A quick session at the favourite commercial, the usual approach of pole, pellets and meat.
Four hours was all I could manage for a gamut of reasons (none of which were as interesting as a day's fishing).
Kicked off on pole and an 8mm pineapple bandum dumbell pellet against far side reeds and the first bite didn't keep me waiting. The first fish put a big smile on this man's mug, a roach of dot on 1lb. Gave a good scrap and caught on a recently tied pole rig, which made evenings tying loads of them a bit more rewarding.
The rig consisted of a 4 no 12 carp float, 8lb main down a Middy 14 carp to a 6.1lb bottom. You know you're going to hit carp sooner or later so the strong kit really is necessary.
Anyway, the day panned out pretty much as expected and predicted with a dozen carp between 1lb and 5lbs and one odd one around 6 and a half. Also had a total of half a dozen roach, five of which were in the 3 -7oz area and ten skimmers up to a pound and a quarter or so. The tick box diary and knee mounted clicker helping to keep the accountants happy.
The session was notable for, again, grrrr, getting malleted on strong tackle by something even stronger right at the end.
It seemed a good point to call a halt and add some 10lb main rigs to the box for the next trip out, next week. It was great to get out in some pleasant weather and things have been so bad and busy recently, I've been talking to the back garden goldies. Even been thinking about catching them!!
Take care, all