I won't dwell on my last two trips (Tuesday and Friday) except to say it was hard going.............
On Tuesday, with a surfeit of casters (not dedicated, just 'turned' maggots!) I popped on a 20 hook with very light gears as change from hemp (they didn't fancy it..) and fished on the drop. Nothing for best part of an hour apart from the occasional dip of the float fishing at all depths, until it sailed away quite suddenly and a lovely 1,25lb roach graced the net. Well pleased with this I though I was in for a red letter thingy, but despite nearly two hours fishing I failed to get another bite of any significance, let alone a fish!!
Friday, as I've said else where was spent primarily under the brolly trying to keep dryish to no avail. I nice day to be out as I don't mind the rain (until it come to packing up!!) and a few fish to 3/4lb played ball, all falling to single red maggot fished over depth. I can say I may not have caught them at all had not a pal told me he was catching in this fashion, so I owe him a pint!!
Next weeks weather looks dicey, but I will be out unless it snows or the lake freezes over !!!