Was up at the little lake for a couple of sessions. It looked as tranquil as ever as I started the first session.
One arm of the lake.
I decided to go whole hog and put four rods out as there were any number of small carp leaping into the air and signs of feeding fish were everywhere.
Mandan, the ghillie, keeping an eye on what my son calls my "contraptions"!
Two on a bed of my usual particle mix of sweet corn, green peas, tinned chick peas and soaked and boiled local maize and chickpeas. One had hair rigged corn and the other my attempt to create an eggless boilie as Laguna says eggs inhibit flavour spreading in the water - ground and sieved fish feed pellets, semolina and wheat flour, Casein, and crab paste. Boiled for 1 1/2 minutes. I guess I'll never make a boffin!
It did catch me a small drunken looking carp!
Drunken looking carp
Third rod was my attempt at slack lining. Fluorocarbon line slack and, presumably on the floor, two ounce running lead, hair rigged a large tinned chick pea. Got a couple of runs on it but no hook ups! Will have to work this one out.
The fourth was my Greys Prodigy VX Barbel rod with a 1 1/2 oz tip on the quiver tip carrier. A running flat bed method feeder loaded with a simple pack bait of Quaker oats mixed with a tin of sweetcorn, water and all. Four kernels of corn on the hair set the trap.
I had barely settled down when the tip went round and I was into a merry scrap with what proved to be a 7 kg (15lb. 4 oz.) Catla!
7 kg Catla and Grey's rod.
I put the rod out again. The phone rang and I picked it up. I finished the conversation and put it down only to see my feeder rod in the air!. It dived into the lake and submerged like a U boat chased by destroyers!
Nothing for it. All operations were suspended as I slipped on an in line ounce lead and the largest treble in my possession on to one of the other rods and went in search of the underwater wonder in the lake's boat. An hour and a half later on the point of dark, and having lost the best time for fishing, I snagged the line! The fish was still attached. On trying to raise the rod tip while playing the fish the inevitable happened and the quivertip splintered into three pieces!
The rod was retrieved as was the offender - a Catla of a mere 9 pounds!
Here Endeth The First Session!
What sort of an idiot picks up a phone when the fish are biting? Well, you know the answer!
2nd Session:
Went for simplicity this time! Drennan Acolyte Ultra 13 ft. , sliding peacock waggler fished dead depth with a single AAA followed by a 2" braid hooklength to a No: 4 Qwner cutting point bait hook. Bait was bread paste and ants eggs! Reel was a Hardy Ultralight Fly reel with 12 lb mono on it! You have seen this ensemble before! Fishing was at the rod tip.
Four Catlas between 5.5 and 6 kg were completely overshadowed by an absolute surprise - a grass carp of 10 Kg or 22 pounds!
Catla and Drennan Acolyte Ultra and Hardy Ultralight
Catla with float and hook arrangement
Grass carp 10 kg (22 lbs.)
As usual once I get going my verbosity knows no bounds! Forgiveness craved and -
All the best
P.S. My flash was not working and the night photos are with a hand held light. So please forgive the quality. Not that it would have improved if the flash worked! Lakhyaman.