Well, I bit the bullet this morning and with complete disregard of aches and pains I set off for a session of indeterminable length on a small still water. What I found on arrival was a sorry looking water with levels well down compared to two weeks ago. Everything looked dry and dusty and was more reminiscent of a drought pool in darkest Africa, and I've seen a few of those!
No matter, I chose a swim that I could reach easily (and more importantly get back to the car, from) and would give both me and my swim, constant shade. As is my wont at this time of year I fished hemp and tares at various depths, chopping and changing from one side of the swim to the other, if bites dropped away. I found the water to be very warm, (hardly surprising!) and bites very finicky, despite going down to a 20 for the small grains of hemp, but I did mange somewhere between 15/20 roach, mostly swingers, with perhaps one matching that shown on bb's post.
Come 10am said aches and pains started up and over the next hour grew steadily worse so I gave it best at eleven. ...
It was really good to be out again and well worth the effort of rising at 04.30. Just a pity I couldn't manage another couple of hours.
All being well I will venture out again on Friday. I keep looking at the calendar and thinking these early morns are no going to last forever, so I have to see past the discomfort and just go for it!!
ps I've had a large foam 'wedge' made for my seat (by UK Foam in a day) which has the effect of raising my butt above my knees to hopefully help me sit with better posture, and this it did perfectly this morning. Unfortunately, it made not a blind bit of difference to the pain.................so back to the drawing board, I'm afraid!