It's a bit late for spawning though, a little wired in'it.
Spring was two months late this year, so that might have a bearing on it.
I see you've nicked my old swim now Simon.................
Not a catch report but started a new job this week and there's a stretch of the Avon literally 10 mins away ....
Checked all the pictures thoroughly but couldn't see Jerry anywhere........Definitely looks like his sort of water...............Perhaps he was wearing his Camo gear !
Finally made it onto the bank this morning, a local commercial that has 5 pools, I chose to fish one that is almost exclusively carp just for a change and the fact that I have never seen anyone fishing it.
Fished an 11ft pellet waggler as I didn't think my match/float rod would be up to the job should any of the rumoured "bigger fish" turn up, 6lb maxima through to a 4lb hook length size 14 spade with a loaded waggler set at a surprisingly (to me) deep 9ft.
Started catching from the off on corn with meat being tried as and when bites dried up on corn. biggest fish would have struggled to make 5lb, the fish were in very good condition nicely scaled and mouths intact, had to keep the corn going in to keep the bites coming but by the time that ran out I had caught around 25 fish, an enjoyable day.
How this lovely little thing got the bait into its mouth I don't know.
will be nice when it grows up
Float fished sand-eel at this jetty/spot yesterday looking for bass, more or less freshwater gear, a carp rod and a big red float, just in the race you can see in the picture but tried further out as well and different depths.. I have caught one or two here before but not a ****y. Bloke mackereling next to me; nothing either. Hardly any mackerel this year or last; I reckon they are on the danger list myself.. I did see a flatfish swimming at the surface though, they do this sometimes but I could not identify it, looked a bit like a small Brill, sandy colored with black speckles. Nice day, sea breeze in the face always welcome and always interesting float fishing no matter where and the sea always unpredictable except blanking!