How did you get on?

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Been lots and lots of them down here this year, but same as last year, none 'till about mid July then billions of them, maks that is, not Bass!
Used to go out for them first about mid April, and do fine,last few years not worth it.
Hardly any signs of whitebait here either in the SE Bullet. I understand the mackerel shoals work their way down the coast but by the time they get here they have been more or less netted out except for the small ones that escape. Yet they are supposed to be in good shape by some accounts. I don't see it myself; very poor shoals, almost non existant which has been steadily getting worse for years.. My only hope is whatever pans out with the Brexit it will take a lot of pressure off and we will see a resurgence in all our fish. That is if they ever get on with it and stop playing with their fiddles.
Although I suspect they will trade it off again in part or full for some trade deal or other.; I think that will be a tragedy but I bet it will it happen.
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peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Club fixture today at Windsor on the Thames. Sunny and bright with an upstream breeze it was very pleasant....

I opted to fish the slider out in the faster flow with single maggot on a 20.
Roach first chuck then dace then plenty more roach to 8oz all morning.

Boats of all shapes and sizes out today including the odd weekend Admiral...

Between midday and 2:30pm sport became patchy with the odd run of fish then a lull. At the scales I had 9lb dead for 6th.

Winner had 18lb with a 17 and a 15 running up, again all roach and dace.

10 fished..

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Back today from a trip to Devon chasing carp on a secluded private lake.Had reasonable suucces managing to land 24 fish over the five days ( not fishing continually): biggest fish a mirror of 20lb 3oz and commons mainly between 10lb & 18lb and a wildie of 8lb but it is the wildlife which is the most impressive feature - very noisy ravens,jays and nuthatches with numerous smaller birds,buzzards,sparrow hawks, peregrine falcons & red kites sometimes,roe deer roaming through the woodland - will have to wait until next May to try again there.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2010
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Deep in the Black Country
Undistinguished trip to the Teme yesterday, for me, the river never seems to produce any real results. Fished a peg on the inside of a bend with the float inching upstream "against" the main flow. Trotting does not really describe the method, it was more like using a mag & wag approach on a pool with some tow. After the raging torrent on my previous visit I'd set up with a 4g chubber:eek: Lasted one cast before changing to a 4AAA waggler. Distance casting with a pin is still problematical for me so limited to about three rods out in about 4'0 of water, and legering usually a last resort anyway, didn't seem to be producing much for the guy one peg down.

Finished with a couple of Dace, Chublet, first Grayling since the Itchen a couple of Brownies (best about half a pound) and a plague of minnows. Beautiful day, buzzards patrolling overhead, kingfishers went past a couple of times and the leaves seemed to be showing the first tinges of Autumn


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2013
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Decided to fish the trent yesterday evening, I am determined to try and catch a barbel from the upper river, and I didnt fancy the trek over to the severn.
Probably the 7th time I fished the trent this season with no success on the lead. This time I decided to fish a stick float on the second rod rather than a lead. I changed from white maggot to hemp and finally sweet corn the size of my captures went from yearling Roach under an oz to a lovely fat 1lb 3oz Roach towards the end of the session. I pulled out of something more solid too - will be returning!


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
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Fished a local Day-Ticket water yesterday afternoon/evening - experimenting with expander pellets v. hard pellets. I'd had several sessions here over the last couple of years usually being successful with worms, peas or corn - always very finicky bites - but nowt on pellets. :eek:

Banded Hard pellets (6mm) - which work well on the neighbouring water - just didn't seem to get a real take here - a few pecks and a bit of mithering - but that was it!
Switched to banded 6mm expanders - straightaway - bang! - nowt! After half an hour of this - gave up on the band and just gently hooked directly - success! - small roach. Had loads of these - not many warranted the net.

Switched to a bit closer to the lillies in search of the better fish - started to get the fiddly bites - up/down/up/down- move sideways a bit - hit it - sometimes resulting in a slightly better stamp of roach;)
Decided to change the shotting slightly - put a no.8 Stotz about 2-3" above the hook - far more positive bite detection! :)

Felt a few bigger fish - lost :eek: - then something which got me excited just as dusk approached. Devil of a job keeping it out of the lillies - but eventually got what I was after!

Seemed to be a 1lb10oz Tru Cru - but looking at the photo I'm not sure! The lateral line hasn't 'flashed' very well and tail looks a bit too forked - but it was very straight across when spread by hand - just a bit tricky to do this while single-handedly trying to take a pic from far enough away to frame the fish:(

I'll just have to try again! - Oh dear! - that means I'll have to go fishing again! :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
You couldn't make this stuff up. My mare of a season continues.

I was supposed to be back at work today but really couldn't be ar$ed so I had a lie in and an afternoon down the local noddy pond again. I wasnt expecting much... a few carp and no brim would have done just fine but Dear God it was hard work. The place just seems to have switched right off. There were 3 Old Boys opposite who'd been there all day and had 1 carp and 1 brim between them. TBH after a biteless hour I was beginning to fret a bit. Then I started getting a few very tentative dips and twitches. If I'd had some smaller pellets I think they might have worked but all I had were some anti brim gobstoppers.

Finally I got a positive bite which turned into a nice fully scaled common of about 8lb....I followed that up soon after with another around 5.......then it went dead on me again. Another 30 mins patient feeding and I had a very strange creepy offy sort of there was a burglar after me bait. It suddenly dawned on me that it might be a BRIM so I lifted the rod and all hell broke loose. Whatever it was was charging around like a mad thing....clearly no brim and it didn't feel like a carp or tench. TBH I didn't have a clue what I'd hooked. After the best part of 7/8 minutes of heave ho I managed to get its head up and the biggest bloody EEL I've seen in many a long year surfaced. Bloody Clarkie has done me AGAIN only he's super sized me this time.

Anyway....knit one purl one in and out of the net 4 times ( they really do swim backwards the barstids) and the damn thing winked at me and spat the hook out. Frankly....I was quite pleased as I was beginning to contemplate the sheer horror of a bankside tussle with nigh on 5lb of thoroughly pi$$ed off eel !

I was kind of disappointed but then again not too much. Hell of a scrap without the slimey aftermath. Bit like my misspent youth I guess !

I managed to winkle two more carp out....the second one which was a mirror of around 8 lb somehow managed to tear aa hole in my Greys rubberised net and return itself prematurely so I had to play it all over again through a hole in the net and ping the hook out as it lay on its side laughing it's head off at the stupid **** on the bank.

Soon after I lost me lot so I packed up and headed home. For once the wasps in the nest I always seem to find didn't bother me....I think they must have been kamikaze wasps as they kept diving into the lake and ignoring me. Just as well as I am seriously allergic to wasp stings.

That will teach me to bunk off !
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Hugh Bailey

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2005
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Another short evening session on the Wey. Same swim as last time - again lost of roach (2 or 3 decent ones), gudgeon and dace n the maggot feeder, until a very silver pike took a dace as I was reeling in and the subsequent one sided fight wrecked the swim.

Moved up 1 swim, and fished in a very still eddy just off the main flow. No action on maggot but lots of fry breaking so changed over to lobworm and had 4 perch to about 3/4lb and another bloody great eel.

For a short session it was again really nice agains just to catch something and I have some plans now for the autumn / winter. Swallows flocking and resting on the telephone cables, kingfisher, wagtails, very tame wren and a loud tawny owl just as I was packing up.

A lovely evening enlivened on the way home by a 6' 7" van in front of me going thru a 6'6" gap on the bridge over the canal :)


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Hello there,first match for over 2 weeks today,open on New pool at TBF,i drew out peg 38,not too chuffed,but gave it a go...slow start on the top kit and pellet,slow down the edge,2 hours in,about 10 fish,id been priming a maggot line at 6m,so dropped on that with the "jigga",jigging from 3 inches to 18 inches,caught steady for last 2 1/2 hours to finish with 97-13-0,of F1,s,ide,skimmers,perch,roach,which was good enough for 3rd...My mate Bad H won the day with 120-0-0 from peg 33,and legend Pete Hancox was 2nd with 118-0-0 from peg 44,none of the "big pegs"(1,7,10,13) produced the goods today,luckily or i wouldnt of framed:DTomorrows open is on Cub and Jenny,s pools,looking forward to it,tight lines,Gazza:D:D

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Quick 2 hours down the canal this afternoon fishing an alloy stem 4 no6 stick laying on 3" over depth under the bow of a barge with caster and a small bed of hemp.

After numerous bites from gudgeon first then small perch I hooked something a bit better....

Then the crays turned up so I packed up and visited my local for a couple of cold pints.....

30 degrees in full on sun forecast here tomorrow....:eek:mg:


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
God alone knows where the roach have gone as my banker swims failed to produce anything over 10" long for the second session running. Conditions, especially yesterday, were nigh on perfect if you read books by all the known experts, but they obviously hadn't fished my pools !
Not to say I didn't catch as on both occasions as I had more than a dozen roach over ( say ) 7" long, but the size was poor. Time after time I missed nice sail away bites on hemp and other baits. In the end and more out of frustration, I went down to a 20 hook and tried punched bread up in the water just to see if I could catch something, and it worked as roach between 3 and 6" long ( interspersed with the occasional 8" beauty ) were swung in. Maybe tiny fish were the culprits...
In the end I was almost speed fishing with a bite a cast, but after an hour of this I'd had enough and slunk off home....

All morning the weather remained overcast, very warm and heavy, so perhaps not that 'ideal' for bigger fish and last night made the decision to miss the next two days with abnormally high temps expected. Lugging gear in 30 degrees for little return, I can do without................

The winter clothing gear needs washing and my main jacket reproofing, so not a lost day. In addition I will conduct a mini 'cook-in' and stock up on hemp, tares etc. so by the time wife is back from her garden club outing the house should be smelling sweet again - hopefully !!

Tomorrow, I shall again recce a short stretch of the Thames with rod and plummet, plus give thought to where I can find another big roach (winter) still water, as I think I need a new challenge..................I'm not holding my breath, though !!
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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
....All morning the weather remained overcast, very warm and heavy, so perhaps not that 'ideal' for bigger fish .............

Decided it would be ideal for another crack at the Crucians in the afternoon, when the rain finished - even with a shower predicted between 4-5pm - on the pool I'd fished the previous day, having 'sussed-it' :eek:mg:.

Disappointed to find nobody there :eek: again - the water looked good but with a crispy coating of leaves :eek: - autumn's here already! This coating made the float difficult to 'cock' with line draping over the leaves.

Nowt much to show in the way of Cru's - small roach plagued the hooker pellets - trying the same tactics as the previous day - no change bait with me as I had been so certain that the previous day's tactics would work! :eek:mg: What a difference a day makes!

Another angler turned-up in his t-shirt and shorts to try for the carp on the far side of the pool. I commented that there was a shower forecast before 5 - he dismissed the forecast as 'wasn't going to happen!'. 10 mins later at 4.45 it started raining :rolleyes: until 5.05 - Oh, how I chuckled to myself as I pulled my hood up!;)

About an hour after it finished the shower - it started raining again - this time it looked like it had settled-in for the rest of the evening! Fishing stayed the same throughout - fiddly bites - small roach 4-8". Striking too early showed me why the bites were so fiddly - the hook still had half the pellet on it - it had been munched around the hooking point - crafty little b*ggers these roach!

Lessons Learnt:
- Always take a change bait!
- Just 'cos it works one day - don't rely on it the next!

My Carp-chasing companion ended-up with 3 - all Bream 2-3lb - came in like plastic bags - he was thoroughly wet through! :rolleyes::eek:mg:

Dentist this afternoon - Oh, Super!


Well-known member
May 2, 2016
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Luckily my flu didn't last more than a few days! Also the "fishing fatigue" which I suffered for almost a month is now completely gone :)

So, the last week of my summer holidays went ultimately just fine, excellent actually! I ended up going fishing three days in a row, the pike was biting very well (22 pikes landed), the weather was good enough to not keep me from going. Although some days the wind gushes of 10m/s felt a bit rough. I also got a few perches, and saw a huge ide, but it didn't take the bait, this time... :D

What really crowned the whole week was breaking my pike record! For more than 10 years I had got many pikes weighting 3.5kg. Earlier this year I got one of 4.65kg! I felt then that I wasn't going to top that anytime soon. Well, one day I was already leaving home, packed my other rod already and most of my gear and the sun was setting. I still decided to take couple of casts more before leaving (the famous "last cast"). It was all worth it! After a good fight, multiple missed nettings (I was alone in the boat) and truly frightening unhooking with my finger in the beasts mouth I finally got to weight my fish: 5.53kg!

So this really crowned the whole season. It would have been excellent even without the big one, but it made it even better. I'm happy now, looking forward to go fish at least few weekends before winter sets here in the north :rolleyes:

PS. There is couple of new posts about my fishing-whereabouts from the last few weeks in by blog, if anyones interested :)


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Hello there,Open match today at TBF,was fished over Club,Jennies,and High pools,as a big turnout(45)
I drew Jenny,s 15,one of my favourite pegs:D,after 2 hours and only 6 fish i was scratching my head..the guy to my left had 3,and the guy to my right had 5....I decided ,just to keep feeding the track with maggot,and went over it with the "Jigga",last hour and a half i had another 32 F1,s:D,to weigh 72-3-0,and a lake win:D:D....Bob Greenbury(Leics) was 2nd with 49lb,from peg 11,and Barry Duggan(Warwick) was 3rd from 24,with 45-0-0.......ive had a good 2 days,plenty of bites,a good mix of fish,and nice weather,i,m fishing an open on friday ,again on Jenny,s,Canal,and Club pools...Tight lines,Gazza:D


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Hello there,Open match today at TBF,was fished over Club,Jennies,and High pools,as a big turnout(45)
I drew Jenny,s 15,one of my favourite pegs:D,after 2 hours and only 6 fish i was scratching my head..the guy to my left had 3,and the guy to my right had 5....I decided ,just to keep feeding the track with maggot,and went over it with the "Jigga",last hour and a half i had another 32 F1,s:D,to weigh 72-3-0,and a lake win:D:D....Bob Greenbury(Leics) was 2nd with 49lb,from peg 11,and Barry Duggan(Warwick) was 3rd from 24,with 45-0-0.......ive had a good 2 days,plenty of bites,a good mix of fish,and nice weather,i,m fishing an open on friday ,again on Jenny,s,Canal,and Club pools...Tight lines,Gazza:D

Nice one Gaz. :)


Another good one Gazza, well done mate.

You'll be amassing more brown envelopes than the Inland Revenue at this rate :)

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Had a day on the Swale with some company. John Step managed to get himself quite lost, somehow turning North on the A1 and driving for a good hundred miles before stopping. Unfortunately, the weather was hot and still and the river looked like stewed tea. It failed miserably to put on much of a show for a visitor.

Between us we did eventually manage a few bits and bobs, grayling, chublets, dace (including an absolute lunker which I really should have weighed), trout, salmon parr and more minnows than could be counted. Unfortunately, John didn't manage to snaffle one of the grayling he came for. Maybe next time, John.

Anyway, I had a good day, and think John did too. Our timing was impeccable, as we turned onto the southbound A1 a rather impressive light show became visible in the distance. I do hope that John got to his destination before the storm hit.