a few anglers about and all seemed to be catching. I set up in a lovely little swim with a nice run through in front of me and a perchy looking small bay with overhanging bush on my right.

I set up my feeder rod with a small cage feeder stuffed with chopped worm, groundbait and a splash of predator plus and a fat worm on the hook. Plopped it down under the bush and as soon as the rod was in the rest and line tight the tip was bouncing around like a spring. I struck and felt the familiar headbanging fight of a decent perch.


And so it continued on that rod throughout the day. No monsters but all decent size and boy do those Thames perch put up a fight.


I set up my float rod for the swim in front, trotting through a stick float, trickling in red maggots on each run. This swim did well producing a mix of small roach, cracking dace and some fat gudgeon. I also managed to pick up a little tommy ruffe.




I also lost a couple that shot off into the weeds. One felt like a big perch, the other, hmmmm not sure but something fairly big before the hook pulled.

All in all a really enjoyable day's fishing and it's great to see the river alive with fish.


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Just returned from a few days at Parklands, Northallerton. We left it late to book and it looked like they were full, but a late cancellation gave us a spot for the weekend.

Arriving at 4.30ish at the ponds, it looked like a match was in progress, but it was just very, very busy. Fortunately, the crowds thinned out as I walked further up the lake and I ended up walking past everyone and fishing the same swim as last time we were here, off the point of an island where it was a few inches deeper than the surrounding area. The wind was pushing down to the popular end, but I value the relative solitude as much as the fishing and it was nice to find a quiet spot on such a busy day.

First put in, reached down to pick up something or other and the float rod was pulled forwards, slamming the reel against the front rest. Carrotted on the first cast! As if to add insult to injury I kicked my worm tub into the drink during the commotion and had to leave the lidded tub upside down for an hour to drain the remaining soil and the couple of dozen worms that hadn't gone for a swim.:eek:mg:

Once things settled, a string of tench came to net; nothing bigger than a pound, but every fish seems to fight above its weight in this place.

I decided to save the dwindling stock of worms for dusk in case perchy came out to play and swapped over to prawn. An instant bite and a thumpy fight and I was surprised to see that it was a fair perch, thrashing into the waiting net. I gave it a pound and a half and popped it on the scales, but it pushed the needle to exactly two pounds: my best for a long time and in sparkling condition.:)

It was at this point that the carp elbowed their way in; a succession of them up to 8 pounds or so, all scrapping like demons. I got a bigger one back from behind the island three times, only for the hook link to part halfway down its length when I was starting to win the battle - c'est la vie.:rolleyes:

Sunday evening saw me sitting in the same peg, hoping for another perch or two and in the end I was rewarded with another decent one, this time 2-2, although it looked a fair bit bigger than the first and I was sure it should have weighed more - I blame the bloody Flyweights and should really buy a set of scales I can trust.:D

Amongst the carp that came to net was this curiosity with a z-shaped spinal deformity. It seemed fit enough in all other respects so presumably it doesn't hinder the fish in any way, but it was rather odd in appearance.

Monday was much quieter, but I returned to the same peg, hoping for another perch. Presently, a gentleman wandered up for a chat and I was pleased to learn it was our very own Sam Vimes (Chris,) who's a good friend of the fishery owner and is the first person from the forum that I've ever met. He's a goldmine of information and pointed me towards several local waters, for which I'm very grateful. In return, I demonstrated just how clumsy I am when under observation, managing to pull out of a couple of better fish and comprehensively Binka-ing a short arm that I was using as a front rest and then kicking my maggots over. :eek:mg: I got to grips with a few carp and tench when he'd left, but no more perch. Still, it was a very pleasant session, all in all, and I look forward to coming back here fairly soon.

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john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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Ecstasy. I fished into the wind on my syndi reservoir and actually felt a bit chilly when the sun went behind the clouds. I didn't get the bejesus irritated out of me by any thunder beetles(Thrips) and I had some thumping perch on LUNCHEON MEAT and STEAK. Also a nice female tinca on that most expensive of baits Tesco cheapo white sliced. Other makes are available!:wh


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Yeaph, great write qrite up :).

I like your float Rob, obviously one of your own creations!

One of my "Stillwater Khaki" range, Ian.:p I have several dozen from 2BB to 4 SSG and I like them better than the Drennan originals on which they're loosely based: they're far more stable in a chop. They're pith bodied, with bamboo stems, and are slightly thicker in the tip than Stillwater blues, which suits my increasingly myopic vision - Chris was pointing out bubbles that I had trouble seeing so it looks like I need a visit to the opticians, tout de suite.:D


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Ecstasy. I fished into the wind on my syndi reservoir and actually felt a bit chilly when the sun went behind the clouds. I didn't get the bejesus irritated out of me by any thunder beetles(Thrips) and I had some thumping perch on LUNCHEON MEAT and STEAK. Also a nice female tinca on that most expensive of baits Tesco cheapo white sliced. Other makes are available!:wh

Perch on steak? I've had the odd perch on sweetcorn and meat, but assumed they were unusual events. Thanks for the tip, John.:thumbs:

Graham Elliott 1

Well-known member
Dec 12, 2002
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Decided to have a trotting day on W Avon. Plan was to feed heavy with hemp and caster to see if I could pull in some roach or decent chub after feeding off any bits.

Well a bite a trot for the first two hours. Bream and bream x roach hybrids to around 2lb with most 6-8oz.

BUT. the pike were going potty. One under my feet and around 12-14lb tried to take ever put back fish. At least another 3 down the swim of various sizes were pretty much taking every fish I couldn't skip in fast enough.

Quite a few perch but max 12oz and a few dace and roach. A pretty definate barbel bite followed by a hook pull just before packing up.

Probabably 25lb
of fish for me and 10lb for Essox!!!


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Hello there,first match back,since my 2 week break(hols)..Top pool at Tunnel Barn Farm,26 anglers on a 33 peg pool,was always going to be won at the draw....Thats where it went wrong for me:(
peg 12 on the road bank,an island at 15m,but right in the middle of a make matters worse,sandwiched in between Packington somers and commercial supremo Danny Tresigne,and TBF young gun Alex Harper,i knew it would be tough..ive decided, ive got to feed aggressively to draw fish from these two be honest its fished exactly as we thought it would,along our straight Dave Chapman,weighed 44-11-0,Danny DNW,D;):eek:,i managed 44-10-0,Alex had 46-0-0,and the French Sensas guy on end peg on the straight had 82-0-0-which won the match...Elsewhere Pete Hancox had 79-0-0 for 2nd,John Johnson had 73lb,both from noted pegs,Graham young had 56lb from flyer peg 1.....the rest of the weights were in the 30lb,s,and tailing off.
Basically ive fished everywhere,caught a few on top kit,then at 6m shallow,then at 15m,then rotating picking up fish in 2,s and 3,s,here and there...finishing with 20 F1,s,and about 30 ide,a few skimmers and barbel....No more fishing this week,and a few opens lined up for next week...Tight lines,Gazza:D:D


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Back on the pool today after some more of those roach. I wanted to try to get them on tares and to stop me being tempted to use anything else I only took hemp and tares with me.

Started with tares just tripping bottom for the first hour feeding a small pinch of hemp every cast with 3 or 4 tares every other cast result ? nothing not a touch so thinking that they may have come up in the water to intercept the freebies I shallowed up by around 4 feet, first chuck resulted in a sail away bite that I managed to miss completely followed by nothing for the next half hour. More messing about with the depth I was fishing at I was getting some indications and finally I managed to get one into the net.

Seemed that the fish were moving up and down in the water and the only way to get bites was to try to find where they were although from the amount of swirls from either pike or zander I thought I might just be lining them up for the predators, one fish was taken at the net when there was a huge swirl and that was the end of the roach and my hooklength. Ended up having a few more like this, not as big as yesterday but very welcome all the same.

Before the undertow became to strong to keep the tackle in one place (maybe I needed one of robs khakis :D)

I have been struggling to find any decent hemp in the area I live, everything is very small at all the places I usually get it (pet shops) is this something that anyone else has noticed or is it something local to me?

PS just noticed I have posted the same photo twice, should have gone to specsavers :)
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Well-known member
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
I have been struggling to find any decent hemp in the area I live, everything is very small at all the places I usually get it (pet shops) is this something that anyone else has noticed or is it something local to me?

I've noticed a definite drop in quality from feed and pet suppliers with a significant portion of empty-shelled floaters that need skimming off. One shop in particular used to have really big-grained hemp that went very dark, but even from there the quality isn't quite as good as before.:(


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
I went back to the sunken tree peg again late this avvey. After having problems with cut offs on this peg whilst using 6lb and then 8lb sensor both trotting and legering I spooled the pin up with 10lb fireline braid, a brand new spool of it that i've had for a long time and never used it because I didn't like the feel of it. I added a13.5 lb seagur flurocarbon bottom attatched by a swivel. I honestly thought this would solve the break offs. Rather than trott I rolled a pellet. First take was a chub of about 5lb. I checked my line and the braid was frayed for about 3ft up the line and the fluro had scuffed patches also. I re-tied the lot ! Next bite was another chub similar to the first. Checked the set up and it seemed fine. Next cast and it must have been a barbel....lost it as the fluro hooklength beoke about and inch below the swivel? I set up again but only used a 10 inch lenght of fluro. Next bite was a barbel, hit and held it and everything was was about 7 or 8lb. Next bite the rod wazzed round in my hand and there was a serious barbel pulling back for the snag, I was happy thinking the set up would work again after just having a barbel....the effin fluro broke again !!
I set up straight through with the braid and had one bite but the hook pulled out of it after a second or two.
I'm seriously miffed with the fluro, seagur is supposed to be top should be it's expensive stuff.
You could say "just don't fish that swim again" but I love how hard the fish fight in it and the hit and hold situation, plus, I think there are some large ones hanging about there. A other re-think for next time I reckon.