No problem Markcw. I'm trying to keep my humiliations down to less than one a month anyway

Expect a PM later.
I've fished the Dam a few times since last posting so a bit of a catch up.
A week ago Friday made my mind up to fish the slider towards the top end on the west side. It turned out to be a mistake. I'd wrongly assumed it was much deeper but turned out to be only 6'. What the hell, I'll carry on anyway as I was using an inline olivette and it would have meant stripping down, I should have done. Couple of casts with the plummet on and I pick up what turned out to be a carpers line. There were no cars in the top car park so I never thought to look for anyone else and you can't see any other pegs from where I was. First thought was I'd picked up a poachers night line but no, a walk up the bank and there he was, two pegs up fast asleep in his bivvy - so much for bite alarms! Anyway, he'd got four rods out and didn't get worked up about it. The one I'd picked up was right across the pegs albeit 15:20M out.
Next thing I do is catch the trees behind me with the plummet. Thankfully the plummet lands close to me, on with another hook length but I've lost what I call the tail rubber and didn't have a spare. The tail rubber is a short piece of silicone tubing I push over the float stops I use to hold the olivette in place. It creates a bit of a boom on the cast that helps to keep the droppers and hook length away from the olivette and float. That's the idea anyway and it seems to work as I spent the rest of the morning undoing tangles

I did pick up a nice bronze of 4,6 though so not all bad. Eventually got fed up of the tangles and stripped down and put my biggest Glow Tip Antenna on which turned out to be enough to get to where I'd baited up. Spent the rest of the day picking some nice Roach up, maybe 12/15 but I might be underestimating.
Tuesday fished the East side half way up. Got there quite early, fishing by 6am and was treated to a few Kingfisher fly pasts. Apparently there are two pairs on there now although at 80M it's a little difficult to tell one from another. Put the usual couple of loose balls of groundbait in followed by a few solid ones. Fairly slow start, loose feeding maggots and casters and picking Roach up every now and then with corn, tares and casters. It picked up pace after a little while until it went quiet around 12:30 just picking the odd fish up here and there but all a reasonable size. After an hour or so it started getting a bit more active and by the end of the day I'd had 46 fish, all Roach. Yes, I've invested the princely sum of £2.69 in a tally counter (I saw Mikench using one), no more guessing! I did have a bit of a hard time with the wind and the tow. The Glow Tip was getting pulled under so I had to switch floats. How is it that when you have a box full of floats there's never one there that's just right for the conditions? Good sized fish though. Mostly 3:6oz biggest being around 9oz and I think 5 netters in total so a good day, for me. Something else would have been nice though but when you go tackled up for Roach it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise if you catch - Roach.
Fished the same spot Friday (yesterday), same approach, same setup. 5bb Glo Tip Antenna as there isn't much wind, 3.3lb FC hooklength to a 16 light wire hook. I've re loaded the reel with some Shimano Aero Super Match 6lb 0.2mm in response to my main line snapping when pulling for a break. So far I like it but time will tell. Started off a bit better than Tuesday but still not frantic. Trying various baits, corn, tares, casters and bread. The only thing that didn't catch was bread. They just weren't interested. It got a few nibbles presumably by tiddler pecking at it bit but nothing positive but that changed later on. After the usual early afternoon lull they started taking the bread and I picked up quite a few with it. Same stamp of fish as Tuesday in much the same proportions but rather more of them, 67 in total so not a bad day, albeit quite a long one, about ten hours fishing in all.
I was putting the gear into the car as a woman and what looked like her daughter or a younger friend were getting into the car behind. The conversation went something like this.
Them - It's been quiet today hasn't it?
Me - I thought it was quite busy. I expected it might be with it being school holidays.
Them - Have you caught much.
Me - 63 (it was 63 last time I looked at the counter)
Them - We've only had 4 (sh!t, me and my big mouth)
Yes, two women fishing. How was I to know? I couldn't even see any tackle when I looked at the car. Anyway it turns out they'd only started at 12:30 so chatted a bit longer and explained that they'd fished the worst part of the day which hopefully made them feel a bit better.