Time for a very quick session this morning, along with my 6 year old assistant/photographer and some cubes of Plumrose.
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Nice EE stopped for a chat, said he had caught some mackerel off Dover, tempted to tell him it was illegal and he had to put them back but couldn't be that cruel in the end.
Just got back from a couple of hours trotting on my lake outlet. Getting there felt like I was cutting my way through the undergrowth in unexplored territory's .
Anyhow I finally got there scratched, nettled and bitten to bu££ery...the nettle stings are smarting and tingling as I post this, prob will be tonight and all.
Obviously no one had been there recently and so it was like a virgin water in front of me - well since I fished it last.
I had lots of fish during my session consisting of dace, chub and a little tiddly bream as big as my hand that looked like a new penny!
I fished several glides on the outlet and on one of them the stream was only 25ft across with lots of balsam and nettles hanging over the water and large grass species growing out from the bank. I had to be careful not to put too much weight down when finding a foothold as the undergrowth gave a false impression of solidness and one wrong move and i'd be in there with the bloody fish!
I did well in that swim catching some nice dace and chub to about a pound.
..guru hooks, no thanks!
If i'd had my normal hooks in use I would have landed that fish and it would have been the icing on a decent little trotting session.....effin guru hooks!
Thats very interesting. A couple of seasons ago I bought some Guru swivel links. I am not exaggerating when I say they they opened up like Plasticine. Absolutely blooming useless. Puts me off anything with that brand name on it.
Strange that fished in France last year was catching barbel for fun on river ance with animal hooks straightend full packet fed up went to fishing shop 10mile away. Got some guru pellet hooks and never looked back not a straight hook in sight
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Why was it illegal, were they under size?