The lad and myself went to one of our usual haunts today, and whilst I can't speak for the lad I found that certain things are beginning to fall in place.
We didn't get on our favourite pond so settled for one we hadn't fished which also offered some nice shade.
Both started on the method, being aside the huge aerator made the float a no-no and like everyone along the bank we weren't getting a sniff.
No problem, go up to favourite pond, manage to find 2 non adjacent pegs but not before a toothless expert informed me loudly that I should be fishing "mayte" (meat) on the previous pond and our lack of action meant we were doing it wrong. Right.
He declined my offer to swap pegs and give me a lesson so we set up and get to it. Float is pointless, you just get mithered endlessly by fry so on to the method and pellet feeder it is.
So - what did I learn?
Well I'm getting more confident with my casting the method, a lot less anxious and that helps a lot with accuracy.
My striking can be a bit Jack Douglas but again that's anxiousness in the heat of the moment, I'm getting calmer every time.
I'm also getting more confident playing fish and landing them, not dragging them out but not fannying about either.
The fishing was good, for us anyway, and we fished the arse off the expert next to us whose head dropped lower and lower when my lad pulled in a succession of crucians and large roach
As the afternoon wore on and the bites slowed I started to seed the margins, something I've never done before, with some skrill pellets.
Soon as I then dropped the method in the margin the rod bent and nice roach were almost queing up to take the bait.
I alternated each side, fish one seed the other and then it happened and I learnt my hardest lesson.
Something took my bait, the rod bent and before I could say "why didn't I engage the bait runner, or at least the front drag?" it snapped 8lb reel line and took off with my hybrid method feeder

in a split second.
There are some big fish in there including double figure carp and some tasty barbel and chub but due to the weather and the sheer amount of weed you rarely see them, and today I managed to lure one out unwittingly.
Won't make the same mistake next time
Never mind, we caught plenty