How did you get on?


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2017
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Nr Uttoxeter
Intersting day yesterday, went over to the Trent early doors, the river is running quite slow which isn't a suprise, nothing on the bottom rods, decided to switch one rod to a feeder full of maggots, more of a searching quest really, perch after perch, stripeys everywhere. Around 9am quite a few chaps turned up to practice for the National, a couple of them fished a peg or two upstream from me, constantly shouting at each other about this and that (wearing matching Sensas outfits).

I had gone for a quite few hours fishing, felt like I was in tesco's. I tried trotting down with breadflake, loaded waggler mid river, even stret pegged :) not a sniff.

I packed up at 3 it was searing hot, I swear to god some of the boats that were tootling up and down the river should be better at sea, they were bloody enormous.


peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Yesterday 11 codgers attended our weekly midweek fixture on another visit to the Wendover arm by the flour mill in Tring. Another scorchio day and thankfully the last for a while. At least the trees and the factory created some shade for most.


Low water level coupled with precariously high sloping banks made it tricky for some. The fishing was good as usual with plenty of roach and skimmers falling to breadpunch, some opting for worm for the numerous perch which inhabit this interesting pound.

I opted for the punch and liquy approach on a light waggler rig, roach to 4oz and skimmers to 8 were easily drawn by the regular bombardment of loosefed liquy, I got through 2 large loaves worth in 5 hours. This was my view from the bank...


3 boats came through during the match which all caused a temporary lull in the action by stirring the silt up and turning the water to chocolate.


6lb:8 of roach and skimmers won it with follow ups of 5:15 and 5:10.
I came 5th with 3:13 of mainly roach with 3 skimmers .

11 fished.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2018
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I set out yesterday to fish the club mill pool for a change. At a forecast 22° I thought it might just fish OK. Planned to be on the bank by 5:30am arrived on time to find the fishery closed due to low oxygen levels. It was always a possibilty as it's so shallow, I'd seen algae forming some weeks before and it's been closed in the past in really hot weather. Not to worry, I have a plan B. There's another pond albeit renamed by me to 3 blanks pool less than two miles away and for reasons unknown to me I'd fancied having another crack at it. Arrived to see it looking like an old copper roof, solid algae. On to plan C which wasn't actually planned - Lymm Dam, again. At least it's got enough water in it to cope with the extreme weather we've been having.

Bit miffed as by this time it's about 6am, not the early start I'd hoped for. Such is life. Settled on a peg on the East side at the far end from the Dam fishing about 2 1/2 rods out in a comfortable 6' of water. Virtually no wind and no tow to speak of so good waggler weather. Couple of loose and a couple of solid balls of groundbait and we're off although I didn't have as much groundbait (200g) as I would have liked having originally planned for the mill pool. Loose feeding casters and hemp to start with casters on the hook getting some nice Roach from the off but it was slow and it continued that way throughout the day, regular but slow.

Saw all four Kingfishers fly into the trees to my right which considering they're supposed to quite territorial was a bit of a surprise. They were making regular fly pasts all day, at times quite close. I managed to get one on camera perched in a tree to my right but I know where it is and I can't make it out in the pic'. Rubbish phone cam' I'm afraid.

Had a whopping big Common (I think) cruising just a rod length out, it was up and down most of the afternoon. When it was faced away from me it looked to be about 5" across so no tiddler. Tossed a bit of bread at it, not interested. It came to a standstill in front of me at one time just treading water and landing a Roach right in front of it's nose didn't even make it flinch.

Switching baits later with most of the better Roach being on corn, some on Tares but not much interest in bread. The one small Perch being on meat.

35 fish all told. Roach to 10 1/2oz, one skimmer of about 11oz, one small Perch and one Carp that tore off and promptly threw the hook. It must have been very lightly hooked as the sweet corn was still on the hook.

Another enjoyable day on the Dam.
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
Intersting day yesterday, went over to the Trent early doors, the river is running quite slow which isn't a suprise, nothing on the bottom rods, decided to switch one rod to a feeder full of maggots, more of a searching quest really, perch after perch, stripeys everywhere. Around 9am quite a few chaps turned up to practice for the National, a couple of them fished a peg or two upstream from me, constantly shouting at each other about this and that (wearing matching Sensas outfits).

I had gone for a quite few hours fishing, felt like I was in tesco's. I tried trotting down with breadflake, loaded waggler mid river, even stret pegged :) not a sniff.

I packed up at 3 it was searing hot, I swear to god some of the boats that were tootling up and down the river should be better at sea, they were bloody enormous.

View attachment 5333
What a fabulously evocative picture!!!!!!!!
That treeline btw reminds me a little of Holme marsh a little way upstream of Cromwell weir ?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Another short session so the third in a row! I visited the same Mere as yesterday but the deeper and preferred peg I had last week but again with lily pads on either side. Today I suspected rain which duly obliged 5 minutes after I arrived home at 2.00pm ! It rained very hard but very welcome!

I fished two rods today on a pod arrangement on my peg stand and it worked ok and fortunately bites on the rods alternated! On the float with dead maggots I had a dozen or so small perch and on the Avon rod 2 commons both over 15 lb! This was one;

View attachment 5335

It took me 10 minutes to land as it sped into the lily pads and I thought I would lose it! It was wedged solid in the middle but backwinding a little and then applying pressure brought it out! Hard work though! Another fine coloured fish!

Dare I make it 4 in a row! Watch this space!:rolleyes:

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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What a relief today with the temperature much lower. I went to a club reservoir for a bit of surface fishing. I had 6 carp to about 9lb and a F1. The farmer has been pumping the water out and I have never seen it this low.

I sat about 10 feet lower on what looked like a beach. There is still 15 feet of depth left. Awesome place.

We sometimes moan about other anglers but today I was pleasantly surprised by the kindness of an angler I had never met before.
He approached me and gave me some meaty/chickeny biscuits to try.
They were very effective so I shall buy some and keep in my bag. They float and work far better than some of the purpose made fishing floaters.
Pedigree Chum meaty bites in a sealed package.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Another short session so the third in a row! I visited the same Mere as yesterday but the deeper and preferred peg I had last week but again with lily pads on either side. Today I suspected rain which duly obliged 5 minutes after I arrived home at 2.00pm ! It rained very hard but very welcome!

I fished two rods today on a pod arrangement on my peg stand and it worked ok and fortunately bites on the rods alternated! On the float with dead maggots I had a dozen or so small perch and on the Avon rod 2 commons both over 15 lb! This was one;

View attachment 5335

It took me 10 minutes to land as it sped into the lily pads and I thought I would lose it! It was wedged solid in the middle but backwinding a little and then applying pressure brought it out! Hard work though! Another fine coloured fish!

Dare I make it 4 in a row! Watch this space!:rolleyes:

I complimented your first capture, but this is surely the same blooming carp, a recapture Sir!


Mar 19, 2018
Reaction score
Today was a fact finding mission regarding the other ponds at the complex for an upcoming meet i.e were they weed free and is there room for pole fishing?

The lad and me landed about 11.30, the place is usually a rest home for the elderly from Sheffield but apparently many are on holiday so woohoo we got pegs no problem.

the lad went on the method and I decided to have an experiment day. i wanted to see if I could actually catch on worm, always struggled with it before.

I set up a mesh feeder on an anti tangle boom, 12" hooklength to a size 12 with several dendras held on with a bait stop.

I filled with a nice bit of ground bait and first lesson learned: plenty of particles brings bites, in this case dead maggots, lots of them.

cast out close to the far bank and before long the tip went and we have a fish on. only this fish is bigger than anything I've caught before and the lad is in the bog so I might have to net it myself.

after about 10 minutes, perhaps 15, the lad is back and nets me a lovely common carp which weighed in at 8lb 4oz, a personal best for carp and weight in general.

Determined to get a picture I grab my phone and prepare to snap it in the net on the unhooking mat. "why not have one holding it?" asks the lad.

so I try to pick the ****** up and it slips out my hands and back in the water d'oh!

carried on fishing and 10 minutes later I hook a ghostie, not quite as big as the common but stronger. I get it to within 4 feet of the bank and the hook pulls free :mad:

undeterred I drop back down a size to a 12 once more and in 10 minutes hook another ghostie. I get it close to the bank in no time, no forcing it, giving slack where it really objects, and then once more within 4 feet of the bank it spies reeds to dive into and surges forward snapping 8lb line as though it were string :mad:

the lad STILL hasn't had a bite so we move ponds to the dreaded tench pond which is weed central. the lad soon busts his blank and I continue to experiment with fishing worm.

caught roach and tench along with a feisty crucian on ledgered worm, no feeder, and also a roach on slow sinking wafter on the pellet waggler when I gave the tip fishing a rest for half an hour.

A good day, still cost me two feeders (the tree took one again), but I learned how to play a larger fish without panicking.

onwards and upwards.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
I complimented your first capture, but this is surely the same blooming carp, a recapture Sir!

It may well have been John! The other fish could also have been the same one but after the struggle involved I doubt it!

Today's was almost the full length of the Nash H Gun unhooking mat! To me a fully scaled common is like any other ! Anyway time for a change tomorrow and I have leave of absence; a new Mac has seen to that!


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
What a relief today with the temperature much lower. I went to a club reservoir for a bit of surface fishing. I had 6 carp to about 9lb and a F1. The farmer has been pumping the water out and I have never seen it this low.

I sat about 10 feet lower on what looked like a beach. There is still 15 feet of depth left. Awesome place.

We sometimes moan about other anglers but today I was pleasantly surprised by the kindness of an angler I had never met before.
He approached me and gave me some meaty/chickeny biscuits to try.
They were very effective so I shall buy some and keep in my bag. They float and work far better than some of the purpose made fishing floaters.
Pedigree Chum meaty bites in a sealed package.

I had to re read this several times, I thought the chap had give you some buiscuites for you yourself eat, Meaty /chickeny buiscuites sound good as kin'ell !


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2018
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South West Wilts
Had a couple of small Carp this morning, followed by this beauty this afternoon which went 16.3.


To say I was happy was an understatement. :pride:


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
First time out for about a week owing to the malfunctioning mobility scooter that has now been part exed for a new (to me ) one.

Decided on using my Mach 3 for a change and just hope a carp didn't turn up in the swim I was in as there is a lot of weed about in it.

Remembering Brackets post about mat shots looking all the same I decided against mat shots of fish today.

A Mach 3 with a bend in it.

This is a picture of the box I keep my fags in.

upload pictures to get link

Finally this one shows the dental floss I use for tying stop knots when fishing a slider

screen shot capture

Had 9 Tench by midday so as it had been quite for an hour or so packed up and scooted back to the car.

stillwater blue

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2013
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Decided to get down with the kids and do some street fishing day.


The river was low and incredibly clear, I don't think I fished in more than 2' of water all day. I lost count of the number of perch I caught, all small but loads of fun watching them chase down and hit small plastic lures in crystal clear water.


The average size of perch, I didn't even need my optimistically large net.

jon atkinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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Haven't posted in what feels like an age - I've been out most weeks, just haven't really had much worthy of reporting. Someone on this thread commented that they'd lost their mojo a while back & that's pretty much how I've been feeling; don't get me wrong, I'm still really enjoying it, counting down the days to Sunday each week. I haven't blanked since Jan & I've caught plenty... of 3" - 6" roach, but summer for me is about Crucians & Tench & until a few weeks ago I'd seen precious little sign of either :(.

A week before we headed off for warmer (yes really!) climes, I got an early start having decided to fish 'Clover' on my PSAC card for the first time. The weather was glorious & disturbingly warm, even at 05:30, but as the only one on site I was able to pick a relatively shaded peg, although it would become exposed to direct sunlight a few hours later. It really looked spot on & on plumbing up I was surprised to be in 5' just a couple of rod lengths out - it looked as if it was going to be quite shallow.


I started on dead maggots - never tried them before, I just happened to have inadvertently killed / cooked a pint or so the week before & waste not, want not is one of my mantras. Suffice to say I'll be knocking off a few more maggots in the future, although caster & soft pellet also did well! Fishing just off the nearer bank of lilly pads, I had 20 of these...


… and 3 tench up to a couple of pounds...


Plus several gudgeon, a whole host of roach & rudd and 1 solitary small common. By about 11:30 the sun had me full in its glare & I could bear it no longer - I switched to an adjoining pond with ample shade but which was considerably less prolific, but was I bothered? Not in the slightest - I had already had a most enjoyable morning, no monsters, but most enjoyable none-the-less.

Thus far, this splendid morning is looking like a bit of a one-off, although I did have a very enjoyable sesssion this Sunday on a local day ticket water with a work mate. There were dozens of reasonable sized carp milling around on the surface, but they weren't remotely interested, & if I'm honest the feeling was mutual! We were after roach & rudd of which we had a fair few, my best being a rudd with more than a hint of roach about it at 1lb+. Otherwise some mini carp, brown goldfish & Thomo had some small perch. Nothing spectacular from a fishing perspective, just a really nice day to be out.

Got a work party to look forward to this weekend, & although it's sorely needed the forecast isn't looking pretty :eek:hwell::rain:
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Roger Johnson 2

Well-known member
Oct 30, 2003
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I’ve been continuing to fish the swimming pool swim for an hour or two in the evenings on halibut pellet feeder, surely a sure fire for a barbel or two, but I just seem to be catching bream in the 5 lb range, fine fish but it’s getting a bit samey.
Time to have a few more sessions on the float or try some fluff chucking, I might even have a go at stret pegging!

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