well i managed to get out again on tuesday ! same water as last time .
i started by putting in a couple of areas of mixed particles "maze,tic peas, green peas,maples ,tares ,chick peas and black eyed beans" and fished one rod with chick pea on a bolt rig with a small pva stick on the hook length over one area and a method feeder over the other with a double black eyed bean alternated with maze and chick pea in the hope of a tench!,i had a screaming run on the feeder around 11-30 but did not connect !
i baited another area with boilies and i fished a snowman on a bolt rig over that,, weather was good and overcast to start with but then turned into blazing sunshine just after lunch time (it was forecast to be rain coming in then until around 6pm ish) untill the rain finally arrived around 4-30,and had another run around 6-30 on the boillie again dropped after about 6-8 feet ,gutted to say the least !, i had a run last time out on the boillie but put it down to a linner as it seemed slow but it was about 6' !!!! ,though tuesday there was no doubt it was a run . now im starting to wonder about the first dropped run! im fishing over light weed and a small amount of silk weed !!!, its a hard water and i no where near expected to get runs yet but i am wondering about the dropped runs .
ANY comments on the reasons for the aborted runs ??? rigs are basic, on the inline about 6" hook length of soft braid and anti tangle tube and a small pva stick or bagged and hair rigged hook bait and the other rig is a normal lead clip 8" flurocarbon hook length and again small stick mix and hair rigged bait !
one thing that is consistent is it FEELS RIGHT BEING OUT AGAIN AFTER ALL THIS TIME

and its getting better and more comfortable each time i get out getting set up and sorted !